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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Wednesday, September 29No, no, no, you stupid...dumb...stop it! No!That would be Cara talking to her calculator again. Today was pretty boring, except that since Mimi and I laughed our heads off at this terrible horrible picture of Henry, he won't talk to us. Which is bad, because I just found out that Spencer (not the Zombie Pimp, Katherine) went to his school and I neeeeed to find out what school he went to! (Not Lick...I don't think... Katherine is there a Spencer C. in your class? Llamame! No, don't llama me.) Anyway, Cara fell down during the ROV meeting, and Skipper and I pretended to step on her. And I walked into DM yelling, "PROFESSIONAL DANCER!" because that's what Katherine thinks Skipper is.(This post has been all about Katherine D and Skipper S. For more details on my life that is not about them, LLAMAME!) And, btw, my life would be sooo much easier if Oaxaca was spelled Wahacka. [listening to: "Jesus Walks" Kaye West (it's not too late to catch up on your Jesus!)] L@T3R ^^V(H 7:55 PM
Tuesday, September 28RFD2OH MY JEEBUS today was great! Well, after school. Bill and Laura sat with us during lunch. That was like, the most exciting thing that happened all day. Oh, and in Physics Francisco and Brian made me lock Mr Chen out of the room. Then Brian stole all the candies. But the real highlight of my day was when we decided to go to the VB team. The game was harassarific because we lost...(and because of certain people...*makes face*) But the real highlight was when we got there. But before we did we saw Skipper running like a crazed lunatic and we laughed a lot. Then like, an hour later, we saw Henry, Paul, and Skipper coming into the game, and we were like, "Wtf?" and they said that they went on an adventure to the bus. Which was so retaahded, because Rachel, Sarina, and Katherine got there before them! ("No tasting the rainbow in the gym!"..."Can we not talk about these!") It was like, the best evah. Then when Maylin and I were waiting for her mom, we saw BBE and Brian run off of the 22 to catch the 38. I don't even want to begin to understand their bus routes. But BBE is a you know what - because I waved to them and only Brian waved back.[listening to: Nada, bitches!] L@T3R ^^V(H 8:27 PM
Monday, September 27HairbrushBill should brush his hair. Andrew thinks I'm a lunatic. Henry thinks I'm "articulate". My arm hurts like five you know whats in a you know what boat. I'm feeling very articulate right now, so I guess Henry's 'prediction' came true. I should be seeing Rachel tomorrow at the VB game. I really wanna meet all her wild and crazy friends! I'm wearing my new socks...wish me luck! [listening to: TycoRC commercial] L@T3R ^^V(H 7:41 PM
Saturday, September 25Gangstahmood.I changed the layout again. It's more "me" and I have the attention span of a goldfish.Maylin: 2 and a half seconds! I have pride! Anyway, I just thought that anyone even mildly interested in AD should click on "The OP" RIGHT NOW and watch the video clips for next season. They include a) GOB attempting to do magic "illusions", b) a "pimp" (cuz I don't know what else you'd call it) Tobias, c) a distraught Buster, d) an allarmed Michael, and e) a GANGSTAH George Sr and Lucille. S2 doesn't come out until November though, because FOX is hosting the World Series. [listening to: the Gangstah Lucille/George Sr Video] L@T3R ^^V(H 9:45 PM
Friday, September 24I heart car b.s.?Another example of craziness of Andrew. I don't have much to say, I was just thinking how great it would be if Nicole taught my karate class..."I am the sensei, bitches!" Okay, done now. JohnnyMosely11: mwah ha ha hotpinkavocado: i dont understand JohnnyMosely11: whaddya mean? hotpinkavocado: this sn hotpinkavocado: i dont understand JohnnyMosely11: whaddya mean? hotpinkavocado: why is it johnny mosely? hotpinkavocado: who is this moser? JohnnyMosely11: johnny mosely? the olympic mogul skier? hotpinkavocado: ? JohnnyMosely11: cha hotpinkavocado: um, did you hear? i taped myself to maylin [listening to: "Fragile" Maria Mena] L@T3R ^|^V(H 6:22 PM
