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Sunday, November 28Ahh! Watch out for the Bluth Boiz!So on Friday I went to see "National Treasure" with la familia. Actually just with my dad and sister. It was pretty great, and I laughed a lot, mostly at random parts and they guys next to me were all, "Um, that wasn't funny." Whatever. I showed those punks. Um I'm not sure how but whatev! Anyway after that I went to Nicole's house with Betsy and I got shot by the Bluth Boiz twice in the face...but it was just to teach Betsy a lesson. It was after we went bird hunting. It was actually just red food coloring and it didn't really come out. so my face was all red!!! Anyway then we called Andrew and he told us AWEFUL jokes. And there was some more stuff but I forgot it.OH YEAH - Kelly and Andrew (not "the Haag") are officially going out! AMAZING! Anyway I don't remember antyhing else I wanted to say... [listening to: "Shiver" Maroon 5] 5:44 PM
Thursday, November 25I feel a tear coming...I'm so close to tears right now it's not even funny. I really want there to be a friend! I'm not even allowed to use my celular telepahoney. Ahhh people g2g[listening to: screaming] 3:18 PM
Happy Thanksgiving!I'm downstairs in my familia's nifty new study. It looks like it's been around for a while, but that is such a lie. It's like, fabulous!I don't know if you guys noticed the grammar in my last post, but it's totally non-existant. Probably because I was helping Rachel make her Christmas list and wasn't really using grammar. Psh, who needs that shit? I do. Shut up. Momentito of hilariosity... "You get three questions." "Oh, okay so I..." "Are you really the head of the Kwik-E-Mart convienience stores?" "Yes." "Really?" "Yes." "You?" "Yes. I hope you have been enlightened. Please come again." "But-" "Please come again." HA HA. I stayed up until 11:30 watching those shows...aka the Simpsons. (No one is on... which prompts two questions - where is Eli? and How long does it take for Alex to make her bed?) And another moment of hilariosity - this time about penguins. A Mexican newspaper reports that bored Royal Air Force pilots stationed on the Falkland Islands have devised what they consider a marvelous new game. Noting that the local penguins are fascinated by airplanes, the pilots search out a beach where the birds are gathered and fly slowly along it at the water's edge. Perhaps ten thousand penguins turn their heads in unison watching the planes go by, and when the pilots turn around and fly back, the birds turn their heads in the opposite direction, like spectators at a slow-motion tennis match. Then, the paper reports, "The pilots fly out to sea and directly to the penguin colony and fly over it. Heads go up, up, up, and ten thousand penguins fall over gently onto their backs." Audobon Society Magazine Eh - erre - eme! Oh yeah and I turn around for 10 seconds and Cameron asked Anna out! (no not my sister guys...EW...) Wow no one tells me anything...*sigh* Whatev! I'll just bug them aboot it on Monday.
11:25 AM
Wednesday, November 24Not to be racist or anything, but...those poor old chinese people!Actually if you know the context to that, it's not racist at all. we just scared the shit out of this nice Chinese couple when Nicole (aka Italo) threw her pen on their fire escape and tried to get it down by throwing her planner at it.ANYWAY this week so far has been off the hook! MONDAY: I went to the ROV meeting with Cara and then we went down to Rachel's school in the Western Addition and it was like, crazy and shit. JCHS is like, amazing! the bathrooms kick ass. TUESDAY: We had a party at Alessandra's house! We went to Bill's and Albertsons and went on a quest for gum but katherine had to go to Seattle but she did get to say some great stuff like, "if hott was a person, it would be Jacob Blumberg" and "if this involves bracelet rape, I'm out." then we went to Bill's and then Nicole threw her friends pen into the fire escape of an apartment buliding...well you can just read this story... yes, this pen went on an adventure! i threw it up onto a fire escape, and it got stuck. then i tried to knock it down with my planner! but then that scared the old chinese lady, so we tried to say that our pen was stuck, but her husband came and pushed it with a pole. THE END! oh yeah and then rachel and nicole kissed the lion that alessandra climbed on top of in front of that random school across from the martial arts place on Clement...oh yeah then we went on a quest for gum at Albertson's, but they only sold lies. so we left and there was a creepy