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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Monday, July 25"I don't believe in nametags."Okay, I'm never ever gonna be able to keep up with this stupid thing I call a 'blog'. I was the first one of all of us to get a blog - y'all haven't forgotten, now, have you?The CD I want right now sooo badly is "Arular" by MIA. I want it and need it, dammit! Question of the Day: You get in a horrific car accident that leaves you dangling precariously from the edge of a cliff. Tom Cruise comes to your rescue and grabs your hand. He tells you not to worry, he'll pull you up, as soon as you agree to commit your life, and all present and future financial funds you might have to the Church of Scientology. (He assumes you know that if you change your mind and don't follow through, the church will hunt you relentlessly, and slander you with vicious lies like sex scandals, etc.) What do you do? 7:16 PM
Wednesday, July 20"Hey, Munchkin, I'd like some more pretzles!"Hey, so, quick Burkie question (or two)- who was wearing a flower as a munchkin during the play last year? OR as an alternate question, who had a little little sister named Nithya? Because she's in my group. (So is Alexandra, but she's Annie's little little sister.)Oh my jeebus I'm completely panicking. Okay so in "Lost", Shannon has asthma and she's having these attacks and I'm getting so panicky and angry at Sawyer because he won't give her the medicine he stole from Boone. Hey, I've pretty much been Shannon and it's just pissing me off. OHHH, goodie! Sayid has gone to beat the crap outta Sawyer! And blah blah blah no one knows what I'm talking about because no one watches "Lost". Alrighty, who's going to see "The Island" with me when it comes out? Ya, that's right, July 22nd, Emma's half-birthday! Who's gonna order tickets and then meet me at the mall at like 5 so we can go to the movies? Aghhhh I wanna see it! It's all about sex and fast cars. And Ewan McGregor. OH come on, people! If that's not gonna get ya, what will? Okay call me on my cell to make plans with me. You have a day. GO! [listening to: Lost] 10:18 PM
Saturday, July 16"This hot chocolate could use some spicing up...where's the chicken?"Oh. My. Jeebus. Ohmuhgod!!! AGHH! Ohmuhgod Harry Potter!!! Dumbledore ohmuhgod Ginny aghhhh so like, what ever happens in your sixth year of Hogwarts? Like, on average. Not if you're Harry. DUHH. (Not Katherine).Ok yeah sorry. Last night, after a particularly fufilling week at the zoo (I got all fives on my evaluation thinger, I want a twin brother, and the kids just rocked) Mia, Anjali and I went to get the new Harry Potter book (excuse me while I explode!!!!!!!) at Laurel Village. We ran into Brian and Elliot and some other Cathedral-ites (who I'm pretty sure were getting stoned or something to that extent) and Mia and Anjali were impressed that he had actually said hello to me. Which was odd, because Brian always says hello to everyone. Ok yeah whatever. So then we got our books (Whit and I got ours first cuz we're like, special like that) and I'm DONE WITH THE BOOK NOW and then we ate some crap-ass colliflower and broccoli and umm.... what else? YEah we went back to Anjali's very nice house and ate oreos and other unhealthy things. Then we read for a while and stuff and THEN... Anna called me at 7 in the morning to tell me that she was at the airport and blah blah blah WHATEVER. I was like, "Jeezus, I'm not even awake yet." Then we went out to breakfast and the waiter was like, "Hot chocolate will make you strong like me!" and there was some other funny stuff but I totally don't remember it. OMG EMAIL ME when you finish the book, guys! I neeeeeeeeeeeeed to talk about it and Anjali isn't online. Or call me. But to do that you need my # and no way in fuck am I putting that on the internet. [listening to: "We Used to be Friends" The Dandy Warhols] 4:08 PM
Monday, July 11"Maybe this way he won't kill himself."NOOOOOOO!And, in other news, life is sooo exhausting. [listening to: the radio] 7:21 PM
Saturday, July 9"Tricia, where the hemmoraging fuck have you been?!"People are ridiculously stupid. There was no need to bomb London. London = love.oh, and... [listening to: "Remedy" Seether] 12:32 PM
Wednesday, July 6Why I love "Aqua Teen Hunger Force"Alien Spore: Oh, damn!Frylock: What did I just hear you say? Meatwad: I heard him say "damn", dammit! Only adults like us are allowed to say "damn", "ass", "bitch", and "hell." [to spore] Meatwad: So get your bitchin' damning ass in your bitchin' damn room, dammit! [pause] What? Damn, I was just helping you out, bitch! [listening to: "Bounce"] 7:41 PM
Emma's imagination has run shortI couldn't think of a brilliant title. Because I have no imagination. It probably crawled in a hole and died. I mean, god forbid. Fer sure.I'm so tired; my brain just isn't working. I guess this year is better than last year in some respects; I mean, I get to sleep in and stay up late because I work the afternoon shift! Yay. Sorta. 12:00 to 4:30, gosh it's hard. Especially today when I had to clean all the god damn cups. I had some help though, but I can't remember her name. ugh I'm terrible. Have 3rd graders. Would prefer alligators or tigers. Hehehehe. Somebody call me and visit me. Gosh, I need actual human communication. GAH. [listening to: "Headstrong" Trapt] 6:58 PM
Friday, July 1Velvet Revolver is HOTIt pains me to admit that I haven't really listened to Velvet Revolver. I LOVE them to death (lolz). My favorite part of their video is the end, where they have all this fire and it allows me to go "FISHHHH BOWWWW POOOSHSHHSHH BAMMMM etc.". Along with that, I have reignited my obsession with Buffy the Vampire Slayer (not her herself, the show, DUH.) by watching the Prom episode, and I'm gonna watch the graduation ones tonight. YAY FOR BEING A LOSER!So on monday I met Betsy at the mall and we chilled and drank Starbucks and I got lost in Hot Topic. Gosh, just being at another Hot Topic kills me dead. (Speaking of which, Meg, "lovesac.com is not a dirty site") Saw Batman, which is probably one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. He is muy en fuego, but I guess I'm the only one who thinks so. Tuesday was boring, but it was Katherine's BIRTHDAY. I left a message on her phone. Then Wednesday we went to Starbucks (a recurring pattern) and wandered around aimlessly. Ummm then yesterday I went to the Main Library for a school project that I appear to be the only one who remembered. Whatever, it was pretty lame. I was hoping to see somebody I knew, but, as I said before, I'm the only one who remembered. Today the two biggest events are - it's July, and I didn't straighten my hair. it's tied back (SHOCKER!) and it's curley. I wanna shoot myself. [listening to: "Come On, Come In" Velvet Revolver] 3:36 PM
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