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Saturday, April 30"GET A HAIRCUT!"For the antics of Friday's soccer practice, see my livejournal. (My username's the_robot_queen. Yeah, I'm so effing original.) So basically I couldn't go to softball because 1) I had missed too much piano and 2) I sprained my ankle. I heard the pitcher was good for hitting off of, so that made me sad that I wasn't there for that. We won, 13-3. Awww, I wish I had went. But then again, if I had gone, I wouldn't have gotten this awesome haircut.Is the fog coming in? Damn, yes it is. I wanted it to be sunny tomorrow so I could try and get rid of the soccer tan on my legs. [listening to: "Marches and Maneuvers" Thursday] 8:20 PM
Friday, April 29Girlfriend THIS; Girlfriend THAT!We were watching "Hotel Rowanda" during Humanities. It reminded me so much of "Shindler's List" - which, incidentally, we watched last April. I was shaking so badly that I had to leave the room at the part when the military man is all, "These are Tutsi cockroaches! Shoot them [gesture's to the main character's wife and children], or you die first." I was shaking and this close to tears so I had to leave. Then I started crying again when the red cross worker was all, "They started killing children to prevent the next generation from happening. This one little girl cried out to me, 'Please don't kill me! I promise I won't be Tutsi anymore!'" And the fact that the UN pulled out its troops was awful. It reminded me of "Shindler's List" except it wasn't as bloody and in-your-face.Oh yeah, and I sprained my ankle. This is the first time I've done that. Ever. I've never even broken a bone; How awesome (AUSOME!!!) is that? [listening to: people talking about homosexuality tests and body paint; no, it's not the same conversation] 12:31 PM
Wednesday, April 27I'm BACK! (in BLACK)Yeah yeah, I'm starting this blogola again! Basically today was hilarious; Francisco was being just AWFUL and MEAN during Spanish; he called me NAMES and made me CRY. We had our SOCCER game and it was OK, I guess. CARA is BACK from being SICK and therefore LIFE was more HILARIOUS. Oh yes, and most importantly, MAYLIN has her birthday on the THIRD of MAY, does NOT like FRED, and she HATES NATURE.(PS, Francesco, where's your game tomorrow?) [listening to: "Hey Mama" Black Eyed Peas] 8:50 PM
Saturday, April 16I'm ending this stupid blog. No explanation. You can suck it up, because I know you don't really care. Does anyone really know what it feels like to be lonely? I seriously just thought about doing something that I thought I'd never do, when I realized that what I was thinking about wouldn't prove a point to anyone. Read the archives if you want to see what I write. I'm tired of being ignored, and I'm going to continue being ignored, so what's the point of me continuing this? I'm sick to death of friends choosing other friends over me because their other friends are 'better'. And it happens every single time - whether it be a girlfriend, boyfriend, or a regular friend - I'm dumped for the alternative.I need a break. Summer, perhaps. Please leave me alone until I can come to terms with myself being totally uninteresting and lame. 5:00 PM
"I can fit two of me in his pants."Soccer game yesterday was hot. Played UHS but still lost... the game was super late. It was at like, 5:30. We didn't leave school until over an hour after everyone else did. Basically Liza and I went down to play basketball or whatever while we gave half the school to Kelly and Max and the other half to Francisco and Cecily. Went to Paul G-O-O-D-E for the game and we lost, 5-0. Better than the last time we played UHS, though. Went out to dinner at Amici's with Liza, Kelly, Cecily, Cara, Kelly, Anna, Julia, and Shay. Anna was being completely hyper and insane, while Julia (her sister) was giving her these completely exasperated looks, which was hysterical. ("Mom?!") Had a contest with my epipen- who could give the most stylish stabbing performance. (Maylin won, even though Cecily and Cara had some pretty fancy moves.) Drove home with Cara's mom and Maylin, and had some interesting discussions... (see title)"Well you're like pummas!" "There's no such thing as pummas; there's hummas and pieta bread!" "I'd love to live like a monkey." "Me too! Then we wouldn't have things like sweatshops and childlabor..." "And I would actually like bananas." "Um..." "I hate bananas." "I mean, who needs cars when you could swing on trees?" "Kelsey said that she would kick his ass, too." "But that's awful!" "Are you sticking up for Cameron?" "No, she'd have to touch him!" "Well, I supposed you could go buy new shoes..." "I don't think that would cover his ass..." "...two new shoes..." There was a lot more hysterical giggling, but I can't quite remember it right now. I'm not fully awake yet. [listening to: "Baby Boy" Beyonce] 10:54 AM