guy there. wooo creepy! but he went away because Betsy pretended to yell at him. oh yeah! then we watched Harry Potter 3 but not really because i fell asleep and nicole and rachel found all the hott guys in the town year books. then nicole spilled a 2 liter thinger of coke on her pants and all over alessandra's moms rug, we watched redneck comedy, and made videos about us and drugs...and coming out of the closet for other people. TODAY: Went to visit Eli! it was a party because we saw a dog that looked like a wolf man and these grrrrrrrreat buttons and then we were spanish but not really because we have the grammar of an american so we were lies. oh yeah! then she drank all my coffee and i saw Erin and Carie. THE END [listening to: "soldier" destiny's child] 6:06 PM
Sunday, November 21This is Russia.Kelly had a party last night...I was all for staying up all night, but then I was one of the first people that fell asleep. Anyway, we were crazy the whole time, like the whole "rhombus" thing and "Tokyo is in China...right?" and "Oh it's the mafia!" and "Force Field!" and "I only have two knees!" and "Russia only has one pocket knife...and you stole it." and "You guys are my bestest friends!" and "strip clubs - every small town must have one."Then Mia came over and she loves Jeremy Sumpter!! I was talking about Boojum and then we chronicled our time in the "ghetto" and watched produce.... ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT IS ON TONIGHT!! [listening to: "Yeah" Usher] 3:33 PM
Friday, November 19La la la la!Today was the last day of the trimester! Thank Gord! (LOL JK MARIA, I'M STEVEN!) Anyway, I had to turn in my laptop for "reimaging" and so I'm on my home comp (sob...ha ha, he son of bitch!) There were many hilarious parts of my day. I will quote them.Me: But then it was just a movie about atoms. Maylin: ATOMS!? (I guess you had to be there...) Maria: Francisco, your epidermis is showing. Me&Francisco: Huh? Maria: Emma, you know what an epidermis is, right? Me: Yes... Maria: Francisco, put that away! Francisco: (looks down) (for everyone who doesn't know, epidermis is your skin.) Looking forward to this week - no school! Also seeing Rachel, Alessandra, Nicole, Eli, Katherine...who else? I wanna see you too! [listening to: "Get Low" Lil John or whoever] 6:24 PM
Wednesday, November 17I'm FAST!There is a voice inside my head that says, "I don't think you feel like studying for your Physics quiz." Despite the fact that it's my giganimus final...I think the most hiliarious part of my day was when Henry slapped me in the face, (not hard) so I dragged him around the media lab by his sweatshirt hood. And Spanish was good also, because we are DONE with Spanish until the spring! Oh except we have one more class - but we're just watching a movie. So whatever. Oh yeah and Rachel's blog cracks me up sooo much. ("Ohhh, tumor!") which reminds me of a story...well, a rather long quote. Jordan: But what kind of beans are they? Ava: The beans from Jack and the beanstalk! Jordan: No, those were peas. Ava: Ohhhhhh! [listening to: "Na Na-Na Na", Nelly] 6:38 PM
Sunday, November 14Where the hell is my phone?!So this weekend has been incredibly anti-social. Except for the like, hour-and-a-half phone conversations with "Italo". ("I'm Peruvian." "From Peruvia?!" "Um, no, from Peru." "Then you'd be Peruan. You are from Peruvia." ... "Oh, those Racists! You should start a Colombian club...where you'd just sit around and drink coffee with that ugly guy and his horse on the tin!" "Um, how about not?" "It just keeps coming back to coffee, huh. You'll never get away!")But today I had to go to the Legion of Honor to see the Maya exhibit. We saw David and hella dissed him...well, Cara did, because she was the only person who was nice enough to say, "NO!" to him. Then we had this funny thing where she fell over on the sidewalk...anyway, it was hilarious. Actually, it was more like, ERM!!! but you know, I'm kinda sick of studying Spanish, so never mind. [listening to: "Soldier" Destiny's Child] 5:12 PM
Friday, November 12SOBarney : all I'm sayin is that In the future, there will be a planet for the rich, and one for the chinese.Lisa: Mr. Gumball, you are offending me Barney: No I'm not Who thinks up this stuff? Anyway, I'm uber bored. I can't think of what we did today that was fun. Aside from laughing my ass off. [listening to: "Lose my Breath"] 7:54 PM
