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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Friday, December 31It's the end of the year...2004 is ending in like, nine hours from now. Oh, wow, I had some stuff to say, but it just started hailing! Aww, it ended. Okay. I'm kinda glad this year is gonna be over. Maybe I can try to shed away some people I don't particularly want to hang out with anymore, maybe I can branch out. And I hope I get a new advisory...but that's a different story.[listening to: "Let Me Love You" Mario (The elephant man!)] 3:32 PM
Wednesday, December 29Out of control!!!!!!Normally I don't quote myself for titles, but in this case its special. Anyway, the past few days have been, well, out of control. For Christmas I got a 20GB iPod with a pink case, and a Get Fuzzy callendar! Those were like the highlights. Heh. I crack myself up. Then I went over to my cousins houses...boring...Then on Monday, I went to the Mall with Nicole, and we ended up walking like two miles in the pouring rain to get to Albertson's just to spite Jefferey, and we bought the two ugliest shirts known to mankind. Then we took the bus back, found trees that were the same size as Jesus, and watched "Moulin Rouge!" I cried at the end of that movie. And Ewan McGregor is gorgeous, its, its just out of control! Oh yes...and then Nicole called Andrew V and pretended to be Kelly... "Do you want to chill?" Hilarious! So then we invited ourselves on a date with them, Maria, and Steven. We were gonna see "Meet the Fockers". Then, at 2am we went downstairs, ate chips, drank coke, and baked a quiche for Nicole. Then on Tuesday, I went over to Vicky's with Max, Kelly, Vicky, and her friend Lizzy, who's like, awesome. We ate pizza and watched Futurama and made buttons. And we watched this random little squirrel dude... "So kids if you wanna go WHEEEEEEEE but you dont have drugs yet...too bad." THEN Kelly and I drove back to Nicole's house and we went to Larkspur...("It could be a play on words!") And we saw "Meet the Fockers"! I died of laughter and embarassment. ("I am going to be Pamela Martha Focker and I know how that sounds!") [listening to: "El Tango De Roxanne" Moulin Rouge!] 1:54 PM
Friday, December 246 exclamation points makes it official.The Past few days, abbreviated.Tuesday: I cleaned. I was cleaning for the party, but the funny thing was that I only cleaned the upstairs, and we only stayed in the downstairs part of the house. Then the tragedy only increased when Francisco wouldn't tell me a story. Wednesday: Got The Christmas tree!! Horray!! It took a shorter time than usual, because my dad is uber picky and we usually spend like an hour there. We only spent 20 minutes! Then after that I had a party! It was pretty great, because first Betsy came, then Rachel, then Alessandra, then Nicole, then Katherine. I prolly shouldn't have given Nicole that "I *heart* Jesus" scarf because she was showing it to the randoms on the street as we went to pick up Katherine. And then we recorded some interviews (as well as "The Homo Song" etc.) on my computer, and I made them all CDs of us singing. We watched "Big Fish" and "Rudolf the Red Nosed Raindeer" and then Katherine, Rachel and I joined a gang...we R santa's elves. And by the way, if you are racist towards people with plaque, you are dentist. Thursday: Went Downtown (Union Square and all that) for some extra Christmas shopping. Didn't get much, however, I did see some adorable kittens in the ASPCA windows. I also got a bagel and went to a store that was all about TinTin. AND- here's the kicker! -this hobo told me that I was gonna die. I was all, "Um sure. Bye." But I did go home and tell everyone, especially Cecily, who told me that a hobo told her she was gonna die too. Then I stayed up late watching "Full House", "Fresh Prince", and "Futurama". [listening to: "Ways and Means" Snow Patrol] 1:43 PM
Tuesday, December 21say WHAT?I'm sooo bored. The Nutcracker yesterday was a bit of a disappointment, starting with the fact that the zipper on my skirt broke, so we had to sew it up. Then, since it was a new production, they had all this new stuff. It was booooring. Well, not really. More like, DULL.I can't think of anything more to say, but...I'm hungry. I'm actually sitting here with my cereal, but I don't feel like eating it. [listening to: "American Idiot" Green Day] 10:14 AM
