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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Tuesday, August 31And how are YOU doing?I'm writing during Flex period. I think that it's kinda dumb that we have flex first thing on Tuesday. I have no homework! So basically I read my "the curious incident of the dog in the nightime" book, which is about this slightly mental (who am I kidding...slightly??) kid who wants to find out who killed his neighbor's dog. Its insane. I don't wanna be here...whatever. I have Spanish next. Emily and Laura just left me, and Katie's checking her email...or looking at sailboats. Whichever. (Ha! Spelling!) I saw Rachel yesterday when I was at Office Max...I partly recognized her from her hair, but also cuz she was very pink. And that's why I bought a pink compass (for math, not if I get lost) so we can be in the same math class without actually being in the same math class. (Oh, and thank you for the compliment about my shmexalicious outfit or whatever it was you said.)I have a feeling this is what I'm going to do most flex periods...sit here and blog. [listening to: well, i wish I was listening to something. Henry and Meg and Gaby are all listening to something. Oh, and I thought I saw her (gaby) at Office Max but it was probably someone different...I mean, the whole planet was there!] L@T3R ^^V(H 9:35 AM
Sunday, August 29Hey, girls, picture!Tee hee. I was really glad I went to Bill's. (Again, not the restaurant.) But he didn't remember Carie, so if anyone who's reading this is seeing her soon...) Anyway, it was crazy, and it was a lagoon. (Like in Larkspur. Only everybody who reads this wasn't at either event.) In fact, it was so similar, my feet were bleeding when it was all done. (Like when I sliced open my foot and Larkspur.) There were many hilarious moments, like the "women and non-women", "all the drugs", "I am NOT a hobo," "I love gays!", "Justin Timberlake is my man!", and the "ghetto entertainment system".[listening to: "Pieces of Me", Ashlee Simpson] L@T3R ^|^V(H 4:20 PM
Saturday, August 28"Bad choice, guys."I'm seriously reconsidering going to Bill's (no, not the restaurant) pool party because I feel like crap. I felt like crap yesterday, but that was because my nose was practically broken. Anyway, maybe I'll just go and sit on the side. They can't pin me down!Me: They can't pin me down, it's not my name. Cara: What, Mullonee? [listening to: whatever] L@T3R ^|^V(H 9:50 AM
Friday, August 27Ta da!It's crazy! I'm almost officially back at school now! I'm writing on my brand spankin' new laptop, which took us all a billion hundred years to get. My day was bad and awesome at the same time. My advisory only has five people, which is a big change from what I'm used to. (altough personally I don't think Pearl, Mikail, John and Kris can't measure up to 8D.) Mr. Glass actually kinda reminds me of GOB, but not in personality, just from far away. (It's kinda like Michael Phelps - you can't look too close, otherwise it goes away.)It was basically a day of insanity. First we had a scavenger hunt, and I was with Emma and Linny. So we ran around screaming YOGA YOGA YOGA for like an age, until we finished. Then we met our (aforementioned) advisies. After that they fed us, because Anna, Cara and I were complaining. A lot. (Torrie: Vholt! It's everywhere!) I signed up for Martial Arts, suprising myself. (That, and everybody wanted to take Yoga. Well, screw them, I'm going this way. Speaking of that, I wonder how Mia and Vicky are? No, not you, Torrie.) We also did some hilarious skits envolving Nemo the Clownfish, McDonald's, blind princesses, Extreme!Fat, and Ogres. And Carina actually did turn out to be a model, we were all shocked senceless. And Cara still has a horrible drinking problem. Katie: I am watering the orgasms. (pause) Organisms! (everybody laughs as they just realized what she said the first time) Carina: So now that you are done with this extreme!fat, what are you going to do? Kelsey: Muganda...is that your favorite yoga pose? Kalifa: No. It's my last name. Skipper: You only like me for my looks! Kalifa: It is true, my princess, you are beautiful...but not as beautiful as me. All: Gasp! [listening to: Y Controll, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs] L@T3R ^^V(H 5:49 PM
