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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Monday, May 30"Seriously, Drippy, you're dripping on my telescope."Alessandra- I saw the funniest episode ever of "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" last night. Basically there were these aliens that were stealing cable through their "FarGate"...Alien 1: Dude, I think he went through the star- Alien 2: NO! IT IS A FARGATE! Not that silly movie which I have never seen, or that silly syndicated tv show that I have never seen either. (later) Alien 1: Hey, dude- Alien 2: AHH! (hits him with a lamp) Alien 1: Oww! What was that for?? Alien 2: You snuck up on me and made noises like a Gould! Alien 1: Dude, I just asked- Alien 2: AHA! But that is just what you Goulds want us to think!!! Okay, so it made me laugh a lot. Then Anna called me to see if I had Zach H.'s phone number, and I was like, "uhhh, no..." because seriously, why the fuck would I call him? Which sounds mean, because although he's nice he's a total loser. With a nice house, according to Maylin. Man, I don't wanna go to a bbq or whatever today. I do wanna see Eli and my softball team, but I'm not interested in eating. Damn, I never eat anymore! Anyway...if you're over by JK park or Paul Goode, you should just "show up" there. It would be a nice gesture. [listening to: "In the Waiting Line" Zero 7] 12:05 PM
Saturday, May 28Arr arr arr arr...Is anyone going to that Tweekend thing? Because if I'm to go, I need a ride there and back and the person I go with has to be totally sober all the time. And not until midnight. (Well, that just ruins everyone's fun.) Anyway, that last post I wrote was super depressing. Don't read it.Oh my Jeebus can you believe it's almost June??? I cannot WAIT to get the hell out of school for three months! [listening to: "Let Go" Frou Frou] 12:27 PM
Friday, May 27"Och!"I so desperately want to stay in the city - but at the same time, I don't. I loathe and love this city with its foibles and habits and faults and strengths; its ability to be completely open to nearly everything, yet still managing to be extremely close-minded. Gay marrage? Sure! Republicans? Fuck no!I want to leave! I want to get out, I want to start over! That's what I wanted to do in High School but instead I've become a person that I don't wanna be! I hate Bay, oh God I hate it, hate it hate it hateithateithateit. I hate Burkes, yet I'm going back on the 2nd and the 8th. (of june). I wanna just crawl in the metaphorical and non-dirty hole that is Seattle and take with me my ipod, my computer, and a ton of starbucks. All I want to take with me from the city are those happy memories - those fleeting moments when everything feels like, "Oh, it's gonna be okay now!" And then as soon as you step in the door (after about five minutes of fumbling with the stupid fuckin' lock...yeah I've been in my house since 4th grade and I still can't open the front door) everything changes or crashes down around my shoulders. It's like Garden State... this isn't my home anymore. I can't recognize it as a place of saftey or comfort... it's turned into just a house for me. I feel like I'm on permanent vacation and can't get home because there's a blizzard in Chicago or something. FUCK. Arrrg. I want this school year to be over! High school to be over! I'm dying for college! And at the same time I wish I were five again, smiling innocently at the camera with my crooked ears and tiny dimples - but that's never gonna happen again. Because my life is zooming by me and I can barely grab a hold of it to capture the moment and marvel at it. KDBS seems like a lifetime ago but it hasn't been a year since I walked down that drive way and said, "Yes! I am fucking DONE!" It's only been nine months since I started Bay, but it feels like 10 years ago. What happened to all those summers? What happened to all those missed opportunities? God damn, this movie makes me depressed. [listening to: Garden State] 11:00 PM
Thursday, May 26"She's Canadian....you know, where the palm trees are!"I adore Maylin, but sometimes her mouth works a little faster than her brain. (See title).Maylin: I should at least pretend to be reading in case she walks in the room. [picks up book and holds it upside down] And then, of course, there are all the sexual gestures (such as, "you poked me!") that we made up while watching the play people rehearse during flex... Kris (as Tom): But what did you do? Me: [whispering] They fucked! Andrew (as...that other guy): That's the thing! I can't remember! Maylin: [whispering] She must not have been very good, then. And I had the most embarassing thing happen to me - so we were having this Congolese man come in to teach us about drumming and he asked me to come up to the middle of everything and sing a song and I was like, "What??" But it was all good because he was cool. Errybody was at Ayinde's mom's funeral. It was sad. I wasn't invited, but I guess that's understandable because I wasn't that close to Ayinde. Then I ditched the second half of softball to hang out at the bowling alley with Anna, Maria, and Elliot. Went to "Founder's Day" and chilled, but it was super boring so I scared this poor freshman (he thinks I'm totally nuts), and ate a bunch of strawberries and made Francisco do his scottish accent and hung with Jack and attacked Maylin with my growling (which is now a lovely picture on Cara's phone) and protected Cecily from rape/the Dark Side and hmm what else? Oh yes - laughed at Anna and her fear of fingers. On that note? What Anna re-explained for me during Flex? That is just... N-A-S-T-Y, YOU AIN'T GOT NO ALIBI, YOU NASTY! YEAH, YEAH, YOU NASTY! [listening to: "Errtime" Nelly] 8:41 PM
Saturday, May 21"Ugly! Ugly! Feo! Feo!"Is it bad that I never get hungry anymore?So basically something awesome has happened and something terrible. Awesome: Our whole class went to see Star Wars (Erik wore his homemade Boba Fet costume that everyone took picutres of as we were on Van Ness street; Maylin and I were hiding because people were like, "Where are your costumes?")... Alex and Vicky's lightsabers went off during the movie, and Maria started crying because the movie was sad. It was also Cara's birthday, but I think I may have mentioned that elsewhere. Terrible: Ayinde's mom died on wednesday. Apparently she was super sick, but no one really knew how sick she really was. I feel miserable because Ayinde (and his mom) don't deserve that at all; they were/are so nice! Life just sucks when everyone dies on you. [listening to: "When I'm gone" 3 Doors Down] 8:04 PM
Tuesday, May 17"Well it probably wouldn't have been ruined if Mallonee hadn't shouted out, 'It's Zimbabwe!'"I really need to update more often...but I get so distracted!! Alrighty so basically in the time since I last updated I...