Thursday, September 23I *heart* carbs, Kelly, and pirates.Today was special. We went down to Crissy Field, where Andrew and I threw tape balls at each other, Henry did "gymnastics" ("Ow ow my back!") and Maylin and I taped ourselves together and tried to get back to class. But we taped ourselves together wrong, so we had to open our lockers backwards. Martial Arts was great because FCD wasn't there. And have I got a story about BBE! (Lin and I make up all these acronyms because we don't wanna offend. However, you might know who is who if you talk to us.)Okay, so Maylin and I were coming out of the bathroom, and we didn't want to put on our shoes all the way, so we were kicking them to the classroom. Then BBE comes out and steps on her shoe. We stop laughing, he looks down, and, can you believe this, continues walking like nothing happened. Gasp! We stood there in shock, and then I said, "Excuse me?!" really loudly but he didn't notice. (Cara did...she walked in from the same doorway as BBE went out on, and was like, "What?! What did I do?!") [listening to: "your glasses" Maria Mena] L@T3R ^|^V(H 6:59 PM
Wednesday, September 22Moose.Remember at Burkes how CERTAIN PEOPLE had an obsession with moose? (meese)? I still am like, OBSeSsEd, but no one here is. My day was random. I hate hate HATE [bleep]. Omg I wanna KILL him! With a stick."Guess what? I'm an Irish Jew." "What?" "Bill, do you wear boxers?" "Look! Look!" "This page is so boring. I could die looking at it." "Carrige?!" "Shut up!" "Ripping what, Henry?" "Look at my tooths!" "Teeth." "Yeah!" [listening to: "Fall Behind Me" The Donnas] L@T3R ^^V(H 8:10 PM
Tuesday, September 21Oh my jeebus.Today was waay too long for a Tuesday. Flex was boring because I didn't do anything, and Cara figured out the end of the "Big Butts" song (which is a whip noise), and Spanish was boooring, and so was Humanities, but I really had to go pee by the end of class, and Physics was fun because Annie visited and Brian lied and Milli laughed and Meg got really upset about dead monkeys, and I was in a wheelchair, and then we all went home.[listening to: "Pet Semetery" The Ramones] L@T3R ^|^V(H 4:52 PM
Monday, September 20DotMy day was pretty good for a Monday. Maylin made paper cranes and Maria named them "Emma" and "Maylin". And they had their gay "rice". This is so random to anyone who doesn't understand...which would be y'all. Spanish was sooo boring and we had a test, and during Hum Brian and Annie had a let's-see-how-long-we-can-crack-our-knuckles contest and I died. I had my hands over my ears for like an age. Then he (Brian) made his wrist do this HUGE ENORMO pop and I shrieked and everyone laughed. But then Emily and I had a picnic on the floor, so screw them. (the funny thing is, I thought she had broken up with Skipper...apparently not...) Anyway, then in math Kelly and I determined that a) Jack was a psycho, b) Rubiks cubes are stupid and c) Cara's having an afair with Paul. But only cuz they sit next to each other during math. And after that was done I walked into the following conversation...Skipper:...And so it really hurt. [grabs his chest] Me: Um, what happened? Maylin: I really don't want to know! Emily: You know the "World's Smallest Magnet"? Those super strong but tiny ones? Well, he didn't believe that they were really strong, so he put them on his nipple. Maylin&I: What?? Skipper: Yeah, it started bleeding, but...[checks under shirt] it stopped now... Me: Couldn't you have put it somewhere less painfull? Maylin: Like your finger? [listening to: Charlotte Martin "Your Armor"] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:53 PM
Sunday, September 19Socks?On Friday I went to the Giants game and saw Barry hit his 700th home run. How cool was that? Very. Then yesterday morning Rachel and Nicole and Katherine all confused me by "hacking on to Katherine's account seriously" And it's like, hell no! I actually really want to go back to school. We have to teach Anna what clam chowder is, and Maria not to lick, and Vicky that it's okay to mess up her cards, and we need to give Cara a bag of trash to see what she does with it. I'm seeing Anju next weekend, which is great, because I miss my little llama a whole bunch.[listening to: "It's your mitzvah" 50 Cent] L@T3R ^^V(H 11:25 AM