Thursday, August 26Last day of summer.I'm very aloney right now. I (basically) kicked my dad and my sister out of the house on the pretense that it was my last day of aloney-ness before school. So I'm listening to Maroon 5 and Britney Spears at top volume. Such a loser...but tomorrow we have school! I'm actually excited. I think y'all should know that.[listening to: "This Love" Maroon 5] L@T3R ^|^V(H 2:34 PM
Wednesday, August 25But not too much off the top.I was practicing waking up early today, because I had a dental appointment to go reattach my brace that fell into my drink in Montreal. Sorry, did I not let y'all know? Whatever. I got my school bag, which I chose because it was clearly the German flag (and if Kelly is reading this, well, you have to back up your drinking nationalities. I.E. Irish and German). Then I went to go get my hair cut (The bangs are hella dorky and shit, but that's why we have HAIR CLIPS!!!) and I got a pretty skirt that would make Rachel proud, if she wasn't busy moping about how many not hot people were at her school. (I know...looking for personalities? Looks are everything.)And I was upset that the Khaaaaaaan! shirt was sold out. Damn. I wanted that for my birthday. [listening to: "Shadow" Ashlee Simpson] L@T3R ^|^V(H 8:24 PM
Tuesday, August 24Oooh, a playground!Cara and I took about a hundred buses and 3 hours to get from her house to Bay and back to my house. We got to Bay fine, but then we waited for an hour for the 29. After contemplating the ways we could be killed, we said, "Screw it." But then we took the 28 the wrong way and ended up getting off at Lombard. Then we took the 43 again to Geary and Masonic, then walked to Masonic and Turk to take the 31 BX but that only went to Park Presidio. So then we had to wait for the regular 31 to 37th avenue. Thank G-d. I hope y'all were able to follow that.[listening to: "Shadow" Britney Spears] L@T3R ^|^V(H 6:32 PM
You've only been a Jew for about two days.I'm bored. I really want the pictures to come back, but I have to wait until after tomorrow. Why couldn't I have just done the "one-hour" fotos? I really need the picture of Katherine's sock. It's going on my locker, along with the picture of Rachel's ceiling.[listening to: "Me Against the Music", Britney Spears] L@T3R ^|^V(H 12:36 PM
Sunday, August 22"We could sell it as a pet!"See, muchachas? We were actually talking about bees. I just had a hell-of-a time (hella) at the "reunion". See? We've been out of school for like, a minute, and then we have a reunion. I'm not objecting, but it's just further proof of our craziness.FOR EXAMPLE...
[listening to: GOB: You set him up, Mom! I was half way to South American, but I couldn't let you get away with it. Because we're brothers, Mom, and we kinda like each other.] L@T3R ^|^V(H 9:08 PM
Saturday, August 21"It's a baseball game! Emotions run high!"My dad's old friends had a BBQ (sorta) at the ballpark today. I was not happy about going. Everybody there is old (except for the twins playing football, the girl from Bogota, and Ana Julia) and has no interest in talking to me, because hey, I'm 14, whatever, except Pilar did talk to me for a while in Spanish, until I lost my head completely because I haven't learned anything new since May. (Isn't that pathetic!!!) I've been dying for the new season of AD, because I'm starting to be able to say whole scripts. (I can do huge chunks of the pilot, but not as much as Nicole can recite from the Jessie episode. That was the first one I ever saw, BTW.)The title of my entry is that because some crazy girl apparently threw something into the stands at someone else, and they had police and she was all hyper and I think she was from Texas, but you never can be sure. (She was also a freakin' lunatic, that too.) And some facts from Canada:
L@T3R ^|^V(H 8:43 PM
Friday, August 20Rabid Rabbit Strikes BackTobias: Ah... the clumsy adolescent. It's a phase we've all been through. Except for me. I was like a cat. I always ended up on all fours. (Long pause.) Like a cat.Tobias: This kind of agility?
I'm off to the Banana Stand. It's at Stonestown, but when I went it was just some stupid "Quintuplets" promotion. LAAAAAME. Oh, well, whatever, Katherine and Nicole and I are about to go visitar.