Thursday, April 14"What does an advisor do?" "They advise!"Which, of course, is obvious, but I don't think that's what Milli meant when she asked what advisors do. Anyway... yesterday the two highlights of my day were Spanish (where Sra Banks wasn't there so we could pretty much goof off, eggsept Ryn came... but she's so awesome it didn't really matter. She walked in for like 10 seconds and was all, "If you need me I'll be in my office!" and that was that. Francisco was being hyper and so therefore I got no work done because I was sitting next to him. Can't remember half the things that I said, or what he said, but they made me laugh my ass off anyway.) and soccer (the best part was Kelsey's imitation of Kaneja and Sarah's relationship, which made me laugh SO hard. "Sarah, I love you! I want you to have my babies! Sarah, God, I don't love you, I love Claire! God!! Sarah why are you ignoring me? Let's just keep our issues between us. GOD just leave me alone! Jeez! Sarah, why are you ignoring me?" That went on for some time. But Kelsey was hysterical all the same.)Today was really quiet because Anna wasn't there. Which made me sad, because Flex and Humanities were really quiet. Almost fell asleep in Chemistry - probably would've, if Laura hadn't poked me. I got like, three hours of sleep last night, get over it! Then Lunch where Maylin tried to do pullups but failed miserably even with Cara helping her. Then Humanities, and I cracked up listening to Annie try to tell yiddish phrases. We watched "One Tree Hill" - I swear! Then I went to Laurel Village for an orthodontist appointment. I have like a month and a half of braces left! Yay! And now I leave you with some lyrics.... which I'm actually too lazy to put in. Just click on the link. Hey, what year did we sing that in? I can't remember.... and other classes singing "One" should be absolutely illegal!! Okay MOVING ON... "Video", India Arie Cara: Dang, it's good to be a gansta! Me: Cara, stop saying that! You're white! Cara: How can you say that?! I'm not white! Me: Cara, you're Italian... Cara: Exactly! Me: ...which means you're whiter than I am. Maylin: What?! Me: I'm Colombian! Maylin: Only a little. Me: Either way, she's still whiter than us. Cara: NO! My friend has had ancestors in America longer than I have which means she's more white! Me and Maylin: What?! Me: You can't say that! Maylin: That's like saying that I'm whiter than you are just because I was born earlier than you! Cara: Forget it, that's not what I was trying to say. Maylin: And American isn't a skin color, either. [listening to: "Video" India Arie] 5:11 PM
Wednesday, April 13"PEEKABOO!"I'm gonna do homework before I blog about my hilarious Spanish class (which was really the highlight of my day). So first of all? Who remembers "Video" by India Arie? I just finished listening to it! It reminded me of Burkes so much because I knew all the words. Shut up, I'm a loser.[listening to: "Girl" Destiny's Child] 7:03 PM
Tuesday, April 12"A freakin' twelve gauge! What do you think?!"If you haven't seen "Napoleon Dynamite", go see it. Right now. It's so hilarious - Julia A. and I were quoting it during the Burkes softball game. We won, of course, 20-0. It wasn't even fair. Anyway. Eli was there, and she had this like, toffee Hershey chocolate. It was soo good I had about a bazillion pieces because I didn't eat lunch.SPEAKING of lunch... Lunch was the most hilarious thing ever. (Even though it's Tuesday, which means Advisory lunch. Blahhh.) So basically before Lunch we had Spanish and Pearl, Jay and I had to do our presentation... we only JUST got it done because Jay didn't have his poem ready until like 10 seconds before we were supposed to do it. So while Cara, Gaby, and Paolo were 'presenting' (I don't mean that in a bad way, they just had some trouble with a) starting, b) continuing, and c) Cara.), I was laughing my ass off at Francisco's attempts to cry because I told him I wouldn't talk to a crack whore. So he took out his inhaler and I stole his Altoids which Alex wanted but I couldn't