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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Wednesday, September 28"Toasted? Yes please!!"Today was like, the worst day ever. I had a terrible zoning-out period during Chem and math so I totally don't remember anything. Research was terrible but I got to chill with Cara cuz I don't like see her anymore. Hum was the only good class cuz I actually got a lot of work done. Then Nicole and I rode bikes at the gym.Then we had to wait one and a half fucking hours for the bus. It was terrible. Towards the end of our wait I was so close to tears because my head hurt and I was cold and I had a pair of shorts on my head. But we did meet some cool people who were like, "MENTIROSAS!" Because that's what Muni is... One big effing lie. Why am I like the only one of my friends who doesn't drink/smoke/sex it up? (ASIDE FROM MY BURKIES AND VICKY.) It's so frustrating. Like, I don't want to smoke or drink or anything, but it's irritating to be the only sober one in a group, ya know? No one listens to the SOBER FUCKING VOICE OF REASON. [listening to: "Johnny Feelgood" Liz Phair] 7:24 PM
Monday, September 26"I hope you can pass a pencil better than you can pass a soccer ball!"Had XC on Saturday down in DALY CITY. Fucking hot, some fiiiine boys, 188th place. WOO BOOYA bet y'all can't do as well as that.The bus driver completely drove by us this morning. Like, "I hate you noisy kids. Go die." (Maybe if we were actually looking for the bus it wouldnt've not stopped. I just forgot how to open my cell phone. Retard much? Like today when I forgot what a "bladder" was called. Are Betsy, Alessandra, and I the only ones who update their blogs anymore? WOO GO US! I've had mine the longest. Don't even try to compete, bitches. This is a running comentary of my LIFE. (Also, Betsy... STICK THIS IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT! [listening to: "Session" The Offspring] 7:51 PM
Friday, September 23"Sit your special snowflake ass down!"Yeah nothing much has happened at school lately. 'Cept Alex came to visit yesterday. YAY cuz I hadn't seen her since June! So. I have nothing to say. I ran across the Golden Gate Bridge on Wednesday from school - that's six miles total, 1.7 across the Bridge. OMGA I'm so hardXcore. (LMAO)Dammit dammit dammit I can't fucking STAND my family. GRRR ARRG It's really frustrating. I can't explain it here because words are being stupid for me right now, but be sure that I am twitching defiantly in their direction. I just had a retard moment - I was googling Weezer, and I saw a shirt that said "Weezer" on it and I was like, "Does that shirt say 'MEXICAN' on it?" [listening to: "We Are All On Drugs" Weezer] 7:48 PM
Monday, September 19"Your daughter turned 3? Did she run away with the circus yet? Cuz my mom did. Once. In Mexico, God's blind spot."That sums up Chemistry, pretty much. Oh, and Mr. Eddy gave me and Francisco Ginger ale. (That doesn't look right. Is it? I'm too lazy to spellcheck.) My mommy bought me the Bravery CD. <3! And the XC team today (meaning me and Lawrence) ran to Jamba Juice. YAY!This song makes me emotional. [listening to: "Tyrant" The Bravery] 8:49 PM
Friday, September 16"And this goes out to all of you who just grabbed my crotch!"OMFG. Vicky let me see The Bravery with her last night. OMFG it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Almost as good as the Donnas, but they're my heroes so you can't beat that, I guess. (I touched the bassist. Who was half naked. With my hand. AHHHHGHHAGHGHAGH.) I'm still psyched on 4 hours of sleep. And I met Piper and Sarah's friend Laurel who goes to Lowell, and ALEX MY COUSIN's friends. OMGA WHAT WERE THEY DOING IN SAN FRANCISCO?!?!?!?!? I'm hyper. Perhaps I'll make this post better later. Or not. Whatevs. Oh, and... "FRANCISCO STAY IN YOUR STOOL! FRANCISCO WHAT DID WE TELL YOU ABOUT THE STOOL! FRANCISCO PUT ON YOUR GOGGLES! WHEN YOU BURN YOUR EYES OUT WE'LL HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR YOU! OH MY GOD IT'S ON FIRE!" - Chemistry class. (When we set the table on fire.) [listening to: "An Honest Mistake" The Bravery] 5:43 PM
Sunday, September 11Some Serious StuffThe world is shit today. Hurricane Katrina is completely devestating the Gulf Coast and it's 9/11, which means that four years ago 2,749 people died in collapsing buildings and airplanes.I am not looking forward to growing up. At all. [listening to: "Spies" Coldplay] 11:42 AM
Thursday, September 1"How many kilograms in a mile?"Ummm yeah. So I started school really...and it wasn't even the second day and I wanted to kick Arslanian in the head. Arrgh. Grr.And I don't care what Carrie says, I love Coldplay. And who likes my new layout? I just made it like 20 seconds ago. :) *is proud* And I'm ridiculously hungry. Yeah, after a couple months of myspacing and livejournaling, I've decided to go back to my roots a little and do some more blogging. After all, I've had this blog for almost two years. Yeah, I had it back before ANY OF YOU. (But Betsy still is the only one who really keeps hers up. GO BETSY!) will be in Seattle until next Monday with doubtful internet access [listening to: "The Scientist" Coldplay] 7:34 PM
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