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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Saturday, October 30But it turned out he was just drinking.The last few days have been really fun. Since we didn't have school for half of Thursday or all of Friday because of parent teacher conferences, we partayed. On Thursday Vicky had a party at her house and it was hellaciously fun. Kelly dressed up as Maria and the Boat and his friends took a walk.Vicky: If they get lost, is it my fault? So basically we lounged around and met Vicky's brother, talked about vegitarians and meatatarians (save a potato, kill a cow!), what words we liked, played balloon volleball, until Carina put the balloons in the fire, Simba, lollypops, Elliot and his drinking/smoking problems ("Elliot, if you are going to smoke, you should at least share!" "I'm actually just drinking."), Jordan's balloon friend and my psychotherapy ("That's like carrying around your dead friend in your pocket!") and we got to watch several great games of Twister, one of which just turned out to be the boys all wrestling on the floor. Then Maria and I played on Cameron's camera phone, and we were looking at the pictures and there was this picture of Henry with out his shirt on and making all these faces and Maria and I fell down the stairs laughing. We did some other stuff, like when Cecily and I stole Kelly's chair, or when we went downstairs and saw Emily's "bling". Then yesterday I went over to Cara's and we worked on our Halloween costumes, because we hadn't really started. We dyed our hair and talked to Andrew ("you are such a stocker!"). Then we watched a bit of General Hospital ("oh no! She has to tell Sonny something bad!"). After that, Nicole and I went to the dance a bit late, because Cara and Maylin called me about a shmillion times. We saw Skipper in his Wendy costume that he cut up and he had all this black eye makeup on, but later that night we got a picture of it. I will show it to you if you all would like. Anyway, we danced, but it made me sad how many people didn't get into it! Me: Oh, my jeebus, why are you just sitting around? Where's your costume? Why aren't you into it? Francisco: I'm kinda into this chair right now. What is up with that? Andrew totally ditched us, though, and hung out with Liza. (Btw, it was uberrude of her to not allow me to go into the bathrooms.) People had cool costumes, like Gaby, who was a fairy, and Cecily, who was a dancertypething. Some people didn't dress up - aforementioned Francisco, Paolo, Bill...those losers. What is their problem? Our costumes rocked the Casbah. Kelly, Cara, and I all stole Skipper's hat, and Maylin was very gangstah. Then Nicole and I went home and I tired to tell her this story about how I almost hit a truck WITH A BASEBALL but then I forgot it. OH and Alex thinks that the fish in "Shark Tale" is like Allende. Which made me LOL. hahaha. Geddit? No. [listening to: "Karma" Alicia Keys] 1:20 PM
Wednesday, October 27It's a dog...no, cat...no, platypus...Today was okay. I'm ubertired and ubercold, so my sholders are gonna fall off. Anyway, today was okay, we had Math first and Emily made up this story about a boy and his ball and a ghost, and I didn't really follow it because I thought the ball turned into the ghost but I was dying of laughterosity for a while. Then we had DM and Henry thought it would be a great idea to have exploding bunnies in ours. I think he's completely nuts, though. And then we had the ROV meeting where Cara got attacked by "bugs" and Annie wouldn't go in the right group. UGH. Then we had Spanish and I think my group rocks the casbah a little. it's Jay, Ignacio, Alex, Emily, and Cara, so it's like, "Lalala..." "Where's that?" "No, I was kidding." And then during Humanities, Elliot (yes, that Elliot!) was at his most hilarious point of his life. "We could stuff our shirts and pretend we ate something! ... just close your eyes for a minute." I was dying. Then I got to leave Martial Arts early for an orthodontist appointment and go to the last soccer game. I kinda got lost trying to get into the damn polo fields, but when I got there I hung out with Meg, Anna, Cecily, Emma, and Roxi. We had fun pretending to see platypuses and Michael Bernstien. (Oh they did see him though.) And then I found out that Andrew asked Liza out, which suprised me, because I thought he liked Alex. What else did I find out? Oh yeah, Meg is a vampire.Meg: Well, I'm part robot and part vampire. Emma: The most common types of vampires have red hair, blue eyes, and are anemic. Meg: [pause] Well, I'm a vampire. Can you believe we actually have these conversations? Anna, Cecily and I were just standing there like, "oookay." OH! And here's anothe conversation that I just remembered. Kaneja: Francisco, did you just hit my butt? Francisco: No... Kaneja: I think your hand just hit my butt. Francisco: I think your butt just hit my hand. Cara: [starts laughing really hard] [listening to: "Little Acorns" The White Stripes] 7:12 PM