steal the bag again to get her one. :'(. Anyway. So basically we were laughing so hard that Francisco like, threw up, but not really - he was like, suffocating on his sweatshirt or something? Whatever. I was kind of confused. So at lunch Anna was all, "Yeah in Mexico Francisco like, takes crack and drinks Tequila." So Francisco came over and was trying to prove her wrong, but he was doing it so poorly and hilariously that I almost passed out from having a laughing attack. I swear to God it was so fucking hilarious that I just had to leave Gregory's advisory's table because I was shaking and laughing so hard. Then we had this book group thing (Kelly, Maria, and I are all reading this book about elicit sex; hehe.). After that, Francisco was telling me this story about this random girl that started majorly flirting with him and was like, "I wanna fuck you" when they were 12/13. It was the summer before outdoor ed. (cue Maylin laughing her ass off) But Cara and Maylin I SWEAR walked up at the eggsact wrong moment... Me: So how old were you? Francisco: 12. Me: Oh jeez. Was she hot? Maylin: WHAT!? What did you do, Francisco?! That was all they heard, but it sent me into another laugh attack. This also did... Maria: Where are we going on a walk to? Me: Maybe to a dumpster filled with penis-shaped jello! Maria: REALLY?! Me: No. Maria: Aww, don't get my hopes up. [listening to: "I Like That" Houston] 6:48 PM
Monday, April 11"Oh my God, you guys, they're actually SORTA looking at the camera!So the last few Mondays digital media has been so incredibly boring that I've had to blog to keep myself awake. Anyway. Forgot to mention that last Friday Annie stole Elliot's wallet and he threw an absolute fit when she wouldn't give it back. I swear to Jeebus, it was just like he was four. He screamed and threw his eraser at the wall and it almost bounced back to hit his head. Maria, Emily and I were dying of laughter. So.Today during Lunch Anna was taking pictures of everybody, including the highly photogenic Maylin, the crazy Cara, and secret pictures of the "We hide from cameras" couple (aka Francisco and Cecily.) She got a couple, thought. It was so fucking hilarious I'm still like, laughing about it. Anyway. Soooo what's crackin'? [listening to: "Don't Phunk With My Heart" Black Eyed Peas] 12:42 PM
Sunday, April 10"Is the plural of mongoose 'mongeese' or not?"The last post I wrote was very theraputic. Too bad I deleted it.Jessica: I'll change the link as soon as I finish writing this! Betsy: You ARE too damn resposible! What were you doing up at 8 in the morning anyway? I had some shit to write, but I forgot it. Anyway. My sister has her softball game today. So that's where I'll be; if anyone is around Rossi come visit! Game starts at 12 and I'm taking the bus so I probably should go soon. [listening to: "Wat u Gon Do?" Lil' John & Daddy Yankee] 11:28 AM
Wednesday, April 6"I'm so ghetto, bro!"If I were actually awake enough to describe my awesome day, I would. But I'm not, so I won't. Basically I had Humanities...Kris: [arguing for the affirmative side of the debate] ... and that's why the Industrial Revolution was a good thing. Skipper: [he's on the negative side] But wouldn't the population increase too much? Me: [I'm on the affirmative side, but I don't agree with it. Hey, I didn't sign up to be your friend! It wasn't on the contract!] Exactly! What if the number of workers was more than the number of available jobs? Anna: What if you were on our team, Mallonee?? Anna's retarded. I love her. Then, a doctor's appointment at the back doctor over by Fillmore (so that means a Java Chip starbucks coffee for me, yay!), then Spanish field trip... Alex: Francisco, take a picture! Francisco: It's processing! Alex: Francisco, you missed it! It was perfect! Francisco: It's processing!!! Milli: Francisco, take a picture of that tree! Francisco: It's processing!!! Milli: You missed it! Francisco: IT'S PROCESSING!!!! That was fucking hilarious. Those stupid school cameras are fucked up, man. They're hella slow. Which, while not eggsactly the best for the photographers, is hilarious for everyone else. Then Drawing and the soccer game. Roxi: So where in Colombia is your grandma from? Me: Cali. Roxi: Oh my God, that's the black part! Which just proves that while we tied our soccer game and I kicked ass by knocking over three people, everyone's racist - even when they don't mean it. [listening to: "The Hand that Feeds" Nine Inch Nails] 9:11 PM
