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Sunday, June 26g-g-g-g-unit!Rap isn't music. Pretty Ricky cracks me up. I made a new layout, theme? Garbage. Song? "Metal Heart", Garbage.[listening to: "Grind With Me" Pretty Ricky] 8:10 PM
Friday, June 24"GIVE ME BACK MY CHAPSTICK!"It's been about a gabazillion years since I last wrote. I think. Perhaps. Anyways. I know no one reads this, but I have an obligation! I mean, I was the first one of us to get a blog so I can get over being alone.Yeah so I went to Seattle and almost died of boredom. We looked at houses and I was about THIS CLOSE to shooting myself. But I met Meg downtown on the last day there and we chilled and it was fun. And the past week? Did pretty much nothing. Chilled with Anna and Julia downtown yesterday. Got new shoes and two new cds. I'm sure there's something I've forgotten. FORGIVE ME. [listening to: "Why don't you come over" Garbage] 6:08 PM
Saturday, June 11"Ohana means family. Dijour means friendship."First offical act of the summer - hanging around downtown Tiburon. Met Anna's friends Sarah and Bookie and Nathaniel, and ate ice cream (sort of) and chilled until the Oasis, which was quite possibly the worst dance I've ever been too. The day was peppered with randoms whistling at us (twice) and this other random asking for a lap-dance. It was like, no. Get away. Had some issues with the bus (because we didn't know what number we were supposed to call), some issues with Del Mar (they kicked us out), and Anna and Sarah and Daphne went swimming. I totally stole the towel so that I wouldn't get soaked when Daphne (who is a dog) shook out her fur. Bookie and Julia totally think that Nathaniel and I are like Ricky "RICARDO!!!" and Lucille Ball... and I seriously don't know where the fuck that came from. Watched "The Hot Chick" and had peruvian food."You think you're so special just because you can pee with your penis." Then today I took the bus over to Kelsey's with Fred and Milli on the 38 to have a yearbook party. The yearbook is quite possibly the worst yearbook I have ever seen. It was so awful, I've decided to join yearbook next year. But kudos to Vicky because she's awesome. Signed yearbooks and threw stuff at Cara. It was fun. God I'm so bored. But tomorrow I'm going to the SFLL Minors Championship game @ Treasure Island, then seeing movies. This is shaping up to be a good summer. Sorta. [listening to: "Winding Road" Bonnie Somerville] 6:20 PM
Thursday, June 9A little house in a forestOh my God. I'm sobbing. FUCK. Before I go into how much I love my classmates, I just wanna say that I still fuckin' hate the administration at Bay. not the people, (well ALL of the people) just how the place is run.I love the people at Bay. It's amazing how one year with them put me as close to them as Burkes did... but it took Burkes nine years. God, I've know everyone at that school from anywhere from almost one year to almost ten years. 10 whole fuckin' years. And I didn't even talk to Maylin, Annie, Kelsey, and Milli for most of them. But Alex and Emily are leaving, and I can't believe how much I've grown attached to them. It's amazing. Anna and Maria have pretty much been my best friends this whole year and FUCK IT I'm sobbing I'm going to miss them and everyone else so much. Bonnie Summerville is not helping stop the tears. And those gorgeous Bright Eyes songs during the talent show? So sad. Oh yeah, might as well talk about my day... Last day of school; horay! Thank God for that. Lots of practicing for the Mean Girl's santa dance by Maylin and Anna. This involved me watching the Kevin G rap about a billion times to try to get to the right place for the dance. Then after school we went over to Milli's house for a suprise party (the suprised part ruined a little by Cara... "Hi!") which was hilariously fun. (eggsept the part where Aleks and Jack were like orgasming or something behind the couch.... yeah that was just wierd.) The talent show was fun too. we made all these time capsules with great pictures of like, katherine's foot, which has been on my locker all year. Then we all sat around in a circle and thanked everybody. During that, my livestrong band broke. I was like, "What? Heloooo, that's the thickest bracelet I have! How did it break?" And it was a subtle reminder that, no matter how hard we try, nothing lasts forever. Then I just started sobbing and, well, I'm at that stage now, too. [listening to: Garden State soundtrack... (cue tears)] 11:08 PM
Wednesday, June 8"I got lost in the Sunset once."So I haven't posted in approximately a million years. Well, nothing TOO eggsiting has happened, eggsept Anna's quince, the play, and almost the end of school. Anna's quince was super fun, her sister said I looked like Marylin Monroe with my dress, everybody was trying to get Aleks (who had 'crack' in his pocket- suspiciously the same amount as those sugar packets) to jump into the bay, and Vicky tried to go fishing. Francisco was a vampire, Cecily and I had our own private dance party, and Anna was gorgeous. Even with all those pictures of her creepily staring down at us......Oh yeah, and her cousin's friend is hilarious and hot. So basically "The Perfect Wedding" was hilarious! Especially the part where Annie takes the huge down comforter into the bathroom with her. And when Andrew and Kris get slapped for calling people "call girls". Very gilarious. Then Cecily had her own little box that we couldn't step into, and Alex and I were chased around the parking lot by Francisco, until Alex asked, "what have you been squeezing lately, Francisco?" Oh my Jeebus hilarious. But I guess you had to be there. Anyway, those were pretty much the two important things of the last week. GAH Schools almost over!!!! [listening to: "La Tortura" Shakira] 7:28 AM
Thursday, June 2"Don't make me say the word I hate!"Saw the 8th grade play. Probably should've gone to the Bay one instead - our 8th grade play coulda kicked this one's ass without even trying. But it was still entertaining. Took Anna on the bus and ran into VickyS. YAY! Anyways. Maria ended up at Stonestown.... even though I told her to take the 43... I don't know how these things happen. Saw the hip-hop final today at school. It made me smile a lot! I feel really sick and I need summer so badly you have no idea.The scariest thing ever happened when I was walking home. I was on Anza and 34th, and this car drove past me and the driver had a gun. I swear to God it was a gun! He was just holding it, but I still had a mini freak-out after he passed me. [listening to: "I Feel You" 3 Doors Down] 8:46 PM
Wednesday, June 1"That coffee keeps her sane." "Sanity is for boring people."THANK God school's almost over! I hate June. It's the stupidest month ever. I drew a massive doodle all over my hand during Chemistry to spite everyone. Sarah thinks I should be a tatoo artist, but I can't poke people with needles and do you know how uneven your tatoo would be?? Like, the rightside would be better than the left side. I swear!I'm bringing Anna to the 8th Grade Play tomorrow. I hope you don't mind. Umm, if Maylin's reading this, are you taking the bus with us up to Laurel? Anna's probably gonna freak out and worry that someone's gonna rape her or something. Sheltered Belvedere girl.... Uhhh so I've conformed. Officially. Alex burned me a copy of the Garden State soundtrack so now I can go indie-conformist. Yay! Btw, I think the only people that know I'm moving to Seattle next year (2006) are my Bay-sters, Alessandra, and Betsy. Because they're the only one's who read this. (Also, Anjali didn't have her phone on all weekend. Seriously. What's that about?) [listening to: "New Slang" The Shins] 8:00 PM
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