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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Wednesday, June 30"You run like a girl." "How appropriate, Sati!"Alexandra threw another temper tantrum today. Marissa and I can't really figure out how she got into Burkes. After we told Brandon, he couldn't believe it either. (Not that he ever went to Burkes...) Maddy and I talked about cockroaches for like, an age. I love her hair, it's gorgeous. Lauren, Gabriel and I didn't really hang out today - how odd. In Softball they finally split up the teams! Thank God. I've decided that I really hate Sasha. But I'm on the same team as Courtney and Sati! Horray! And, since most people reading my blog will have NOOO idea what the above written means, here's something for YA'LL... KATHERINE IS BACK KATHERINE IS BACK KATHERINE IS BACK WAHOOO! [listening to: nada] L@T3R ^|^V(H 8:02 PM
Tuesday, June 29Call him "Spack".I just got a new favorite today - two, actually. Lauren and Zoe. I love them so much. And Gabriel. And even Alexandra. Who's going to [name of school not disclosed due to potential slander] in the fall. AND SPACK IS COMING TO SF YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! [listening to: tAinTED LovE] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:57 PM
Monday, June 28Le Blanc? What IS this?I had my first day at the Zoo today, and I love the kids. (One of them is named Amina. Okay. My favorite is named Amanda. I love her.) Well, I'm utterly exhausted, so g2g shmexer babes. [listening to: Nada mucho] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:37 PM
Sunday, June 27Oh, oh, Uncle! Uncle!I just had one of the most boring moments of my life. I had to go to my cousin's graduation party (and then I made my madre promise NEVER to have one of those things ever. Ever.) and then I discovered that Alex's hair is longer than mine. Diiiiisturbing. I also called Eli twice, and left a message at Kelly's and Katherine's. Even though she's not back from Sweden yet. Whatever. Carson and I hung out the whole time, because you-know-who was being a you-know-what, and we didn't know anybody else that would talk to us. They were all in college or above. And you know Will and Sam - their idea of entertainment is watching somebody squirm/shriek/curse after having an ice cube dropped down the back of their shirt. [listening to: Shakira- Poem to a Horse] L@T3R ^|^V(H 9:09 PM
Saturday, June 26But...but...it's square!Rachel and I hung out today. We watched the Friends with the late Thanksgiving ("The vein has spoken!") and Life with Bonnie ("To Kill a Mocking Bird!" "Tony, it's not our turn." "What are you, the Charade Nazi?") We went to Laurel Village and got a Starburst lippy, a chocolate bar, and a coffee/drink from Starbucks. Then we just walked around. When we came back, we watched the very unstylish Nazi's. (Aka Indiana Jones) [listening to: HARRY] L@T3R ^|^V(H 4:54 PM
Friday, June 25Rachel would be proud.While taking a break from cleaing out the inside of my desk, I took some random quizes. The first one should make Rachel happy...
![]() ![]() I'm getting there. I don't suck, but I've got a ways to go. ![]() ![]() [listening to: nothin- oh god what was that?! oh, the mail. Still nothing.] L@T3R ^|^V(H 2:08 PM
Thursday, June 24Well, I have no bones.I walked to the Zoo and took the bus back for barely any reason. We also watched Will today, because Marny went to the doctors. Well, she was done in like a second, so we saw them for about, half an hour. [listening to: oh, lookout!] L@T3R ^|^V(H 4:38 PM
Wednesday, June 23Ball magnetWell, I've done it. I've cut (at least) 10 inches off of my hair. I donated those ten to Locks of Love. Well, at least I'm doing something with it. I think if Betsy ever cuts her hair, she should totally donate to Locks of Love. She'd make a bunch of people happy. In other news, I got hit in many places during softball - the shoulderblade, the knee, the hand, and I scraped my leg. Ow. Rachel got brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraces! [listening to: Linkin Park - Session] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:10 PM
Tuesday, June 22Let me guess...The Grim.Well, yesterday marked the start of my last free week of summer. For the next month or so I'm going to be working at the Zoo. Then, my familia and I are going to Montreal/Quebec for a week and a half, and then rushing back down to the states to go to New York. Busy Busy. Then school starts, basically. I'll have all the weekends free for July, and y'all can come visit me after 1:00 at the Zoo. Let me know beforehand. The 27th is Tobey Maguire's birthday. That's almost the same as Katherine's. I found that funny...but it would have increased in hilarity if it was on the 23rd of January...ha ha ha! Okay, it's not that funny. [listening to: Double Trouble] L@T3R ^|^V(H 10:19 AM