Monday, December 20Chillin' wid da C-DogGuess what I get to do today?? No, you have to guess. No, I'm kidding, so I'll just tell you anyway. I get to go to the Nutcracker!! And I have the prettiest shoes to wear to it. I'm not kidding. Yesterday I saw "Ray" with Cara and it was SO good, even though we wanted to kill the junkies.[listening to: "Na Na-Na Na" Nelly] 11:00 AM
Sunday, December 19"Snow, man." "Snowman..." "Oh, I get it!"My class seriously has the intelegence of a small rodent. First of all, there was the whole "Louis Vuitton" thing, then the "Snowman", then the fact that Roxi is inviting bigger losers than me to her quince, but not me. I mean, both the Andrews are going! And Andrew V is a HUGE loser. Yes, the one that Kelly's going out with. But I guess that I will just have to party with the people who weren't invited. (i.e. Cara).OH YeAh - tomorrow, Betsy, YOU NEED TO CALL ME! Because I forgetted to call you today because I have to go see a movie (well I don't have to...but you know...) BECAUSE I'm having a party on Wednesday! BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!! [listening to: "Drop it like it's Hot" Snoop Dogg] 5:43 PM
Friday, December 17Yeah, shut up.Hilarity of today-Mr Chen: Whatever you have to say, Henry, I have a good response. (starts playing "Shut Up") Nothing was interesting today...except when I hung out with Anna and almost ate Cec's incense. I'm watching Rudolph the Red-nosed Raindeer! I love this so much... [listening to: what doyou think?] 7:54 PM
Wednesday, December 15FOR RACHELThis post is dedicated to - you guessed it - Rachel.I'm tired, bored, and my throat hurts. That's all I really have to say. I went to the Bay/Urban game today with Anna and Paul. We partied all the way there. I'm writing this post like the emails I write to my classmates. (Except this has better grammar) Oh my jeebus, if you grammar Nazis out there saw my emails, you would cry. I mean, I break a little inside when I look through my "Sent Mail" folder. I can't think of anything more to say. Well, what else? Henry tried to convince us (again) that he was ghetto. It didn't work. (again) [listening to: "Mr Brightside"] 9:42 PM
Tuesday, December 14Whatever, you moron.Today was exhausting. I walked like a shmillion miles to get to the 43 stop to go to University to watch my basketball team get beaten. Oh yeah, and to see Anjali and Vicky! I can't really remember what else happened, except that I got my Christmas present from Anna (not my sister) and it was hilarious and it's in my wallet.SCOTT PETERSON WAS SENTENCED TO DEATH YESTERDAY As far as I'm concerned, he's a bit of a sick freak. The celebrating was a bit much, except in the Rocha's case. Anyway, he's prolly not gonna get killed anyway... "Let's give him the death penalty. [50 years later, after he's dead] Whoops! Well that saved us some time." RANDOM QUOTE FOR Y'ALL Alex: Well, see, the Yankees don't have to worry about winning, because it actually happens to them. [listening to: "GhettoMusick" Outkast] 7:26 PM
Sunday, December 12"911?...Never mind."Last night, while I was waiting for "Futurama" to be on, I was chanel-flipping, and I turned to MTV. There was this commerial type thing that was absolutely hilarious. So this family sits down to Christmas dinner, and all of a sudden the grandpa falls over and starts dying. The whole family freaks out, the kids are screaming, the grandma is in tears and is hugging the grandpa, the parents are freakin' out and calling 911, and then...Old guy: I love you. Old woman: I love you too! Old guy: (starts giggling) Old woman: Why are you laughing? Old guy: I punk'd you! I punk'd you all! (he gets up and starts laughing and the kids are all traumatized.) Man on the phone with 911: Never mind. Then this big thing flashes across the screen - "MTV - not suitable for old people." I was DYING and like, rolling around on the floor in hysterics. I think you guys should keep an eye out for this thing - it's hilarious! [listening to: ] 1:47 PM