Ramadan, Ramadan...first off - I LOVE NICOLE!Oh yah, today was the last day of Ramadan! Who remembers that song we learned? God, you guys... Anyway we "fasted" for the whole day and I was so out of it that Teacher D had to kick me Cara and Emily out of the room because we were giggling too much. ANYWAY I am DYING to visit everyone! oh yeah and who remembers when we were all at Nicole's house and we made up the "bolsetito caliente, czech lo y vees! tengo gripe de ciento y tres!"? Well actually gripe means flu...it's one of our vocab words! [listening to: "My Goodies" Chiara 6:27 PM
Tuesday, November 9ha haThis is for Henry, Maylin, Cara, and Gaby -"I like diharrea!" But that was only the beginning of the craziness... "Hobo-goblins. Hemoglobins. Oh, hobgoblins!" "Why...does it have banana in it?" "You mean egg." "Yeah, I know, I meant, yeah, uh... this banana is really good." "...and then when my dad accelerated, the tennis ball came back and hit me in the face. It was cool." "It hit you in the face, and it was cool?" "There's something alive on my paper!!" And right now I'm doing my math homework which I worked for like, an hour on, and then I realized that I was using lines that didn't even exist, and I could've been using y=x instead of y=2x+3, and I was uber pissed (was? I still am!). OH and I was thinking today in my illness (yeah I was feeling like crap in Spanish - we started subjunctive - which I hate.) about what I could say to the Ghetto Russian Posse at Rachel's school when I meet them...basically, if they ask me a question, and the answer is no, I'll say stuff about the Pope being a vicar, and walk away laughing hysterically. It's perfect! [listening to: "Yeah" Usher] 9:41 AM
Monday, November 8"Where my hat and wig?"Gotta love Annyong!Annyong: We want you. Michael: The jury's gonna love that. Anyway, today wasn't that special, except that Jack and Henry were bothering me all day (well maybe just Jack) about the FANTABULOUS season premiere of Arrested Development! See, Rachel, isn't it great?! Lucille: Buster, put down my Rape Horn! Yes, Michael, that's right, I have a rape horn...ever since you took away my mace. Michael: That mace was to protect yourself, not to get past people on the elevators. Buster: Yeah...who would want to R her? Anyway, we had WT today - and Anna and I are the only girls! So we just played basketball all day. In Physics, Miles was talking about "Jesus Christ High School" (because he used to teach there) and I was all, "Oh oh! I know what you're talking about! OH!" [listening to: "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" Green Day] 6:10 PM
Sunday, November 7YAY!The season premiere (wow special spelling ahh I don't care) of Arrested Development is on tonight!! I'm sooo happy. I feel bad that Katherine is missing it though - I think I shall tape it. Oh, well, that depends on if we have any tape left....:( Anyway, today was pretty anti-social, except when I texted Mimi to tell her that I wasn't as "romantic" as Steven, and then I called Eli and she told me this sweet story. And I left a 5-hour-long message on Rachel's phone. Well, not really. Ha ha, I lie.Oh, and the blog about the OC? It made me cry. "UNO! DOS! TRES! CATORCE! I don't know what it means, but it's damn catchy!" You fucking retard. It means, "one two three fourteen". Even Katherine and her Spanish 1 friends could figure it out! Hell, I bet my frenchy friends could figure it out - like Rachel! PLUS there is this UBERSCARY picture of (I think) Seth Cohen's 'dad' only the picture is just of his eyes, so it's like, "WOAH!" [listening to: "Heart Shaped Box" Nirvana] 7:00 PM
Saturday, November 6I don't particularly care.I'm doing homework and sitting on my bed in my helacious mess of a room. This weekend is gonna be hella anti social. Yeah, I knew it! It's kinda sad because my last like, four weekends have been fully loaded not with beer but with fun. Now I have sooo much homework that I have to do. Spanish 3 is so hard! Well, I'm doing really well, but I'd probably do even better if there weren't any Native speakers in my class. The thing is, they're all really nice (except when Gaby and I are saying how much smarter we are than Cameron) but they are uber intimidating.I've had this one song stuck in my head and it goes like this - "G-H-E-T-T-O M-U-S-I-C-K"! [listening to: "Black Balloon" Goo Goo Dolls] 2:45 PM
Friday, November 5BUFFI so didn't want to write in my blog today, but whatever. I don't care. I'm sooo tired I think I might cry. Anyway, I'm sitting here with the TV on and music so I might as well not bother to have the TV on. Yeah, so Anna and Alex and Maylin know that I was watching "Air Bud" and Anna was all, "Oh, my god, he is so hot." (this isn't my sister, guys) and I got incredibly sad.Katherine: Oh no! Keven whats-his-face is about to die! Me: He's gonna get electrecuted! Katherine: What? What did you say? Me: Did you just confess your love for Rachel? Rachel: What? [listening to: "Burn" Usher] 11:04 PM