Sunday, October 24LALALA as usualI don't think that it's truely sunk in yet, but I've had this blog for a year now. A year!! I'm such a loser. I was remembering today when I was getting pumpkins. Yay pumpkins! Anyway that was the highlight of my day. Here's a part of the silly conversation we had. I sent it to y'all anyway. Check your emails! NOW!ravenblack777: the world will blow up in 83.3498 seconds ShmEXYDrAMaqueeN: oh! ravenblack777: haha ShmEXYDrAMaqueeN: really??!?!?!?! ShmEXYDrAMaqueeN: that's sooo cool!!!! LOTRgurl89: cool! ravenblack777: mwahahahahah!!!!!!! Catduh: no, it's NOT ravenblack777: DIE FOOLS! LOTRgurl89: darn! *snaps fingers* ShmEXYDrAMaqueeN: why isn't it cool? ravenblack777: oops, kathos word hotpinkavocado: thats tres sad hotpinkavocado: foo' ShmEXYDrAMaqueeN: cuz u didn't get to bang jacob is ur lifetime? ravenblack777: no its funny Catduh: huh? ravenblack777: go do it now fools ShmEXYDrAMaqueeN: lol jk hotpinkavocado: quick katherine! you have 30 seconds! Catduh: to what? ShmEXYDrAMaqueeN: LOL ravenblack777: bang bang! ON THE DOOR BABY!Q ShmEXYDrAMaqueeN: bang jacob Catduh: i'm so lost... LOTRgurl89: I am in love Catduh: oh, i get it! hotpinkavocado: to bang jacob ravenblack777: KATHO LEAVE AND BANG JACOB HOT BEFORE RACH BEATS YOU TO IT Catduh: gotta go then, bye! ShmEXYDrAMaqueeN: i'm sooooo quoting that........"u have thirty seconds to bang jacob!" ravenblack777: fine beach ravenblack777: hahaha hotpinkavocado: i'm sorry i'm so hilar ShmEXYDrAMaqueeN: lo freaking l ShmEXYDrAMaqueeN: hilar? Catduh: okay, i'll be back in 30 seconds [listening to: "Just a Little Bit" Maria Mena] 6:13 PM
Saturday, October 23Rachel is silly.I was gonna blog aboot my hella aweswome day at school, but I think that it's more appropriate to blog aboot the dance last night. Okay, so, we went to the dance and Rachel and I improved our social status in the Lick world by being the first people to go out and dance. ("Dude, I love your guests!" - Katherine's friends) So we got necklaces! Suck on that! Then Eli came and it was hotalicious, but her friends were kinda wierd. Then like, hours later, Katherine freaked ("danced sexually") with Jacob Blumberg for like, "a shmillion dances". And it was sooo unfair, because he is hot and Rachel danced with him first anyway. And really nothing else happend. Then we went home and like, did drugs, because you couldn't understand anything we said, like, "they're gonna shmush me into a shmillion pieces and then spread me aboot the house and I don't care, just so long as you don't speak to each other!" and "So the cheeze-it has a hole, and so does the bus pass, so if you ate a bus pass it would be like eating a cheeze-it. And if you swallowed it, you would be able to breathe!" Don't forget that Katherine danced sexually with a boy. And I can't count. [listening to: nothing...no banging!] 10:08 AM
Thursday, October 21"Why are you rubbing my shoulder?"Today was soo long. We only had two classes today and they were Physics and Math. Math was sooo boring because we did this stupid thing that Teacher W made up at the last minute. Then lunch was even boringer, but Cara and Maylin drew watches on themselves, and after they were done they were like, "is this toxic?" and Anna and I laughed at them. Then after flex was finished (the studying part) Henry and I went outside and played catch, which was mainly him throwing insanely and me running into the patch of trees across the street. Then we moved over and I threw the ball at a car - twice. Then we had these two speakers come talk to us about becoming polictically active and the Mandarin teacher like, attacked the Republican (the pedophile named Bob), before ending it with, "I'm not trying to attack you." Kelly and I were like, "oookay!" but Andrew found it hysterical and was practically crying from laughing too hard, and then Kelly and I were laughing really hard too. And that was the highlight of my day.[listening to: "Duality" Slipknot 5:46 PM