Friday, September 17Now that is retaahded!My day was really boring if you weren't there. I got a call from Rachel and Nicole telling me about how they were waiting for Katherine. The rest of my day is completely irrelevant to y'all..."No no no licking!" "In case of emergency, hug Emma. Will act as a flotation device." "You dropped your clique cards!" "I mean, I could be on CSI..." "Gaby, go to your corner." [listening to: nothing, because the speakers don't work] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:30 PM
Thursday, September 16PEMDASNo, it's not what you think. (Maria made it up.) BBE snuck up behind me with the new girl (she either just transfered or shes shadowing) and I was on the phone with Nicole, who was screaming "bitch boat!" in my ear, and I was trying discreetly to say that there was a boat in the vicinty. She didn't get it after a while. Flex was very dirty because maria and henry were im'ing each other. And Jordan finally did check his email. It was a story about how Eric bit her friend on the eyebrow. It was so random. We had a speaker come in and talk to us about autisim. In any other circumstances I would've found it very interesting, and I did today, but the room was dark and warm and I was half asleep the whole presentation. The only thing keeping me awake was Annie and Brian kicking my chair.[listening to: nada] L@T3R ^^V(H 8:26 PM
Death! And Pemdas...I seriously feel like death right now. It's 7:30 and I could not be any less awake. I'm listeing to Rachel's CD - shut up, that's why! My hair is a crazy mess because I lost the hairbrush...or something. Yesterday Maria was acting insane. Are you reading this, Maria? WEAR THOSE TIGHTS!!! Anway, yesterday Bill almost killed everybody and Kelly and I scare him a lot, you can tell. He has really blue eyes. They kinda scare me. And then Henry drew himself in a skirt. (And if for whatever reason, if you're reading this, I most certainly am telling everyone about your drawing skills. Get over it!!) Anyway, then we had spanish and that was also death. And then hum - more death.[listening to: "Get Low" by Whoever....] L@T3R ^^V(H 7:25 AM
Monday, September 13Ha ha owwww...My day was actually pretty good. I have no homework (although I probably should be looking up stuff for spanish...), Martial Arts was practically me and Linny laughing, Henry gave me a 'hug', Physics was crazy, and Anna got bored. Isn't that insane? Well, I thought it was funny and fun. Except for the pants. Nicole, you need to email me. I need to explain something about a pair of pants. And Lin will understand.[listening to: "White Houses" Vanessa Carlton] L@T3R ^^V(H 6:52 PM
Sunday, September 12Jig around your favorite Katherine!I had an exeedingly great couple of hours at Rachel's, partly because we acted insane, and partly because when we acted insane, we actually understood what the hell we were talking about. So of course there was the "this is not a box, this is a lame heart. this is not a lame heart, it is a box.", and "and in a bag labeled "not catcher in the rye". I really am going to miss those two crazy people.[listening to: "obey the crab"] L@T3R ^^V(H 7:47 PM
Saturday, September 11Toolkit?I have like a ton of homework. Not really, because I'm halfway done with it. I suppose if I actually concentrated, I might be able to get some of it done. Katie, Anna, and I decided yesterday that the best part of my shirt was the little hotpink part in the corner. (Yes, people, I wore a pink polo shirt yesterday!) Brian left physics ten times, which we all thought was hilarious. And if my discussion group in Hum (Skipper, Elliot and Gaby) was any more talkative, I don't know how I could stand it. There's all this music coming in from the park through my window, and I don't wanna go to piano lessons. I also feel like the only one writing anything here. Alessandra is, but she just got back. Nicole and Rachel haven't been doing anything. Onion, gadanga![listening to: "Somebody" Bonnie McKee] L@T3R ^^V(H 1:31 PM