Thursday, November 4I am a MAN!It made me happy when I came home to see that I was mentioned repeatedly in "Shmexy". ESPECIALLY since Milli and I had to miss two 29s and had to take the 43, which is more unpleasant. It was only happifying when everyone started talking about how much they hated David A. I also joined the knitting club and decided that I wanted to do Weight Training or Hip Hop. I actually want to do Hip Hop more, but I didn't want to be in it by myself so Anna signed up for it and Weight Training too. WE HAD OUR YUCKY PREFORMANCE FOR MARTIAL ARTS UGH. I wanted Katherine to be there when they started going, "Can't touch this!" it made me so happy.SOMETHING I JUST REMEMBERED! Last week we were watching "Futurama" during lunch and there was a line that went, "Oh yeah, what's it called?" "Dis-sex-ia." and I was all, "GASP! NO! THEIVERY!" [listening to: "I am a Revanant" The Distillers] 5:52 PM
Wednesday, November 3BLAH not again!Yet again, there is a dumb old white guy in the President's seat. (It probably would've been the same either way, but you know, pick your poison...) Anyway today was really lame because I still didn't get to present my Spanish project and it's kinda killing me.AHG TODAY WAS JUST LAME! THE ONLY GOOD PART WAS WHEN ALEX AND I NAMED HER RULER "WINSTON". I REALLY WANNA VISIT RACHEL I THINK THAT SHE NEEDS TO CALL ME ON MY CELLAPAHONEE RIGHT NOW SO WE CAN TALK ABOOT WHEN I CAN COME VISITAR A ELLA! [listening to: "Karma" Alicia Keys] 7:35 PM
Tuesday, November 2Rapies?So today was pretty lame. OH we did our fake voting thing. I voted for "Jerry" and I realized that there were a lot more Republicans at this school than at Burkes...i.e. Betsy...During Flex we tried to brush Henry's hair, that didn't work, but then he gave me "rapies" when he bit me, and then he hit me really hard because Maylin and I were "verbally assaulting" him when he started his period...You guys should REALLY be there for these things... Anyway, Cara did something else, but I can't remember what it was! SO during Spanish Gaby brought pan de muerto and it was really good according to Jay, Francisco, and Cara, who practically LOVE ("lub") to mock me and then we decided that if I die, it's not gonna be Cara who calls the police, because she has to go through her WHOLE phone book to get to "police emergency". The rest of the day was pretty lame, but during Physics we had all these "protests" because Mr.C was being sexist. RACHEL IS SAD BECAUSE BUSH IS WINNING...I DON'T WANT TO GO DOWNSTAIRS TO CHECK! [listening to: "Don't Want You" Joss Stone] 9:20 PM
Monday, November 1It's November! How special is THAT!It's November! Last night was UBER fun because I went over to Cara's, and it took me an hour to get there, while it only took Maylin five minutes. Grr. Then we hung out and listened to this creepy video with people eating spiders and "Mosh" by Eminem, and Maylin tried to figure out this puzzle that Cara got at her orthodontist, but she couldn't find the orange square shaped piece. It was kinda funny, because we went out really early (i.e. 6:30) and we were EXHAUSTED after we finished the Harry Potter block and the hill that Cara ran up one time at Christmas when she and her aunt were walking the cats. Whatever. Then we went home and were like, crashing, and acting drugged and hung over, and we called Sumant and were like, "I'm hung over!" But not really. Then today was lame, becasue we had all my classes, GAG. I didn't present my Spanish project, but I bet I will have to tomorrow. During Lunch I told Emma that she was "whoring around" over the weekend and she laughed for like a year. Then me, Cara, Maylin, Anna, Kelly, Alex, and Milli all hung out in the library with Fred and Peter and talked about Austin Powers and lollypops. ("Do you want mine?" "You've already eaten it!" "So?") Then during physics I had the second highest throwing time, and I was tres proud of myself. Yay! And in Math Emily and I had a war about who would write on whose paper. And Alex wrote "Alex and Emma" on her pretty pretty ruler. The bus ride home sucked, because Milli and I had to be there with David. Ew.[listening to: "Mosh" Eminem] FOR ALL THOSE CREEPY RANDOM KILLERS THAT ARE READING THIS BLOG THAT CAN VOTE - GO! GO! QUICK, GO VOTE! NOW! FOR KERRY! YOU KNOW IT! 5:21 PM
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