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Thursday, March 31"Are you kidding?! Your blog is the Bible!" - MegSo basically I'm waiting for Adult Swim to get on. I think I may die if I don't get "Family Guy", "Futurama", and "Aqua Teen Hunger Force". ANYWAY. Today I went to Vicky's party. It was hella tight n shit. I hung out with Meg a lot, and she is so hilarious. She said a bunch of really funny things, but I can't remember half of them...Francisco: I can feel my pulse! Me: Good! That means you're alive! Meg: [laughs her ass off] Meg: I think he should make another three Star Wars movies... but that would mean that there would be nine Star Wars movies... Me: [laughing my ass off] Okay, that last quote wasn't even funny. But I laughed a lot. So Vicky's party. It was so fun! Vicky's so sweet. Maylin, Gaby, Kelsey and I tried to get Cecily to do that tounge thing, but she insisted that she couldn't. She also tried Skittles for the first time in her life. Which allarmed me - she's 15 and 1/2, and she hadn't ever had skittles before. Cara left early to go to softball, and I was kind of like, haha! because my parentals said that I didn't have to go. There were more hilarious moments; I can't remember them all. Maybe there was... Meg choking on those liquid/ice mints, Francisco putting them in his coke, Maylin making comments about how slutty Francisco's other shirt is... Oh yeah, Francisco was in like, stupid-mode because he went to "sleep" at four because he was playing some stupid internet game. Francisco: I think I broke my shoulder. Me & Maylin: Uh... Francisco: When I move it like this, I'm in excruciating pain. AND THAT WAS THE PARTY! I'll write more when I remember, hehe. _________________________________________________________ Death: It was forwarded to me from your HMO. 11:09 PM
Wednesday, March 30Cuz Andy, You're A StarWHOOPS. I realized that I forgot people in my Star Wars rant - namely, Betsy and Rachel. WHOOPS. I LOVE YOU! Sorry I forgot!!! BUT Anyway aren't you eggsited for the new Star Wars movie????????????? HUH?!?!?!!And Nicole? I would've seen "Robots" with you first, but you made plans with Calvin, whoever he is. Call me! [listening to: 'Andy, you're a Star" The Killers] 8:38 PM
"Dominoes!"So basically I just saw "Robots" with la mad and mi hermana in, I swear to God, the smallest movie theater ever. (The Presido theater over on Chestnut street) I've seen television screens that large. Anyway. I thought the movie was pretty cute; I mean, I'd see it again. I also got a poster for Nicole. Adding to the alarmingosity, I saw Cameron. I made a big deal of looking down the other street, thought, so I didn't pay attention to him. I think I really should wear sunglasses more often. ANYWAY.TOTALLY forgot to mention when Eli and I went into Ambiance on Monday. We wanted to try on stuff, but it cost more than the two of us combined. (Even though Eli's made of money. She was going to sell her arm for a pretty dress.) Me: OOh! [holds up shirt] This is cute! I bet its hella eggspensive, though... [looks at pricetag] Wow, only $20! It's probably the cheapest thing in here! Eli: Actually, I bet this [holds up dress] is less exspensive. [looks at pricetag] Are you fucking kidding me?? It's $600! OH YEAH - and who here is SUPER EGGSITED for the new Star Wars movie??? I AM!! (Cara and Meg too, I hope! Come on, you guys, you're like the only girls I know that are obsessed with Star Wars. Lol, I put "guys". Whatever. It's the thought that counts.) [listening to: "Obsession (No Es Amor)" Frankie J] 3:40 PM