Friday, September 10Doe RunOr so Elliot's hat says. Today was waaay too long. We played Egyptian Rats Crew, which is veeery confusing, and we made Fred and Peter (who are waaaay too punk rock for this) play with us. And we all got greetings from a very insane person..."Cara's silly. Maylin's tired. And Emma's just mad." "What?!" "See? Listen to that anger!" That was actually three different people. Whatever. I'm tired. Henry loves Carina. Laura's insane and her sister's cute. Elliot is scared of us when we take the bus. Maria got stuck on top of the play structure. I'm reduced to simple words. Onion, gadanga. Lin and I wanted to call Katherine, but she wasn't there. We called Chris (aka "chris' pall" and "christ") and Rachel.[listening to: "You're the only one" Maria Mena] L@T3R ^^V(H 6:01 PM
Thursday, September 9Well, I punched her in the nose!Cara's so funny. Lin and I lob her. ("I want to cartwheel. but it's too hot. like cara.") We only had two classes today, and Miles brought more food to physics today. He's the wierdest teacher...no other teacher lets us eat in class. Although everybody said 'bravo!' (or, you know, just Brian) when I didn't die. Aren't you proud? You know you are hottie!! Then Math was boring, just matematicas. Then advisry lunch (spelled that way on purpose) where Henry sent everybody ("Well, I don't know if you got it. You might be to high...up on the list.") an anti-junkmailjunkmail. Which reminds me of when Rachel said she was a total flirt with all guys...ha, I can not say the same thing about myself..."I'm going to get a pencil imbedded in my brain, right?" "Ha ha! Um, no." "Liar." See? Don't you love what a romantic I am?[listening to: "Somebody" Bonnie McKee] L@T3R ^^V(H 7:09 PM
Wednesday, September 8Biusnes SmenAnother example of my fantabulous spelling. You gotta love how ghetto I am. Anyway. I feel ready to give up and join the heartache gang (aka Rachel), but it's way more fun to be insane. So my advice to Rachel (who I'm missing a lot!) is to be as absolutely crazy as possible. Ask him to play internet hearts with you. (Yes, it is possible to get into the same room, Henry and I have tried and suceeded..."Watch out!" "For what?" [gets hit by flying pencil]) Ask him if he's seen your socks. Call him "Brigita" and make sure he keeps up with the story. Anyway, my day was boring, except Milli made me realize how bad my spelling skills are (see title), Maria made me realize not to look at lettuce ("Urgh a buuuuug!"), and Vicky made me realize that hair is everything. Please, Brigita AKA Michael, please keep up with the story!![listening to: "Ways and Means" Snow Patrol] L@T3R ^|^V(H 8:55 PM
Tuesday, September 7What are you forgetting on your sun?!Ah, the hysterics of physics class. But that was the last class of the day. My insane day of utter boredom/hilarity started in Flex, when I realized that I had forgotten to do my physics homework. Oops. When I was done with that I played internet checkers with Linny ("I moved to the wrong box, dammit!" "You're screwed. Oh, wait!...nah, you're still screwed.") until Henry heard us laughing hysterically about how I should've stuck with hearts and decided to try and get into the same internet hearts game. Which kinda worked, because we accidentally left Cara behind. (And she just ended up playing with the computer anyway.) The highlight was when I gave him the Queen of spades, and in retaliation he threw pencils at me and Linny. How immature can you get? But I lob him. (Ha ha, lob. Where's Alessandra anyway?) Spanish was boring, because we just talked about grades. Then we had Hum, which was dulldulldull because I had already seen Baraka and I couldn't stay awake. I accidentally threw my pencil at Alecks, but it kept me awake. Then during physics we ate watermellon seeds and doughnut holes (well, everybody but me) while we remembered the "sunflower seeds come from sunflowers?!" moment. (Which again brought to mind the "What are you, retaahded?")[listening to: "Yeah" Usher] L@T3R ^^V(H 5:53 PM