Wednesday, October 20JAJAJA...but not.The Yankees are out of the running for World Series. Me'n'Alex are gonna get laughed at tomorrow I can feel it. That's all Henry's been doing at me for the past week. Anyway the most hilar part of Tuesday was when we went down a hill on skateboards and it was raining so we all like died, well, not me, Milli, Brian or Vicky and some other people, but Katie ended up in the bushes, and Meg in a pile of twigs, and John was almost in the huge puddle at the end of the hill, and Francisco did this wierd tuck and roll thing and landed in another puddle. Today was lame, except that I totally like, impaled myself on Andrew's bike because the seat was too high. (Yes.) And then he hurt his crotch too on it, and Maylin was like, "Andrew hurt his vagina." And I laughed hysterically and he wondered if we were stoned. (not so loud! or they'll all want some!) Then Henry told me this story that I'm sure Katherine will appreciate - Skipper's dad is a gun-o-holic and has guns all around the house, and you know that law that says you have to keep your guns locked up in a cabnit? well I don't think that Skipper's dad has ever ever heard of that law.(GABY SUMPTER!) [listening to: "Pain" Jimmy Eat World] 10:08 PM
Monday, October 18Kelly, you're biting your shadow!Today was pretty good. Erik made the spanish class die of hilariosity when he randomly put his birthday in the middle of a spanish presentation. Then I laughed some more when I was waiting with the physics class outside their class room...Henry: Oh! HA HA! (to me) yay! (to cara) Me: You suck. Just shut up. Henry: Well, you're a horrible person too. Me: Did you just call me a whore?! Cara (kinda randomly): Oh! Did you guy see my shoes?! Me: They are hot beyond belief. (grabs Cara's shoe) See? Cara: Ow ow my leg! Henry: Let's just twist Cara's leg off! Me: But you haven't seen the "fine -" (Cara starts to fall and grabs the doorknob of the science lab and Maylin, who is on the other side, pulls open the door because she thinks Cara's trying to open it. Instead, Cara falls flat on her face in front of Maylin's entire science class. Henry and I start laughing hysterically and Cara just lies there.) After that it was pretty boring except I sat with Anna at lunch and we tried to convince Skipper to be either Wendy or Tinkerbell for Halloween... Maylin: And then you could wear a miniskirt! Skipper: No. Me: Just a miniskirt? Maylin: You're right, I forgot, she's a slut. You have to wear a strapless top also. Skipper: Strapless top? Anna: Like a tube top! Skipper: But how does it stay up? Wouldn't it just fall off? Then we had Physics and I got a 91 wahoo third highest in the class I don't care. Francisco said he had a horrible haircut and Mr. Chen made a big deal about Cathedral boys and their haircuts (G.I. Brian). But then he told me that it just looked funny. And now we're racist friends. (Katherine can you email me the lyrics to the "everyone's a little bit racist - sometimes!" song because I need it? Thanks.) And in math Alex and I were harassed about our beliefs. (i.e. being Yankee fans.) [listening to: "Sorry" Maria Mena] 5:58 PM
Sunday, October 17SOOO BORED[listening to: "Devils and Angels" Tobey LIghtman] 5:17 PM
Dance and FestivalThe Festival (yesterday) was so much fun! I mean, not for the first part...anyway, Rachel left three messages on my machine telling me that I was "oh so late" because I went home to change out of my miniskirt. Then we hung around for a while and we called Andrew because we wanted him to come and we hung out with Mia and Anjali and Katherine M and Nicole and Eli and Carie and Milli and Maddy and Lizzy. And Andrew came and we had fun ("I am not having sex...no, I am, but just with this tootsie roll."..."Andrew Elizabeth Haag, get back here this instant!") And it was fun. ("I am so glad to meet a fellow pimp!") And then I went to the JCC dance and it was kinda boring cuz I didn't know anyone and everyone was freaking and "groping" other people and it was kinda odd, because I wasn't a hanky sko like everyone else. I told mIchAEl bErnsIEn that he was a loser, but I dunno if he heard me. It was kinda loud. But Katherine and I got bored and went downstairs and IM'ed Andrew, who thought we were at the movies...with a computer.[listening to: "Time and Time Again" Chronic Future] 11:33 AM