Tuesday, March 29"Well, we ran out of vanilla ice cream, so here's a coconut!"Visited Urban yesterday. I'm such a retard, I didn't have school but I went to school anyway. It was all good, though. Met Jeremy, Gel, and Sophia. Also saw Carie, Eli, and Erin again. Which was pretty special. Gel and Sophia made me laugh, which is why they're being mentioned, and I'm mentioning Jeremy because...well, it's Jeremy! Anyway, we walked up to Buena Vista park and looked around. Saw some gravestones and a dead squirrel. (The dead squirrel was ON a gravestone; how appropriate.) Met Eugene, the local crazy person. He made me smile. After that, went to the "death class of hell" (according to Carie), which wasn't all that bad, eggscept they were talking about how they killed a cat, which disturbed me. The other thing that disturbed me was in the book they're reading, the main character likes to watch his mom have sex. Which caused me to have a major freak out, but silently, because I was in class. Eli IMed Paolo to tell him that I was the cops. Once I told him it was me, Eli was all, "Uh uh. You shouldn't have done that." which made me laugh inside A LOT.Sophia: [pointing to my club 18 band] Are those pink elephants?! Me: Yeah! Sophia: Like when you come out of a tunnel and you say, "pink elephants"?! Me: ...what? Anyway, went to go pick up the pictures. I "cried" because the stealth pictures Cara and I took didn't turn out. Maybe cuz we didn't use the flash, but hey! We were being sneaky. There is this great picture of Nicole and Katherine in the bathroom, thought. It's up on my wall. Anyway. Stayed up until 2 watching "Futurama" and "Aqua Teen Hunger Force". Meatwad: It all makes sense now... the floating head... the love of computers... YOU'RE A WITCH! Ooh, pizza time! Today I cleaned. It was hella boring, but now my room is all pretty. [listening to: "Revolution Rock" The Clash] 9:04 PM
Monday, March 28god damnI was reading Maria's myspace and I read what Cameron wrote. GOD DAMN this blog is a place for MY opinions!!! That's why I created this, so I can write about my views on everything! Look, if you don't approve or agree with my opinions, you can tell me to take it off. (Like Maria; and I still feel bad aboot that) But if you're going to go around bitching about it, you can go fuck yourself in hell.To be honest, the reason I was freaked about it was because on Friday, Maria specifically told me (and Kelly) to do something, and when Cara and I tried to put that into effect at the dance, she kinda blew us off. I guess I can understand, because, well, she was kinda high. BUT MY ORIGINAL POINT IS... if you don't like my opinions, don't read them and DON'T BITCH ABOUT IT BEHIND MY BACK, FUCK HEADS!!! (and even if you're going to TRY to be behind my back, make sure I don't know where you're bitching. Like, someone's myspace isn't a good place, ok? considering I HAVE a myspace...) (ps- people from burkes? especially nicole? I'm not mad at you guys. Cuz usually when I get furious on here, Nicole thinks its about her or Rachel or Katherine or somebody. But it's not.) Oh yeah, and I'm at urban. I'm typing on a mac. I hate macs. Grr. I met Jeremy...he had candy and that made me laugh. Whatever... that was my story for today. I'm wasting Eli's battery. Well, she can suck it up. Haha. [listening to: this guy talking about decapitating a cat] 2:09 PM
Sorry!Wow, I had no idea a lot of people read my blog. I thought it was mostly Burkies. LO SIENTO, MARIA!![listening to: "So Amazing" 50 Cent] 9:48 AM
Sunday, March 27"Go, Brizzbizzle!"I'm super hyper. There is NO way I can sleep right now. Today rocked. Basically we had a softball game and we won, 11 to 6. Played the Tiburon Raiders at Del Mar, which is where Anna went to school. That was pretty special.Went to piano, went home, took a two hour nap, prettifyed myself, and went to the dance. It was the funniest thing eva. So basically we were standing in line with Francisco and Cecily, and they were talking about something, and I pretended that they were talking about something else, and Cara and I laughed for about a million years. Went in, and Francisco and Cecily were being losers and not dancing. Got a henna tattoo, eggsept it started itching so I rubbed it off. Wanted to go in the big bouncy thing, but no one else would go with us. Chilled with Rachel, Nicole, and Katherine. I loved Katherine's hair in a ponytail - remember when she wouldn't wear it up whatsoever and hated cooking class because of that? I do! Ended up dancing, getting