L@T3R ^|^V(H 12:57 PM
Thursday, August 19Uno, dos, quatro, GO!I'm baaaaaaaaaack! Bet y'all are pretty happy to see me, cha? What!? Oh, no! It's the police! Oh! And a...construction worker...("Are you opposite?" "Yes!" "Oh, that answers a lot of questions." "No." "So I'm not getting any closer to a solution?" "No!") Well, aside from that, I'm back. The airline left my luggage in Newark, though, so I'm missing my good shoes and my Annyong, Hermano! shirt. Hopefully it will come tomorrow, but we should be at the mall. (Anna needs new shoes, and I want to see if this is true. I'm bringing my camera, just in case.) AND in other news.... "Bon appetite!" "Oh, Mexican food!" [listening to: "Get up!", Maeby Funke] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:44 PM
Tuesday, August 17"So it's a famous-people-safari." "Yes." "Like Johnny Depp?!" "No."Ha ha, lookit me go. I'm coming back on the 19th...as I've mentioned about a thousand billion times before...and I'm very lonely. The last time I saw someone my age was the shmexer sitting next to me in an imax the-ater. (It's dark in there... and the whole thing was about Lewis and Clark...no, not Lois and Clark...this is the Museum of Natural History, come on...Oh, and Nicole and Eli? I saw a guy that looked just like Steve Buscemi. "That's why you never show a work in progress!") Oh, and the British triplets in Montreal.....one of them has to be the same age as me...(tee hee) I actually really like libraries that let you play on the computer like this...lalala, the next time y'all are in Greenburg, NY, go to this biblioteca... Ha ha ha, let me know when that happens... I think boredom and lonelyness has gotten to my head. I mean, I made a pyramid with pennies (381 cents...one penny didn't fit, so I threw it under the bed.), and put a toy shark in a cricket cage, and made spirals on the bulliten board with the tacks, and put a stone angel in a coffee cup, and (finally) put a postit that said "Mitch Cohen" on a fancily-wrapped box. I've lost my mind...lalalalala....I haven't seen Anjali in forever, I just thought of that...[listening to: lalalalala...] L@T3R ^^V(H 9:04 AM
Saturday, August 14Oh, and that's the McStomach Ache.I'm baaaack! (to the states) Ha ha, fooled you!!! I've been very happy ever since I reached Vermont, mainly because no one knows a foreign language!!! I wouldn't really have minded if it was Spanish (or Pig Latin or Ob) because I can speak/understand those. And I broke my fast - we couldn't find any place to eat that wasn't a McDonalds. (gag.....) Well, it was that, or Oeff-land. (NOT KIDDING!!! Well, it was in French. How the hell am I supposed to know?!)And we get laptops for Bay. Mucho excitement there, chicas. (All the time we were in Quebec City I talked in Spanish so that the Francophones wouldn't think I'm just some "wild and crazy" American.) See y'all (ooooooh) on the 19th! Or the 22nd. (Whichever comes first...hahahahaha *falls over*) [listening to: was listening to "Final Straw", Snow Patrol] L@T3R ^^V(H 7:43 AM
Tuesday, August 10Parlez-vous anglais?I'm in Canada. A note to all of you - don't start humming "Blame Canada". Especially while here. Montreal is a tad too French for me, I can't understand a word, except for "Je suis fatigue" and that's cuz Mia (my BFF) taught it to me. If Rachel taught me any, it's not coming back to me...lalalala. Drinking my coffee lalalala see ya'll at the reunion lalala....[listening to: bad coffee shop music] L@T3R ^^V(H 7:56 AM
Monday, August 2Thanks for your help, 'stup'.That is actually pronounced like "stoop", but it would just be dumb to have "stoopid", although it makes more sense. Last night I watched another Disney movie, Pocahontas. And the best characters are the racoon and the hummingbird, although Thomas comes as a close second.I'm leaving for New York on Tuesday, so I won't be able to blog when I'm at my Aunt and Uncle's house. (the one computer they have doesn't have an internet connection...but it is from 1985.) But hopefully, once we reach CANADA ("blame Canada, blame Canada") I'll be able to use a computer. And I'll keep ya'll updated on all the shmexers I meet. [listening to: Remy Zero, Save Me] L@T3R ^|^V(H 10:02 AM
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