Sunday, June 20Great.Great. Not only does Nicole think I resemble Craig, so does everyone else. You give off a Craig vibe. Whatever's cool with you... Craig's into people doing their own thing and trying to get along with everyone. So everybody likes him, and he fits into all the crowds. The one thing is that, when Craig's pushed, he can be a little... blunt. (Remember, "Manny, YOU'RE the problem"?) So accentuate the positive, and all will be well. [listening to: nada] L@T3R ^|^V(H 11:06 AM
MoMo's Beach ShackI'm going to see Harry Potter again today. I need to call Kelly or Cara or Maylin or somebody to go see the art exhibit. Not something I'm exactly looking forward to...but whatever. Oh, and if you're ever at Santa Cruz, get in line for the bumper cars. Look across the street and you can see "MoMo's Beach Shack". It would be better if it was shag, though. My eyelid is still pink from when Nicole put lipstick on it. [listening to: the Spongemonkeys] L@T3R ^|^V(H 10:47 AM
Saturday, June 19He said the whole house...rocked!I just got back from Nicole's. We had a zany time. We went to Pasquale's and laughed at the people who walked by the window. Then we tried to convince Rachel that she had said that Tobey Maguire was ugly, (She totally did.) even though she then said that he was hot. Humph. We thought so first. Then we watched footballbadgers.com. Later, after an incident with the dog and a cat and some Lego's, we watched "Brassed Off", which was supposed to be a Romantic comedy. Don't trust labels - it was a Tradgedy with a bit of smooching. The best part was when the nurse started shrieking "He's gone!" Then we watched the 'Justice is Blind' and the 'Jessie' eppies of AD, and then Jeeves and Wooster. Ahh, those crazy brits. Duke: [from behind door] I can't open the door! Aunt Isabelle: There's someone in there! Bertie Wooster: No, no, that's an...um, earthquake! A tremor! Isabelle: An earthquake?! Wooster: Um, yes... Duke: [from behind door] I can't get out help! Isabelle: Some one is in there! Wooster: Oh, that's, um, Jeeves, the door always gets stuck after, um, tremors...Don't worry, Jeeves! Duke: [from behind door] It's locked! Isabelle: He just said that it's locked! Wooster: No, no, he said, he said, "The whole house...rocked!" After that we thought of new plans for AD - like where Maeby goes to church and meets a really God-friendly group, at least until the teacher comes. Then they break off the leg of Jesus, and bake it into a loaf of bread. Then GOB and/or Michael and/or Marta eats it. [listening to: Another Hole in the Head, Nickleback. ] L@T3R ^|^V(H 10:56 AM
Friday, June 18Grr...Great. Now I'm angry. I logged on to the internet again because it crashed, and I opened up Excite to avoid problems. Well, the news piece of the day was this. It's disgusting, really. I seriously thought that we had left beheading behind in the 18th century...wasn't the guillotine bad enough? It is horrifying, I'm not arguing, but seriously, I don't think the Iraqis are intimidating America. At the least, making America furious. They're only going to be pushed harder, and now we think (or at least, I think) that they're more barbaric. They're taking hostages and beheading them? And you thought gassing was bad. [listening to: Gorillaz - 5/4] L@T3R ^|^V(H 4:03 PM
Thursday, June 17Iguana?Nicole and I went down to Santa Cruz today. It was fabtab, especially when my purse went flying everywhere and Nicole INSISTED on buying the pickles. We also got to go on the Giant Dipper twice in a row for some bizare reason. Not that I'm complaining... [listening to: nada] L@T3R ^|^V(H 9:25 PM
Wednesday, June 16How much more VULGAR could you get?!I'm not Amish anymore! I finally have a cell phone. It's colorful and it has a wierd flapping eagle on the screen. Hmm. Well, I'll fix that later. Oh, and I found out that Rachel's getting braces! (You think spacers are bad? Well, last summer, did YOU have a gap between your two front teeth that you could stick almonds into? No, I don't think so!) And that Alessandra saw Grant (the "Tom Felton" look alike) at a Tennis Club! I had my first softball practice in a month. Whoo, I'm out of shape. I saw Sati and Courntey again, I hadn't seen Courtney in AGES. (I saw Sati, like, two weeks ago. I wasn't missing her terribly.) I'm exhausted and out of shape. You have no idea how out of shape you can get in a month. Whoo boy. [listening to: Incubus] L@T3R ^|^V(H 6:51 PM