Saturday, December 11I can't believe 'sober' is in my vocabulary!Heh where's the crack, Maylin? Anyway, yesterday was off the 'heezy'. Since Teacher D wasn't here for Math, we had a study hall. (Which actually means I didn't do any work.) Then in Physics, Henry tried to convince us that he was actually 'ghetto'...it didn't work.Henry: (this was the period before) You spelled my name wrong. Me: H-e-n-r-y. Henry: No! There's an 'i'. Me: H-e-n-r-i? Then after gym, I went to the boy's Basketball game and hung with Gaby and Anna on the mats. Then Anna went to Winter formal at Redwood HS, so I walked back to school with Cara. Then we had this Movie night thing, and watched "The Butterfly Effect". It was MUY disturbing, scary, and sad! I was really close to tears and Cara and Cecily weren't even really watching the movie. There was this one part where I freaked out, and left the room. Then I looked through a window to see if it was still going. And everything was pretty good...until the Lenny rammed the shard into Tommy's head. That was a little too much. And then Kaley woke up and screamed. And turned into a whore! (I'm actually not kidding about that last part!) But it was scary. I have to go finish my homework so I can make a phone call. This call is MUY importante because some people are incapable of making phone calls. [listening to: "Only U" Ashanti] 11:46 AM
Thursday, December 9One, two, three, four, big, small!I just think you guys should know that I can actually write those characters in Mandarin! (Katherine- Remember when you wrote "big" and "small" on my hands? Heh heh I was remembering today! And everyone thought I was insane.) Anyway, today was pretty lame because I was half-asleep during Math. Then in Writing we had to write these letters to the editor of the NY times, and I completely missed my original point because I only had 150 words to use. Then I had Flex, and I partied instead of working. Partly because I didn't have any work to work on. Other than that, nothing really happened.[listening to: "Get Back" Ludacris] 10:02 PM
Wednesday, December 8Today was all about PERU(via)!Today Anna wore (heh I almost added an extra 'h' to that) a jersey from the Peruvian soccer team. As you guys all know, although I am half-Irish, I am completely obsessed with smaller parts of my heritage (Peruvian, Colombian, Native-American, Italian...) And no, crying is not for wimps and Italians. Shut up. I am also not Steven!! Anway, Today was kinda boring but I didn't go to weight training because I was sick! horray! well sorta. Ahh, I'm sorry, I'm kinda not in a grammatical mood! I can't think of anything that I wanna say...but...CHAPPY 2ND NIGHT OF CHANUKAH! [listening to: "Like Toy Soldiers" Eminem] 6:05 PM
Tuesday, December 7"How did you know?!"A moment of triumph - it is Cecily! I win! Because that's who I guessed and I was riiight! And so was Maylin and we are just winners all around.Today was okay, considering that I wasn't around for half of it. I left because I felt like crap (and I still do), and there was some INTERESTING information involving Cecily. She's so cool though, she congratulated me on my genious- I thought that Bill was a teacher and she thougth that was hilarious. Then I went home and slept. Another hilarious thought- I was reading Rachel's blog because I was bored and sad and lonely (and that blog is gonna cheer me up no matter what) and I was reading that post about Roman who thought that the man running past them was gonna rape him...I was dying. I mean, who would want to R him? [listening to: "Only U" Ashanti] 4:22 PM
Monday, December 6Rammstien, pasta, and "Cecily?!"Today was um interesting. It started off okay, because Ayinde's mom talked to us about Kwannza, and all the Burkes girls were like, "OMJ! I know everything!" Cara, Maylin, Kelly and I were rockin' out. Then we had physics and Henry was listening to Rammstien, and watching thier videos about random guys siezuring on the floor. (While tragic, hilariously funny.) Then in humanities Maria told me the presents she got for Steven and Henry. (um not to be mentioned here!) Then at lunch Anna was complaining that her abs hurt because she did 240 sit ups because she was bored. Lordy, I am not that focused.Then during Math Alex and I named our cubes after presidents, and I was all, "Who's Millard?" Anyway, after that we had writing which was soooo boring. Then we had WT which REMINDS me I have to go to talk to someone about something important! (for anyone from Bay, it regards the "Cecily?!" there was actually more...."Cecily?" "What the hell?!" which was a little mean because Cecily's really cool!) Anyway I HOPE THAT KATHERINE DOESNT MOVE TO LA BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE MAJORLY UNCOOL. [listening to: "Miss Independant" Kelly Clarkson] 8:02 PM
