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Saturday, August 27"...6, 7! That's it! Oh, 8, 9..."So it's been forever since I posted, but I'm pretty sure nothing important happened.... Yeah, yesterday was orientation. Umm the frosh seem nice, but Anna was suprised that I was being so nice to them. Whatevs, Anna. Ummmm stuff. Took the bus with Nicole and Milli........ yeah. It was nice seeing everyone again.(Although I still refuse to admit that "Pierre" is pronounced "peer".) And afterwards we went to the bowling alley ('we' meaning me, Nicole, Maria, Cecily, Vinocur, and Henry) but it was closed for a private party and I was like, "Um I am NOT waiting around for an hour. Let's go to Laurel." But no one wanted to go with me so I ended up wandering around the Presidio for like half an hour. Then I went to Meg's. I adore her cat and her hampster. And her dog. And those gummy bears. :) Then we went to see "The Brother's Grimm" and it was good. I still wanna see "40 year old Virgin" but I guess I will have to do that without my parentals knowing. Ran into Emma, Vicky, Lizzy, and Julian (who I thought was like, 25. Shave your beard, hippy.). But then I had to leave. :( Um. Yes. That was yesterday. [listening to: "Feel Good" Gorillaz] 11:09 AM
Saturday, August 13"Como estan, bitches?!"That was probably my favorite line of "Anchorman". Which I don't recommend to anybody. :)Cecily came home three days ago, and Anna comes home in two! Going to Betsy's in FIVE MINUTES. [listening to: "We Used To Be Friends" The Dandy Warhols ] 11:24 AM
Friday, August 12"Lleno de sangre?"I had a cool time in the past week.Friday: I got all fives on Travis' evaluation. [is suprised] I told him I went to Burkes and he laughed. Psh. (He probably knows Marissa.) Thennnn.... I walked around the zoo with Carrie, Anna, and mom. Well not really around the zoo. We just saw the Giraffes. [GIRAFFE LOVE] Saturday: Family reuniun-esque thing. Went over to Laffayette to see the cousins. (Alex, that oh-so-famous cousin of mine who had his picture up on Kelly's locker, didn't show up until 8. Because he has a job. Damn, everyone gets paid eggsept me! UNfair.) Sunday: There was a pool, and everyone decided to splash me. Grr. ARrg. And the sprinklers went on at 6, and I was like, "why is it raining?" because I totally wasn't awake. Then I went to the baseball game with Meg, and they lost. The Giants, obviously. Grr. ARrg. Monday: Went to Starbucks in Laurel Village for like, two hours working on my Seattle Prep. admissions essay. It's splenderificus, I swear. Wandered around Clement street for a while, went to the Library, Gap, Office Depot (to get school stuff) and then met Nicole. We went to Village Pizza and flew around. ("Um, first of all? There's no bus there.") Went to the Green Awning (which has a yellow awning, btw) and bought a bunch of stuff. Like a Spiderman pencil case, a cute headband, ("These come in pink? Oh, bless the blessed!") and some shoes. God I love that store. I also painted my nails black. For free. [is a criminal] Tuesday: Damn, what did I do on Tuesday? [is forgetful] Wednesday: Cleaned the bathroom. BO0ORING and quite gross. Yeah, raise your hand if you actually WANNA clean a toilet??? Yeah didn't think so. Then rode my scooter to piano. Rode it back. Didn't crash. Thursday: Got my wisdom teeth pulled. Slept for like the rest of the day and ate jello and watched Smallville. (The big football episode has the absolute best music of the whole season - The Hives, The Donnas, Green Day, Social Distortion - like, oh my Jeebus!) Friday: (today) Woke up at 4 in the morning to go get more ice for my face. Proof that I'm losing my mind? I walked into my room afterwards and totally forgot where my bed was. [is crazy] Anyway, woke up four hours later and then tried to eat breakfast but couldn't because it hurt my mouth, and then watched "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou". Go watch it NOW if you haven't seen it!! [listening to: "Different" Acceptance] 12:08 PM
Thursday, August 4"What's Karma?" "When you fall down."ONE MORE DAY! So I like Zoo Camp, but this week has been killing me DEAD. There are four girls and 10 boys and none of the boys ever listen. EVER.Eggsqueeze me as I proceed to kill myself. Slowly. Wait, no, just them. Run them over with the damn wagon. Did you know that U2 is like, superChristian? Like superman, but superChristian. WEIRD. Speaking of Superman, there's a Smallville on right now that I could be watching. Whatever. Maybe Travis will be "sick" again tomorrow and I'll have a responsible intern. Well, no, maybe 'responsible' isn't the right word. Enthusiastic might be the word I'm looking for. [listening to: "Lua" Bright Eyes] 8:18 PM
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