Ahh, yes. My eggsiting week. Not. 8:12 PM
Sunday, May 8"Errybody getta Islam! Hey, is Iraq in Africa?"It's pretty much been a whole freakin' week since I've actually wrote anything. I guess the best thing to do would be to recap the last week. Hooray!Sunday: Stayed at home and did homework. Blaghhh. Then went to go see 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' with Betsy. Hilariously-hilarious! Especially at the part when all the dolphins are singing at the very beginning of the movie! Monday: Nothing much happened at school; same old same old. Then went up to Redwood for our softball game. HOORAY it was the first time EVER that any of my softball teams had won a game at that field. Which is awesome, because (at that point) we were tied for third in the standings with the Lady A's. I don't ever remember playing them, but I'm sure I was sick or in New York or something. Tuesday: Uhhhhhh.... Wednesday: Boring day at school. The usual. Then had last soccer game of the season! It was pouring and we had to climb over the fence to get into the Pollo Fields. We tied with IHS; which is so unbelievably tragic!! We could've totally won! Anyway, by the end of the game everyone was soaked down to their skin and cold. Then we went to Village for pizza and that was fun too - especially with Roxi's cell phone - Sidekick! Kelly and I were terrified that we would break it, because we couldn't open it up. Heheh. Well, they are really confusing!! Thursday: Did Cinco de Mayo presentation. Laughed at Henry's impression of Napoleon. Saw Nicole come to take her placement tests. Maylin laughed at how white she is. A-A-R-D-V-A-R-K. Had enchiladas for lunch and then I won a prize for being hella spirited with my authentic Mexican skirt. (But then I changed out of it because I couldn't walk.) Had a "fondue" party in book group (don't ask) and Emily and Ava ate all the strawberries. Then had these randoms from the "Presidio Dance Company" teach us some Mexican folk dances - but only Jack, Paul, Emily, Laura, and Kris danced with them. And only Laura was good at it. No offence or anything. Then had the first Bay softball practice- and it was freakin' hilarious! First Cecily, LIza, and I almost got hit by a car, then Cara was pitching with all these wierd noises, then Mikhail hit himself in the head, then I spilled water on Cecily, and then we were back at school. Friday: So-so day at school. It lasted about 10 times longer than it was supposed to, I swear! Went to Burkes for an "ALUMNI" softball game (but really Ms. D. split us up so that Burkes would have a win either way. PSH. No.) Mikhail was dancing in the outfield, Ariel was talking on her phone (in the outfield), and Cecily had her first at-bat ever. (And she's found a new way to kill people - with a baseball bat!) Saturday: Woke up too early to go back to Redwood to hit off a pitching machine. Had like, the most intense game ever against DoxSox (or however they spell their team's name). The pitcher was superfast but I did manage to get a hit off of her...and Cara was pretty awesome except for the time when she got hit in the head... and whenever Julia started off an inning it was always a good inning! My favorite time was the "Crunk it Up" cheer which SR totally stole from us! Juliana: Look, we're playing the San Rafael sluts. I'm sorry, it is too early in the morning for me! Went to the Baskin Robbin's in Larkspur that we tried to go into that one time at Vicky's party, but it was closed. Pointed out Vicky's house (just because I could), and drove home for Piano. Blah blah blah, went out to German restaurant for Anna's birthday... Sunday (aka Today): Nada! But it's RAINING! YAY! [listening to: "Oh" Ciara] 11:41 AM
Tuesday, May 3"Asian hottie - must be Fred!"To my Burkies that don't know Fred - he's white.Oh YEAH maylin got a blog! (thehottestasianhottie) I really should talk about my weekend but I don't wanna. Grrr. Arrrg. I'll write more later tonight. [listening to: "Candy Shop" 50 Cent] 2:58 PM
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