Saturday, December 4Hilarious as a Chariot!I miss Katherine M a lot. We were talking for like 4 hours last night. We're absolutely insane. (And if Anna is reading this, Francisco thinks that we should be Peruvian buddies...yeah Nicole, from Peruvia.)I went to the Lick/Bay basketball games yesterday. The girl's game was pretty good, I thought they all played well, especially Kelly, but they still lost 31 - 15. Well, the Lick team was better than the JCHS one so there! Ha, we win! Katherine was there, and we hung out with Anna, and put pennies into the vending machine to get food, but it rejected us. Then as I was walking Katherine to the bus stop the streetlight went out and we screamed because it was really dark and we could've been killed! But not. Then we stood at the bus stop and tried to read the sign (it was in Spanish) and we were all, "Yeah...Cucuy in the morning? What is that?" And I bet Paolo and Jay were all, "So it's not just Cara that's on drugs!" (Because we were smoking. Yeah I later found out that it was like, 40 degrees out. And I was in a tiny sweatshirt and a tank top! ahhh!) And then - yeah here's the scary part - as I was walking past the same streetlight, (it had gone on again when I was at the bus stop) it went out as I walked by. Omj, scary! I screamed, and the car that was passing me went faster. Then I laughed. When I got back to the gym, the boys were playing. I thougth that if Kaneja was playing and Morgan was here, we prolly would've played better. (61 - 11...that's embarrassing.) I have a hilarious story about the song I'm listening to. So I was in Physics and I was working and copying Helen's CD onto my lapper topper. So then Milli leans over... Milli: I don't recognize anyone on this CD. Me: You don't? Not even...(looks at computer) Jojo? Milli: Who? Jay: You don't know who Jojo is? Only the hottest singer! I was about to pass out with laughter. Yeah, I was "lol-ing so hard i was gonna colapse!" [listening to: "Leave" Jojo] 1:13 PM
Thursday, December 2She named her bag Louis Vuitton?I think I love the level of intelegence my class has. ANYWAY before I yammer on about my fabulous day, I just want to say that Pavel and I had a great conversation last night...and I'm sooo glad that Nicole liked Bay!Um so today! Yah...well I had math first and since Alex, Cara, Kelly and I have pretty lame math groups, we have like our own group in the corner. Then we had writing, which I couldn't wait go get out of, and guess what? ("ur a bitch!") I am not fond of a certain person anymore. (hint she went to our school) Ummm so after that we had flex and looked up pictures of Jeremy Sumpter to put in Coach's office (which was so hilarious because it took him a few hours to notice it was there!) Then during Gathering Andrew and I were looking at pictures of "JesusLand" and laughing a lot. Then we were talking to Francisco (after Cara and I were having a napkin fight) and he was all, "Jeez, why are you guys so irrespectful?" and kelly and I were like, "DISrespectful!" and he was all, "whatever. It's like irresponsible so that would mean its... disresponsible." Oh yeah and during WT Cara and Maylin came and totally thrashed me Anna and Andrew @ basketball. Wow we suck! Anyway after that we had this wierd holiday dinner thing but it was hella fun. We walked back to school and Cara's mom passed us in the car and waved but didn't give us a ride back to school. Then when we got there, we ate good food and lay on the floor and Brian tried to lock Alex F out on the roof but Liza saved his life, then I became a giraffe and Francisco's dad in the same 20 minutes, and OH what else happened? I don't remember. Oh we lay on the floor and laughed a lot! And Henry told me that my mother was interesting, and that my sister was speaking Spanish. I was like, "Um whoa there." Then Maylin wanted to be me but she just couldn't handle the pressure. I can't remember much else, because I'm tired and still have vocab homework. It's seriously just like Ms. Patrick's vocab assignments! (OH YES Andrew picked up Maria and threw her into the street. FYI.) Ahhh It's driving me insane! I'll just pretend I don't know what "benign" is. [listening to: "Roses" Outkast] 8:44 PM
Wednesday, December 1Why can't I be afraid of something useless? Like Henry?Um so because I'm uber lazy and NEVER post here anymore (sorry!!!) I'd just like to mention the awesome things that happened this lame ass week.
9:23 PM
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