slapped by Cecily, getting water poured on me by Cara...Nicole was DYING to meet Francisco, which was hilarious. After about 20 minutes, Francisco and Cecily did end up freaking, which was a relief because it took them 20 minutes. We got eggstremely agrivated. [this sentence is removed by the author because Francisco and Cecily will kill her if they find out] After that, I was going to take a picture of Nicole and the two of them dancing (and make it into a postcard that says, "Wish you were here!"), but then I started laughing and it kind of killed the mood, so I just took a regular picture. After Francisco and Cecily left (and went to go... well, you can't tell, but I'm doing that thing with my tounge) I hung out in the bathroom with Katherine and Nicole, and they told me the "Supplies!" joke. Hilarious! Took a picture of them in a toilet, then went back out and danced (Forgot to mention that Nicole started raping everybody with her arms. It was pretty hilarious, until Cara got irritated and started raping her back) Got alarmed when Rachel told me a sophmore was checking me out, but she assured me they were all en fuego, so I guess I have to take her word for it. Two other things - I didn't say hi to William the whole dance, and theres this tape cassette in my bed. Tape cassettes are pretty hard and pointy - especially when you kind of throw yourself on it. Nicole: One day you'll look back at your life and wonder, "Why didn't I ever do drugs?" [listening to: "Recluse" Cursive] 12:16 AM
Friday, March 25"You're not God, Cara..." "Yes I am!"So basically the last few days I've been sick. I slept pretty much all of Thursday - like, 8 to 2, when I came downstairs and watched "Judging Amy" reruns. Went back to school today, only to find out that the soccer team lost their game because we had no subs - Gaby and Anna were out also. (Anna's in Honduras, that lucky punk.) Anyway, we had 40 minute classes again. It was just like normal school! Took a quiz in Chemistry, that didn't go so well. Had a wierd spanish class; I don't know why teacher B is so cranky this year. Trimester. WHATEVER. Had a hilarious lunchtime, though. Francisco asked me something that was SO HILARIOUS that I just about died of laughter. I won't repeat it here, because he'll shoot me, but just know that it's a Catholic thing. And it has to do with meat. OH MAN it was hilarious!!! I'm still not over it, and it's been like, 6 hours. Another moment of hilarity was when Meg almost knocked herself over with her bag. That girl is hilarious!Dance tomorrow night! I went out and bought a pretty shirt and a basic black skirt at Ross. P.S. - If you haven't already told me that you're going to the dance, tell me right now. No lame eggcuses this time, guys. [EDIT] I have come to the conclusion that I can't draw a circle. I've been sitting here for the past half hour trying to practice the shading on a baseball, but I haven't even gotten past the fucking circle to begin with. I've gone through five pages in my sketchpad, and my pants are covered in charcoal. Oh yeah - are you a bad Catholic if you have pork on Good Friday? Because if you are, my parentals are just horrible Catholics. [/EDIT] Annie: Jesus fucking Christ! Laura: You can't say that on Good Friday. Annie: What? Why not? Laura: Good Friday is when Jesus died. Annie: Oh my god, I'm sorry! That's like talking smack about someone at their funeral. [listening to: "Call Me" Blondie] 5:15 PM
Wednesday, March 23anna is Presing the caps lock keyaNNA IS continuing TO PRESS THE CAPS Lock KEY SO THIS POST IS LOoking MEssed UP. HAHAHA. Ok whatever. COUld anna geT ANY lamer? THE ansWER Is no. WELl don't ansWER That. GOD damn THIS Is confuSINg ME!!! sO ANYway i thinK IM gonna go hOMe sick, I feel like craP. DEFINinATELY MISSING SOCCER PRActice and sOFtball PracticE Becuase I gotta BABy sit Anna My SISter.[listening to: nada] 11:30 AM