Saturday, October 16LALALAOMG I'm at the JCC and I'm blogging lalala loserism okay Katherine is blogging next to me I luv her and I'm hella tired but I hella don't care OMG the Festival was funnnnn! Later, I still have to go dance my heart and soul out, so information sobre el dance and el Festival will come tomorrow when I am awake enough to print out my humanities.[listening to: "Toxic" Britney Spears] (That is a lie.) 10:47 PM
Friday, October 15Does it look like I have anything better to do?A is for age: 14 - but my alter-ego, Daniel, is 15.B is for boyfriend: I'm married you retaahed. But other than that, no, I don't have a boyfriend. C is for career: *laughs hysterically* D is for dad's name: Iriving is his middle name. E is for essential item to bring to a party: Cookies! or lippy! F is for favorite song at the moment: "Duality" Slipknot. I am so not a punk rocker but I luuuuurve that song. G is for girlfriend: HellOO, married? H is for hometown: San Francisco baby yeah! I is for instruments you play: Piano, and when I'm in the mood electric bass. J is for jam or jelly you like: Blackberry! YummY! K is for kids: I loooove kids! If I don't have to take care of them 24/7 and we're doing something and there's a responsible adult present at all times. L is for living arrangements: OOH! I'm aboot to get my own room! Yay! But currently I live with my sister in the same hell of a room. M is for mom's name: Mom. N is for name of your best friend: I don't have a best friend, but the Bay people get special mention, as well as the Burkies, and Brittney, and the kids at my summer camp. O is for overnight hospital stays: Asthma-alicious baby! Yeehawa! P is for phobia[s]: I don't really have any. Oh, yes I do...wait, no, that too is a lie. Q is for quote you like: "Cover your dick! Do it! Cover your dick now!" Whale Rider. Hilar to the extreme. The movie is really good, and that was the craziest quote ever. The better one was, "He likes to think he's in charge. But he's not. We just let him think he is, okay?" R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Emilie and I have been friends for tweleve years. But I don't think you mean that kind of relationship. S is for sexual position: HA HA HA HA. No. T is for time you wake up: 6:00 on schooldays and 9:00 on summers and weekends. U is for unique trait: I can play songs on the piano with my eyes closed. But only certain songs. I'm also creative. V is for vegetable you love: CARROTS! W is for worst habit: Procrastinating and losing my temper. X is for x-rays you've had: Like a hundred thousand. Mostly for back injuries and lung problems and heart flutters. Yeah, I'm screwed up. Y is for yummy food you make: PASTA Z is for zodiac sign: Aquarius, and year of Snake. [listening to: ] L@T3R ^^V(H 10:02 PM
Holla back, young'un!Cara and I are SOOO emotionally ghetto. Anyway, today was REALLY long I wanted to die. I got the forms for the JCHS thingy! Yay! (RACHEL CALL ME!) We finished "Whale Rider" in Humanties, and played with motion detectors in Physics. We were supposed to record the velocity of the moving object, and it is not just a crazy squiggle, no matter how scientific the crazy squiggle is!! At lunch we had wierd hamburgers and Kelly and I decided that Andrew is a total poodle. Then Kate and Piper visited, ho hum, what next? Oh yeah, I tried to finish my Spanish project and Kel-Kel decided she wanted to be Meems for Halloween. Then Liza and Cecily came...Liza: Ew, gross, a green lifesaver. Who wants it? Me, Kelly, Maria, and Katie: ME! Liza: Well, pick a number between one and a hundred! Cecily: Twenty two. Liza: Cecily, that's cheating. Then we had math class which was insanity on wheels, but I can't really remember what happened. It was probably the crack. ("What is wrong with you guys? I tell you to go out and get crack, and you go out and get coke! And be honest, how much crack did you guys have?") Then we had Spanish where I went totally overboard with the project but I don't care. We watched "Mi Familia" and I totally wanted a pillow, but Jay stole them all. What a poo. And then there was this hilar conversation... Henry: Guess what? Cara: Hey hey hey what? Henry: You have to guess. Me: We can't. We're not creative enough. Henry: I went into a girly store to get a present for Carina. Maylin: You went into a girly store?! Cara: I can't wait to see the pictures of that. Me: He probably wore a ski mask. Henry: (pulls pink-leapard spotted bag out of locker) I got her a wallet. Cara: A pink wallet? Henry: No, a reg- Me: Wait, you got her a pink wallet? My wallet is brown. Cara: Mine is green. Henry: Wait- Maylin: What is this present for? Me: Carina. Maylin: No, what is this present for? Cara: Carina. Maylin: NO! WHAT IS THIS PRESENT FOR?! Me: Oh! What! Um, I dunno. Henry: Her birthday. I'd feel kinda wierd going to her party without a gift. Me: Wasn't her birthday like, weeks ago? Maylin: And you give her a wallet? Henry: JUST BECAUSE I GIVE HER A WALLET DOES NOT MEAN THAT I AM A BAD BOYFRIEND, OKAY?! (entire hall turns to look at us) [listening to: "This Fire" Franz Ferdinand] L@T3R ^^V(H 5:26 PM