I AM a good egg!So, I'm not mad at anyone anymore. (When I get mad, it's just usually for about 20 seconds, mas o menos.) So yesterday I was exhausted because I had gotten no sleep the night before and I was like passing out during Humanities. Can't think of anything else that would be interesting, eggsept that Maria broke up with Cameron (and yes, the order does count, because that bitch said that he broke up with Maria, which is a lie.)Anna:... but it doesn't matter now that they're braken up. Me: Did you just say, "braken"? Anna: No... Maria: Broke. Broke up. And my new favorite quote is... "Guys, please, cut down on the profanity!" 7:34 AM
Monday, April 4darth leia!Didn't get a chance to write about my awsome day at the baseball game. So basically it was the last exhibition game (Giants vs. Texas - not Britain vs. Texas) before the regular season starts tomorrow. Yay, the Giants won! It was pretty awsome, especially that bad steal call in the 6 inning. Anyway... went with Cara and her aunt. Ate popcorn and made bad jokes about the next 3 Star Wars movies. Nicole called me and we had to explain how the Giants won. Went back to Cara's when it started to pour. I stole 20 billion of her cd's to put on my ipod. Went to go feed Casey's "rabbits" / "fish" (her guinea pigs) and wow she has a lot of gum. went back home and watched Arrested Development and Desperate Housewives.Today, already, was pretty good. Blah blah blah crazy classes. OH yeah! And Anna's back! Spent all of lunch laughing at bad jokes, prostitute shoplifting, and other things. What did the man say when the house fell on him? "Get off me, homes!" 12:34 PM
Sunday, April 3"It's an inside joke. You wouldn't understand."Oh. My. God. There are so many things that are pissing me off right now, it's really out of control. The first thing is my mom. It's like, every time someone doesn't call back right away, she has to be there and tell me what I'm doing wrong, as well as knowing every single freakin' detail to the problem. If I don't tell her, she gets pissed off. Can't my problems stay my problems without everyone having to know what's wrong? Is that too much to ask?The other thing that's bothering me is a person I will call, Person A. No. I don't like that. How about... Person 8. There. That's good. I'm FUCKING pissed off at Person 8. I guess it seems like, at least right now, there really isn't a good reason because I don't have a good explination. Basically I did something with my family, and now Person 8 hasn't communicated with me since then, like they're mad at me for doing something with my family. I've even called their house and left a message telling them to call me back. I guess I have no right to be angry if they were out of town or didn't get my message or something like that, but as of right now I have no explination for this behavior. Call me? No. Don't. I don't really wanna talk right now. AND in other news, the Pope is dead. I don't mean to be rude or offensive in any way, but he sure did take a long time to die. I mean, do you know how many close calls there were? All those strokes and heart attacks. I really think they should elect a younger Pope - but there are obvious bad reasons for that. Oh, this is reminding me of "Angels and Demons", with the Carlemango or WHATEVER he's called, because he was like 30 in the book, and everybody was like, god damn he's young! I was like, whatever. Wisconsin. (HAHA if Kelly's reading this.) [listening to: "Oh" Ciara] 11:47 AM
Saturday, April 2"It's actually later here; time moves faster in Novato."Went to Novato today for our softball game. We won! We had like this CRUSHING lead (it was something like, 21 to 8.) but we gave it away (21 to 15 in the last inning.) because we got sloppy. WHATever. The point is, we won. And Cecily was there! After the game we went back to the car to put Cecily's bike away (after Cara rode it around everywhere) and then went to Maya Palenque (or, Meya Plinkay) for lunch. Cecily made about 70 thousand absolutley hilarious comments, like my title, and we hid behind a paper napkin from Cara's camera. (we were totally NINJAS.) Cecily's mom came to pick her up, and Cara and I drove back to the city and it was hilarious watching her try to pronounce "massacre" without screwing up ("Macaser. No. That's not right. Mas - mac- macr- Emma, stop laughing!!!")[listening to: "La La" Ashlee Simpson] 5:34 PM
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