Sunday, March 20"Ooh, I like your hair, Emma! It makes you look like you're Japanese, though..."Even though I went to New York for a funeral, I still laughed a lot of the time. I realized that I don't particularly like my dad's side of the family - which is kind of mean. I mean, I like them, but I prefer my mom's side of the family. (Maybe because there are fewer aunts and uncles, and I'm the oldest grandkid.)On the way to New York (flew in through JFK - and I'm not in NYC. I'm in Westchester. When I say "New York", don't automatically asume that I'm talking about the city. I've had to correct countless people, who will go unnamed. Alex.), I had to sit by myself next to this greasy guy. He didn't wash his hair and fell all over the seat, so I had to practically push him away to get up to go to the bathroom. Saw "Finding Neverland". It was very good- I was suprised that Johnny Depp could play such a serious role after seeing him in "Pirates of the Carribean". Got to Hartsdale, met the entire frickin' family, again, then ate dinner, went back to hotel because there wasn't enough room in the house, went to bed. The next day I went to the Funeral. Just told Nicole about this, but it was very creepy. It was super dark, and they had these pink lights...whatever. You know how people are always like, "Oh, it [the dead body] just looks like they're sleeping."? Well thats a lie. It looks like a wax copy - like at those wax museums. Like people modeled a candle to look like the deceased to spite the rest of us or something. Anyway. I was freezing the whole time, so while everyone was showing off their nice clothes, I was in a huge winter coat. Walked around the Cemetary a while, then went to Maud's for some food. Then, check out this hilarity, I met Nicole's boyfriend, Michael. First of all, Nicole is my cousin. Not Nicole that's on my list over thurr. But it was hilarious, because he always has this sort of vacant look on his face. Fell asleep after dinner, nothing special. On Saturday, walked around the cemetary some more. Threw snow at Anna on the pretense that we were playing catch. Went back to Hartsdale, worked on homework. Pretty much got the house to myself for a while, because everyone went out for a drive, and I guess I was too cool for that. Stole some Mad Magazines to look at, fell asleep, worked some more. After dinner, I played "Fantasy" and Idiot with Nicole, Mary, Michael, el Pad, Anna, and Donal. Lost miserably in Idiot, because we never played the two's. Also, can you believe that I haven't gotten used to New York time? So basically, this morning I woke up at 2am. I didn't have to, but I'm a firm believer in taking a shower every day. Saw "The Incredibles" again. It's not as fun without Maria making sexual comments or saying that she's going to grow up to be Edna, but still a very enjoyable movie. Got home at 12, ate some pasta, talked to Nicole about Japan, and I am NOW procrastinating on my SPanish homework! That was a very long post. Appreciate it, crack whores. Oh yes, Francisco? Blowpop! [listening to: "In Love" The Datsuns] 3:14 PM
Wednesday, March 16Wo bu zhidaoMandarin is probably the coolest language ever. (Even though I've spent at least a month trying to convince Cecily that it isn't.) Ni de pigu hen hao. Remember that, Alessandra? Ha ha. Anyway. Here are some hilarious quotes from my first and second days of the third trimester..."If there was a Star Wars movie made of the Bay School, the girls would be "A New Hope". The boys? Jar Jar Binks." "Aww, shucks." "I got into the MC dance! Catholic points!" (after being yelled at) "I had so much fun!" "Well, now you have to be nice to the 9th power!" "...por la caza y pesca indiscriminadas por la creci...crice...god DAMN!" NICOLE'S GOING TO BAY! [listening to: eli's CD] 7:11 AM
Sunday, March 13We read this article once in Writing Workshop. It was about bad writing in colleges, and machines grading term papers. The author wrote, "I don't care if the whole world goes to hell." There was more to the sentence, but come on, do you honesly expect me to remember it?But basically that's how I'm feeling. The whole fucking planet can just go to hell and never come back! Except for a few people that I love - I'm taking them to Jupiter. And the people that I want to stay and burn can beg and plead all they fucking want, but they aren't going anywhere. FUCK OFF. 6:46 PM