Thursday, October 14Meat Flavo(u)red CheeseThat 'u' is for Rachel. Anyway, today was also hella fun, even though I had a physics midterm. The quality of my handwriting and my answers was completely deteriorated by the end of the test. I had a shadow from Adda Clevenger, Laura, and I almost forgot about her when I went to math. I was like, "Gee, where is everybody?" and Bill was being uber unhelpful and he was like, "Dunno." so then Teacher D was like, "Oh, are the shadows coming?" And I yelled, "SHADOW!" and ran down the stairs. But Meg and I got our shadows back first, oh oh oh! Anyway, the hilarity of math below.Teacher D: Oh, yeah, so acceptance of sexual orientation would be nice. Cara: NO! You stupid, dumb LOSER! Teacher D: Uh...(he's gay) Cara: OH! WAIT! I was talking to this ordered pair... (class starts laughing hysterically) So then we had lunch and Sherlock (emma) stole my shoe after she BIT it, and Maria decided to harass everyone's "uteri", and other internal organs. Andrew got his head scratched, but I told him that I got my head bitten, and he laughed hysterically for like an age. That 'tard. But I swear to G-d he is the horniest person I know. (see maylin for details.) And then during Flex Henry really had to pee, so he made me and maylin and cara go outside to play catch. He didn't tell us about his "urges" for half an hour, and that whole time Maylin and I were trying to figure out what his wierd dance was for. And now I'm a fraf, and Eemz, and Em-em, and Froggy, and Judy, and Watson. What the hell? During "gathering" we got our reviews back, and I felt bad for Francisco, because he was like, "Well, I totally failed Physics." But he did go to Cathedral, and they probably have the same mentality that Burkes has about grades. And Fred pondered yoga porn and meat flavoured cheese. We ran away after he started talking about the former, though. [listening to: "That Great Love Sound" The Raveonettes] 7:11 PM
Wednesday, October 13Would you like another dictionary?Oh my Jeebus when Erik was supposed to be looking up stuff in the dictionary during Spanish and he asked if MsB wanted another one, I was like, "Does anybody have an extra dick...cionary?! I was trying to give it a nickname!!" Aww, I miss Maddy. Anyway today was lame, I totally failed the Math test (Burkes fail, btw) and Henry wasn't here today it was wierd. He's sick - everyone's sick. yesterday Vicky was sick. DM was tiring except Gaby, Emily, Cara and I laughed like the whole time. Alex is the coolest Yankee fan. She told Cara that she failed because she was a Red Sox fan and I laughed for like an age. Cara and Francisco are going DOWN.Me: But the Red Sox are totally gonna lose. Cara: NO! Me: Yes! Cara: NO! Alex: Wait, Emma, you're a Yankees fan? Me: Yes! Alex: (to Cara) I always knew I liked her. ROV meeting was kinda wierd because Carina was trying to control a group of losers, tres sad. Anyway then we had spanish and the aforementioned hilar happened. Then HUM where we watched Whale Rider. [listening to: "Duality" Slipknot] 9:14 PM
Tuesday, October 12Pochahontas!Today was kinda boring. Softball news - although Milli isn't gonna be on the team, (sniff sniff) Gaby and Cailin are! YAY SO THATS WHAT? FIVE PEOPLE? YEAH I THOUGHT SO!! We were playing with a softball today and we made Henry run after every ball that got away from us. Then during Spanish Cara sat at our table because of all the visitors! I have another on Thursday. ANYWAY. Humanties BLAH, Physics, BLAH, then we went to the Soccer game! We were lazy and took the "boos" twice and WE FOUND THE FIELD YAH! We saw Anjali and we had a party because we tried to give her half of Cameron's bike as a peace offering. Bay lost, it was sad, we said hi to Thomas, and the rest of the team ignored their cheering squad. OUCH.[listening to: NOTHING] 7:26 PM
