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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Friday, May 12hotpinkavocado: MICHAELMichael Bluth: i'm in love with youhotpinkavocado: i love u tooMichael Bluth: and i might be the tiniest bit late to your partyMichael Bluth: but ill be therehotpinkavocado: thats goodMichael Bluth: (cue mr. been theme song)hotpinkavocado: beanhotpinkavocado: mr beanhotpinkavocado: GOLLYMichael Bluth: noMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: bea Michael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: nhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again. Michael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: direct connect ushotpinkavocado wants to directly connect. Michael Bluth: i keep going over the im limitMichael Bluth is now directly connected. Michael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: been!Michael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: bean, dammit!Michael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: BEANhotpinkavocado: BEAN BEAN BEANMichael Bluth: BEENMichael Bluth: BEEN BEEN BEENMichael Bluth: beeeeeeeeenMichael Bluth: admit you're wrong, woolittle!hotpinkavocado: http://www.mrbean.co.uk/Michael Bluth: this proves nothinghotpinkavocado: its MR BEANMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: sore loserMichael Bluth: thats propeganda, i sayMichael Bluth: been!hotpinkavocado: propAgandaMichael Bluth: propegandaMichael Bluth: propegandaMichael Bluth: propeganda!Michael Bluth: this website is messed uphotpinkavocado: what is with u and this lack of A'shotpinkavocado: omj!!!Michael Bluth: i sent you an ecardMichael Bluth: from mr beenhotpinkavocado: hoay!hotpinkavocado: horrayhotpinkavocado: whooopsMichael Bluth: hoay!Michael Bluth: hoayMichael Bluth: hoayMichael Bluth: admit it, you're always the wrong oneMichael Bluth: its your placeMichael Bluth: in the circle of lifehotpinkavocado: SHUT UPMichael Bluth: im hurtMichael Bluth: like a wounded emu, i fallhotpinkavocado: oMjhotpinkavocado: i didnt meant othotpinkavocado: toMichael Bluth: to what?Michael Bluth: harrass me beyond believe?hotpinkavocado: wound uMichael Bluth: wound me up and let me goMichael Bluth: i spin!hotpinkavocado: OMJMichael Bluth: ya?hotpinkavocado: noMichael Bluth: this is what i do to andrew for hOURshotpinkavocado: i was laughingMichael Bluth: no what?Michael Bluth: lagging?Michael Bluth: i did that oncehotpinkavocado: LAUGHINGhotpinkavocado: i dont laggMichael Bluth: never make that mistake againMichael Bluth: lagg on what? obscene.Michael Bluth: guess what???Michael Bluth: guess who i met today????hotpinkavocado: WHOhotpinkavocado: ???hotpinkavocado: hurry hotpinkavocado: tell meMichael Bluth: omj, get REALLY EXCITEDhotpinkavocado: quickhotpinkavocado: quickMichael Bluth: are you dying to know?hotpinkavocado: YESMichael Bluth: well, brbggp......hotpinkavocado: quick tell mehotpinkavocado: WAT?hotpinkavocado: u punkhotpinkavocado: me: hey is it "mr bean" or "mr been"????francisco: "Mr. Bean" i thinkme: u think righthotpinkavocado: u are WRONGMichael Bluth: i am herehotpinkavocado: here and WRONGMichael Bluth: you arnt talking to franciscoMichael Bluth: i know it for a factMichael Bluth: i am talking to franciscohotpinkavocado: lol yes i amMichael Bluth: ghettoflab223?Michael Bluth: its a play on words, "FLAB"Michael Bluth: isnt that cooooool???hotpinkavocado: waithotpinkavocado: huhotpinkavocado: uhMichael Bluth: what?Michael Bluth: is that happiness, anger, or indigestion?hotpinkavocado: ghettoflab223Michael Bluth: cha?Michael Bluth: dont repeat what i said at meMichael Bluth: 2shay!Michael Bluth: u thurr?hotpinkavocado: tochehotpinkavocado: yesMichael Bluth: 2SHAYhotpinkavocado: i was laughinghotpinkavocado: nohotpinkavocado: wrongMichael Bluth: touche, actually, that time you are wrongMichael Bluth: touche!!! 2shay!!!Michael Bluth: stop lagging and type!hotpinkavocado: I AM NOT LAGGINGMichael Bluth: ya i can c uMichael Bluth: me n francisco are taping your every moveMichael Bluth: we saw you doing dirrrrty thingshotpinkavocado: umhotpinkavocado: im watching the newsMichael Bluth: like cleaning lint out of the nooks and crannies of your roomMichael Bluth: i seen it happenMichael Bluth: u thurr?Michael Bluth: quit all yo games, yohotpinkavocado: i am NOT playin gameshotpinkavocado: i am not a playahotpinkavocado: omjhotpinkavocado: did i tell u the story about the "little asian playa"Michael Bluth: im a lil asian playa, yoMichael Bluth: brb i need 2 tape smthnghotpinkavocado: NOhotpinkavocado: i didnd think of PLAYA as in like, 'playerhotpinkavocado: but i was all, "beach? little asian beach?"hotpinkavocado: u knohotpinkavocado: playa = beach in spanishhotpinkavocado: HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO TAPE SOMETHINGhotpinkavocado: AHHHhotpinkavocado: OMJhotpinkavocado: hurrrrrrrrrry uphotpinkavocado: ghettoflab223 is telling me all about his trophyshotpinkavocado: hurrrrry upMichael Bluth direct connection is closed. Michael Bluth signed off at 11:12:51 PM. sorry that's gross i'll fix it later I'M ON A MISSION [listening to: ] 9:38 PM
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