Saturday, March 12Jupiter- because it's green.Made plans with Maylin to move to Jupiter (instead of Mars - too red) and build a mansion with an indoor/outdoor pool, hot tub, and jacuzzi. (What eggsactly is the difference between a jacuzzi and a hot tub?) Also, we'll have the ablitly to kick people off the planet based on how cool they are. We're gonna have a list of people who are uncool written on a wall, and if you're on that list, you can't come in.Had softball today. We won, but that was only because this Mill Valley team wasn't so good. (Rockies - bad infield/outfield; okay pitchers) I was en fuego, if I do say so myself. Basically at my first at-bat, I got hit in the wrist and pretty much stole all the way home, where I slid badly and hurt my knee and my shin and got covered in dirt. The end! I have a crappy schedule next trimester. Spanish - gross. And C flex - double gross. I look silly with these glasses on. They are tiger striped. It's getting dark and I'm sitting here with sunglasses on. Nicole got into Bay, except no financial aid. Boo! Regina: Boo, you whore! I love "Mean Girls". The end! [listening to: "Satisfaction"] 4:17 PM
Wednesday, March 9"This is my secret love, Tommy. I met him at church camp. Don't worry, I haven't french kissed yet. Tommy says that if you french kiss before you've been going out for six months, you're going to hell."What was the highlight of my day? Going to Chrissy field and wading in the ocean with Anna and Vicky and Cara and Maylin and...Fred? (Aka "It's not like they have an asian fetish or anything...") Anna, Vicky and I got soaking because we waded out too far, but whatever. Cecily lent me a pair of pants so I could take the bus without leaking everywhere.Watched "16 Candles" and "Fast Times at Rigdemont High". LOVED "16 Candles", I need to own that and "The Breakfast Club" right now. "Fast times" was just dumb. I loved Sean Penn's character - the stoner surfer. So fucking hilarious. Anyway, I'm gonna go eat dinner. I'm starving because I had a crappy lunch and didn't go into the Starbucks with Maylin while we were waiting for the bus. (P.S. - If we were supposed to make plans this weekend, you need to call me ahora mismo. Anyway, the end! PPS- I love Katherine. Just so she knows.) [listening to: "Mockingbird" Eminem] 5:40 PM
Tuesday, March 8"Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw."The past few days have been crazy. Played the other SF team at James Lick on Saturday. We won, because we rock. Then went to Alex's, and we ran to AMC 1000 Van Ness, which is crazy close to her house, but as usual, the suburban chick was freaking out about the distance and wanted to catch a cab. We saw "The Wedding Date", which is kind of lame, but if you wanna be entertained for 90 minutes or so, go see it."How do you know so much about so much?" "I'm a hooker." "HA! That's a good one!" "You couldn't be more perfect for her if she'd picked you out of a catelogue!" Then intersession started. On Monday I watched "My So-Called Life" (the original; not the crappy new version with Kelly Osbourne and those other randoms. That show sucks.), "Freaks and Geeks" (which is soooo good! You have no idea! I need that first season right now. I need to watch it.), and "The Breakfast Club". (Which is also totaly rocking. I wish I could light a match like Bender. From behind my teeth. Wouldn't that just be SOOO COOL?!?!?!?!?!) Today we watched "Heathers" (again. I miss 8D SO MUCH!) and "Carrie". I was soo freaked out during "Carrie" You have nO Idea. I was so freaked and out of it I screamed "OH MY GOD IT'S JESUS!" when the mom died. (There also this part about carrots; only Milli gets that.) "This is my secret love, Tommy. I met him at church camp. Don't worry, I haven't french kissed yet. Tommy says that if you french kiss before you've been going out for six months, you're going to hell." [listening to: "L-L-Love" Astaire] 8:35 PM