Monday, October 11"I wear more bracelets than a Russian whore."I laughed SOOO much when I read that. I spent today doing Spanish hw that didn't need to be done. I'm talking to Rachel and Betsy right now and I DON'T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL!!![listening to: "Serenity" Godsmack] 3:50 PM
Sunday, October 10A brief moment of hilarity before I go back to Spanish HW...4:15 PM
Aaron HwangLast night Katherine and I went over to Anjali's house (which is friggin enormus) to cause a ruckus. (Or, what is it, ruckasi?) It was fun, because we were all tired when we got there. ("Aaron Hwang...is he asian?") then we went to Amici's (A meat 'n' cheese) to eat and then to Safeway and then back to her house where we played bowling on Anjali's phone. Then it was her brilliant idea to go onto my buddy list and talk to both the Andrews, Brittney, Katherine M, and Maylin. Oh, and we also found all these lightbulb jokes!!How many language teachers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two - one to screw it in, and the other to yell at you in a language you don't understand. How many Branson kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two - one to drink a diet pepsi, and the other to call Daddy and complain. How many Urban kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Ten - one to screw it in, and nine to figure out what grade they're getting for it. How many Colombia University students does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 101 - one to screw it in, fifty to stage a protest about the lightbulb's right to change, and fifty to stage a counter-protest. How many llamas does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 1 - because their necks are so long! [listening to: nada] 1:20 PM
Saturday, October 9Sigh...It's almost midnight and I still feel wide awake. I'm feeling depressed and neglected, but that should all go away tomorrow. And Rachel needs to call me so I can ask aboot her dance. ("I loathe Canada." - Andrew) That stupid. I'm sooooo...urgh...and I don't even have an extra pair of batteries. I miss the crazy people who laughed at my jokes. Sometimes I wish that people from Burkes didn't go to Bay, so I could start over and totally reinvent myself. It's like this uber complicated mixed emotion type thing. Because at Burkes I was never one of the cool crowd, and here it feels like the same dealio only different, because it's different girls in the clique, and the popular girls are almost total bitches. There are a few I don't have a problem with, though. Anyway, it's pissing the hell out of me, and I wish that there were more friendfriends that went to Bay. That, and one half of the 'offical school couple' is also irritating me. No more on that subject. Please please please call me! Someone...[listening to: "Devils and Angels" Toby Lightmn] 12:00 AM
Friday, October 8Burkes La la la...OH MY JEEBUS! (Rachel and Maria - onig! onig!) Today Milli, Kelly, Cara, Maylin and I went back to Burkes to visit everybody. So we saw Mrs. Blue, Mrs. Flemming, Mrs. Deemer, MAJ, Mrs. Jospe, and everybody. Apparently we have our Advisories for four f-ing years, (GAG GAG GAG- And it's all because of one person. Kelly knows who.) So after Milli left for L.A., we had like a major gripe session aboot David and other people who we dislike but not as much. Then we took the bus to Laurel Village and got Jamba Juices and pretzles and we told scary stories. And I totally ODed on juice the whole time. And we told Emily that Maria wasn't allowed to host anymore. And I saw Eleanor again!!! YAY!!![listening to: "Duality" Slipknot] 4:38 PM
Thursday, October 7"Fred?"TODAY WAS HILAR! Emily B and Helen and Grace (from Burkes) came to visit today. So I had Physics first, and I got the highest score in the class (along with Meg), so I spent the whole class IMing Rachel and talking to Francisco and Emily O. Then in Math Alex, Kelly and I were talking about "G.I. Brian" and how much we "love black people". At lunch Andrew poked me so I chased him around trying to poke him back and he threw his shirt at me (he was wearing two shirts, guys.) to try to get me to go away, but then I kept it and ended up wearing it all day. It's still in my locker. Then during Flex Henry told us not to look at him because he was too white, and when Laura saw my scarf, she decided that she wanted to be a stripper with it. So of course, Skipper and Paul decided to "strip" for us and we were all laughing but we really started dying when Paul took off his belt and Skipper half-yelled, "You can't get much hotter than this!" while touching his chest. Then the secretary came in and was like, "It's getting a little rowdy in here." And then a police officer came. Seriously! I don't understand that. We then went bowling.Bill: But I have Skittles! Me: Oh! Oh! Skittles! Can I have some? Bill: Fine. Maria: Ooh, Judy, I want one. Me: Get your own, biatch! Ms B: Um... Me: Oh! God! Oh! It was very funny because I actually screamed bitch really loudly and it was nooooot funny uuntil after. [listening to: "Swamped" Lacuna Coil] 8:17 PM