Monday, September 6Shut up, that's why!I just woke up from like the past two days of utter hilarity. My grammar has been so bad lately, especially because the last two days I was swearing every other second. I went over to Nicole's house and we watched "Obey the Crab" a billion times. We also played cards and watched "Stuck on You", but not the Jessie episode. I told them the Albatross joke, but it wasn't methodical like when Maylin and I told Jack, it was crazy. ("The albatross is a eunich! I thought we covered this!" "Was that why he jumped out the window? He had a problem with eunichs? They're people too!") And I finally figured out the "bang" riddle. ("No banging!") It was insane. I tried to stay awake the whole night but just ended up cat-napping for 3 1/2 hours. Which was dumb, because when I went into the bathroom at about 8 in the morning, I had a pink lines on my cheek. The next day we went to the playground and the mall, but we left the mall like, an hour early because we thought it was 2:30 when it was actually 1:30. After that, Cara and I went to Eli's for dinner, and we watched "finding nemo", which is now my background for my computer.[listening to: "Somebody Told Me" The Killers] L@T3R ^^V(H 1:17 PM
Saturday, September 4As the only one blogging...I'm going to a party tonight. There's gonna be like, five people, but we're still gonna cause a ruckus. Or play cards. Whatever.Nicole: What, did you o.d. on Cara? Ha ha, geddit? Me: Um...no... My laptop background is always changing. It's crazy. Right now it's "come enjoy this lonely sky with me". [listening to: "flap your wings" Nelly] L@T3R ^^V(H 12:43 PM
Friday, September 3But you have two.Today was tooooo long, because I had all of my classes. Yes, that's right, all four. In Humanities we watched Baraka, which I had already seen part of that one time Ms Deemer put it on during Advisory or Science or something. We also had to write this wierd thing about a significant event during your life, and Bill wrote about a poem he wrote in 6th grade or something, and it was the wierdest, creepiest poem I have heard in a long time. (In Math Emily said she thought "that one" was scary.) In physics we talked about Pharohs and water clocks. But he let us out late, so I sat with Kelly and Liza and Cecily and Laura. But then we played on the play structure and after lectures from Henry and Linny I finally manged to flip. Go me! Then as we were trying to balance on the pole Elliot started to play basketball with the sports teacher, one of the humanities teachers and the girls. He's kinda cute, by the way. I mean, Alessandra tells me he's like a loser^24898098 so, I dunno. But there are a LOT of uggs at this school. And only KATHERINE looks for personality...*snerk*Roxanne: [after Elliot fails to block a shot] Elliot shouldn't play. He has kidney problems. Elliot: I do not have kidney problems! Anna: What does it matter? You have two of them, so it's okay if you break one! Me: How do you break a kidney? Maylin: How do you break a lap? Of course, it would've been ten times funnier had she been talking about Amigas. Then during Math Bill tried to get Cara and me to say Mississippi really loud so he could play it backwards. Then we tried to say spagetti, but he wouldn't let us. And in spanish, we tried to freak out Ignacio (who I keep calling Emilio.) [listening to: "I like that" Chingy] L@T3R ^^V(H 5:27 PM
Thursday, September 2Suprise!I have no homework tonight so I'm just "chillin'". Basically I have no homework because I did it all during flex. We haven't had any hw from Humanities...I really wish I was in Cara's humanities class, because she and Henry are in it. I love them.Henry: I'm going to throw this pen at someone unsuspecting...[throws pen at Maylin] Ha! You were unsuspecting! [after Maylin "beats" him up] Hey Paul! Suprise! [attempts to throw pen at Paul, hits pole instead] Hey, I missed.Anyway, Henry is sorta like Nicole in that they are both uber wierd. (However, Nicole will never be replaced. Ever.) Pearl and I were classifying a blow job as sexual harassment, and Mr [name taken out to eliminate possible slander] was like "Whoa!" And so all the boys were like, "What? What is it?" while Pearl and I went into fits of hysterics. So now Max (not that Max, or that Maxx either) is my Immature Amici.
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