Saturday, March 5Hmm, I wonder if my soap is gone!After I got my hair cut on Fillmore I went to Convent. I was totally lost for about 10 seconds, then I realized where I was. Chilled with Nicole. Took a bus to Starbucks, where she taught me how to play Idiot, and we read "Robot porn". Except for the part where we didn't. Then took the 18 to the Mall and then Betsy's. Turns out Betsy was cAmPiNg, so we talked to her brother and they compaired backpacks. I was like, "Dude, the only thing I ever have in my backpack is my lappertopper." Then we wrote a note to Betsy and told her of our adventure. (Even the part where we jump Ewan McGregor and shave off his eyebrow/head.)Me: Well, which would you rather have - the mussolini (aka Mini-mullet) or the braid? Nicole: Don't make me choose - that's like choosing which one of your children is going to die! As Jesus is being hung on the cross, he whispers, "Peter, Peter..." Peter steps forward and says, "Yes, my lord?" Jesus whispers, "Peter, come closer..." Peter steps forward, and says, "Yes?" Jesus whispers, again, "Come closer..." Peter takes another step towards Jesus, and says, "Yes?" Jesus finally whispers, "Peter...I can see your house from here." [listening to: The Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song] 9:59 AM
Friday, March 4There isn't supposed to be corn in corn bread!Basically, the trimester ended yesterday, and next trimester, I have NO friends in my classes. (Except for Spanish.) And I have flex C! How majorly unfair is that? I love E flex. So now we're unofficially sophmores. Horay!Physics I already miss Meg, Alex, Milli, "And Annie!", calling Morgan rich, calling Henry a nazi, having him freak out and scream that he's not a nazi, having Teacher C say, "Only NAZI's listen to German death metal", laughing, making fun of Jay looking at shoes for the entire period, watching Futurama, and generally having a good time taking Alex's notes. Writing OMJ I actually liked this class a little. Or well, mostly slacking off with Francisco and laughing at him and the "CLASSY (porn) PACO" business. Never mind, no one else gets it. Math PS- I got my hair cut!!!!! 11:41 AM
Tuesday, March 1I totally love my book "White Teeth." It's by Zadie Smith. It's about these two World War II veterans that are best friends. One of them is Indian, and the other is white. They both live in England, and have the craziest, most fucked up lives you can imagine. It's hilarious!IT'S POURING! this may mean that I won't have a soccer game tomorrow...I'm actually SAD. I was having a lot of fun today during practice, except when I had to walk back to school in a tank top, and it started pouring, but Kelly and Anna were being sooo mean to me!! (Ps- I'm trying out this email blogging business because I'm totally bored out of my mind. You have no idea how BORING matrices are until you study them. Pray to JESUS or somebody that you won't ever have to study them.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "No, I AM stupid!" 8:17 PM
lo siento, URL change!Basically, I need a new URL. Email me if you want to keep reading this (ya know, for the new URL)
7:52 PM
"EMMA!"This song is so fucking dirty! It's called "Toma" and all my Bay people know it, but it still shocks the hell out of me!Oye loca, ven para aca Oye loca, ven para aca (Come here) Muevelo, muevelo, sin parar Si tu quiere coma toda Si tu quiere coma toda Si tu quiere coma toda Abra las piernas, toma! Quitate la ropa Quitate la ropa Quitate la ropa Si eres caliente, quitate la ropa! And, of course, I choose to think about this... My hair is so boring. I think I'm gonna dye it, and I know what y'all are thinking - I'm just being a copy-cat. But I've actually had plans to dye my hair since last year...I just never got around to it, instead, I cut off a foot of my hair because that was my first concern. It was getting unrulely and gross. Ok, I wrote that much because I DIDN'T WANNA WORK ON MY HUMANITIES! 1:43 PM
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