Wednesday, October 6Oh oh oh shadows! Oh!This girl named Rebecca from Hamlin shadowed me during Hum today. She's really nice, I hope she goes here. The rest of the day was lame, in Math Kelly stole my hat a lot, in D.M. Cara and I recorded our voices a lot, at the ROV meeting Carina yelled a lot, during Spanish I failed a lot, and during Martial Arts I hated David a lot. I'm sooo tired.[listening to: "Coral Fang" The Distillers. ] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:30 PM
Tuesday, October 5Skipper is in agreement.Today was really hilar. (A la Milli.) Flex was soooo unPC because Henry and I were being "horrible people". And he just made the "Shmexy" thing worse than it ever was. Anyway, then Spanish sucked, I wish Katherine was in my class, and then Humanities was all about kiwis and "Maori Mutalation" and speaking of that Skipper (aka Skip Franky Hilar) stole my CD. Biatch. Physics was fun because I sat in front of Francisco and randomly he made this squeaky noise and I died of laugherosity.(KATHERINE CALL ME!!!) [listening to: nada because Franky stole my CD] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:11 PM
Monday, October 4Best news evah!Amidst all the hilarity of lunch today ("Ignacio Perosis?" "Osteoperosis!") Gaby (not Rachel's Gabby!) started putting up posters for the Halloween Dance (Maylin and I are the Lost Boys) and I started freaking out, because I thought it would be on the 22nd...but no! Guess what, Urbanites and Lickers, I am free on your dance night! (Katherine Khrisanthemum Kaplan Katherine and the Laudinator, call me!!!) Because the dance is on the 29th. And if all goes well, I can go to three dances in October. And I was laughing inwardly evily when the Watermelon was like, "They charge $5 to go to a dance?!" And I was like, "Hell yeah! Have you ever been to a dance?" and he's like, "No." And I laughed at his stupid ass face. Only inwardly. Because I'm nice. And I say goodbye to BBE. NICEOSITY PEOPLE![listening to: "Broken" Seether] L@T3R ^^V(H 6:23 PM
Sunday, October 3I can murderize each one of ya!Nicole and Katherine (Khrisanthemum Katherine Kaplan) and I went to the mall and caused a ruckus, or not really. We ran into Mia, who told me that if you find a shirt at J. Crew that costs $4.99, you buy it. I miss her - "You sound like my tennis coach. He's Swedish!" Anyway, then we walked about a mile to the Daly City Theater and saw roadkill and mad dirt bikers, and this little punk who knocked us over. But then her mom got pissed and so we had to walk half a mile back to get in a car to drive three miles to the theater. We couldn't taken a 18 for part of the way! Ugh, I was angry. Anyway, then we went to see Shark Tale, which was pretty funny, "Oooh, you got served!" And one of the characters was Zach - a total pimp. That movie was so unPC! (We will respect your views - unless you're a Republican. Then your vote only counts for 2/5's, like the slaves!) And as we were driving back, we discussed various flightless birds - emus and kiwis. (MORE KIWI! WHERE IS KIWI!)"Maybe it was an emu..." "Uh, emew, or emu, whatever the hell you were talking about..." [listening to: nothing] L@T3R ^^V(H 4:34 PM
Friday, October 1Bitchy McBitchThere is a certain person that I would have no greater pleasure in killing them. (Oh, and it's October!) Today in Physics we watched Futerama. The best part of my day was when Maylin and I were walking out to get changed, and I saw Zach. (Yes, that Zach, Rachel.) So of course, I turn around and said, "Oh, hey Zach, you're such a pimp." And as he was giving me a thumbs-up of agreement, I turn around and walk into Andrew, and Maylin and I are trying to tell him he's not a pimp, and not really suceeding, and he just makes a face and goes upstairs. That poor boy, I never cease to embarass him.[listening to: "Slither" Velvet Revolver] L@T3R ^^V(H 6:15 PM
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