Tuesday, June 15PickleYesterday I started to finish getting over being sick. (Heh) We went to REI to look at bikes, and then I made my dad take me to Borders. I bought Wicked, and then I found out that Rachel already has it. Whoops. Oh well. Today Anna and her friend Arianna and I went to the Academy of Sciences on Howard and Stern. It's quite a lot smaller. It was also pretty dull. But later I fell into the fountain, so I guess that was fun. Then I picked up the pictures that I took, and I swear, they are the best. I'll let y'all know later, after I've scanned them. [listening to: nada] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:08 PM
Sunday, June 13"She was madly in love with me, only she didn't know it."I was really sick yesterday. I was practically sleeping for 20 hours. I'm like a cat. ("I always land on all fours...like a CAT!") Speaking of that, there are two AD's on tonight - and one of them is Storming the Castle! That's the 'say goodbye to your legs!' one. [listening to: Incubus] L@T3R ^|^V(H 3:09 PM
Friday, June 11Man Candy and the Army of Skanks.Oh, and here's for nicole... ![]() Anyway, Eli and I went to see Mean Girls today. It was really good, and I love Damien. ("I can't stop the car, I have a curfew!") And Karen. ("There's a 30% chance that it's already raining!") I saw Emma, Kelsey, and Henry, and I thought they were going to see Mean Girls too. But they saw Raising Helen instead. I don't know why they take him to Chickflicks. Honestly. They're for GIRLS. (or GRILS as Taylor once said in a project.) Then we went to see if I could get a cellphone. My dad is not at ALL impulsive. I wanted a tiny color one, and he said, "I'll think about it." Sure, it's cheaper, but hey! It has more monthy minutes! By like, a LOT! [listening to: Milkshake by Kelis] L@T3R ^|^V(H 8:31 PM
Thursday, June 10Aw...Katherine: I did, and I'm negative, although I did test positive for egg antibodies. We had Pansy Day. It was quite tragic that the little people kept busting in. Grr... But Charlotte gave me some flowers! I love her so much! Then I went home and cried. After that we had a party. Sooo many crazy things happened - I got married to Nicole, Rachel had trouble protecting her chest, Sarah and Kate were 'pole dancing', Julia and Flan and Maddy did the worm, Alessandra brought fondue, Mia, Vicky, and I played with peanuts and did interprative dancing, and we all got leis, grass skirts ( :) ), and those coconut bras which Anjali kept tugging on. Everybody danced, and Rachel and I really decided that 1) Nicole and Katherine should just fake it from now on, and 2) Anna should leave the room during the song with the lyrics "fuck the pain away". Please! But it was hella fun and shit. (he he he) Today was graduation! I lost my rose, but that's okay, I got a bouquet. And tons of other things. But, as Rachel said, we're not really part of anywhere now. I'm not a part of BS (or TBSOSF if you wanna be particular) or Burkes. It's quite sad. (But now I can be slanderous! Bwa ha ha! Watch your back!) [listening to: nada] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:06 PM
Tuesday, June 8Canastah!That was the most fun sleepover ever. Since our advisory didn't feel we got enough "bondage" during Boojum because of [Teacher name not disclosed, we had a sleep over at Milli's. First we went to Albertsons tho, to get snacks. We also really wanted to get the green condoms, but Ms. D vetoed that idea. And Mia thinks that digital thermometers shouldn't look so much like the E.P.T.'s. Which would be hilarious if you mixed them up... Then we took the bus to Georgio's, which I found extremely embarassing. Teacher D: [really loudly] You want to know the name of the guy in the green shirt? [Taylor blushes really deeply] I have never seen that much blood rush to someone's face that fast. [guy in the green shirt starts to get off] Me: Um...Rachel? Do you know who that is? Rachel: Who?... Oh my GOD! [turns to Taylor] You wanted to know his name?? Taylor: You know it? Rachel: It's Max! Taylor: [to Chelsea] Everybody's named Max. Rachel: Max O'Connell! From 'Kitteregde!' Taylor: OH! He's Chiarra's and my best friend! The daredevil man! Rachel: [to me] Did you hear that?! He's their best friend!! Cara: Oh my God, was that - Mia: Their best friend! Me: Please... It was pretty bad at the time. Then we went to Georgio's and Alan called, telling Taylor that he was staying at Kutcher's house because he got hit by a car or something...But then we decided to sneak out at 10:30. We also threw Calzone around the table and I spilled Dr. Pepper everywhere. Then we got back to Milli's house, and we tried to sneak out after Teacher D left, but it didn't work because we found out he was at a dance. What is this?! So we went back, and played "Truth or False". After a while, we got tired and went to watch "Heathers" which I found sick and hilarious. Then, at 10:30, we snuck out to Alan's friend's house. We had some pretty talented spies in our midst, such as Agent Dulux and Agent WTF?!. When the cars went by we hid in the shadows. Teacher D. thought the police were going to get us. But, when we got there, they weren't home yet, and then the cars drove up. It was hilariously funny, because we were giggling like mad. Then when they came out, I gave Katherine a piggy back. They looked at us like we were freaks - but, then again, he thought we were one person. I mean, come on. Then we went back and finished watching "Heathers". Then we went to bed. I woke up at 5:00, because I felt sick. But we all woke up when Chloe (her dog) ran into the room. We got to school at like, 8:00 and ate bagels in the science room. And that was the best sleepover ever. [listening to: no idea.] L@T3R ^|^V(H 6:07 PM
Sunday, June 6Hooked on PhonicsI just was at the best party ever. Just read below to find out the beauty of it. "Your parents can't see me. I'm evil, remember?" "The Knight Bus!" "Vroom vroom baby!" "Hey, hormone sandwich!" "They're exersizing on the tredmill." "There aren't any alligators? I'm feeling deprived." "The water is FREEZING!" "Ay yah, where is la ladder?" "Look out, dumb!" "Yes, yes, I sliced open my foot." "We need a better plan. Give me the hose, and guard this with your life." "You can't get me. You have a range of, what, three feet?...Oh God no!" "Come on...Barbie...let's go...party!" "Throw your hands up!" "Whoa...sexuuual!" "No, no, we are not humping the hot tub..." "This is like, 7 burritos in one." "You're my midol!" "Duhhh...I'm hoooked on phooonicccs." "That bird needs to get shot...NOOOO!" "Ohhh...I thought the hippogriff said that!" "Bloody chicken!" "What the bloody hell happened?!" "I'm so in love with my brother right now." "No running." "No running!" "NO RUNNING!" "You just said 'no running' to the employee of the month." "Am I being disrespected?!" "Yes." "Just checking." "Hidden danger!" "I have hormones running through me!" "1, 2, 3, tell a truth!" "I do to have a cute british accent!" "I was thinking!" "The mud was up to our waists." "It can be a play on words - Larksperm." "Call security! Condom alert!" "What's this?! Withdrawl?!" "No! Stop clapping!" "No, what did I just say?! No communication!" "Who am I kidding?" "Cheaters! No locking the bathroom door!" "Tha smokin' nephew." "You can write on anything!" "Sitting in an avocado." But the best part was when I could talk about [Person X] without problems because [Person X] has been bugging me a bit lately, and it was nice to have people who agreed with me. Although sometimes I totally love [Person X] and can't say anything mean about [Person X]. And Mayer and Jeremey are druggers. Losers. But it was so fun. EVen though I sliced open my foot. OWw. [listening to: Outtathaway by the Vines] L@T3R ^|^V(H 3:16 PM
Friday, June 4PICKLE...or, I WANT A VACUUM!We went to Great America today. It was a day of hilariosity, starting with the cleanup for the play. Nicole: Push faster! Katherine: Ahhh! Me: We're in a cyyyycloooone! Nicole: CYCLONE! Then we got on the bus, and Nicole, Rachel, Katherine and I talked about many things - some as deep and meaningfull as the time of the humans is going to end a race of evil birds is going to rule the world, and as shallow and bizare as peeing in a Listerine Bottle. We got there and Mia, Vicky, Eli, Carie, Alessandra, Aaryn and I all ran off to the swings. Its really fun to flap your arms on it. Then we went on Triple...whatever, and that was fun. I'd love to explain more, but let's just go really quickly. Mia and I got soaked to the bone, Vicky and Alessandra tried to wait in line for Drop Zone but it was too long, and Anju and I tried to conquer her fear of falling and dying on the Triple Thing. IT was just really fun in general. And this is beyond priceless. Carson [his sister]: Hello? Me: Hi, this is Emma, may I please speak with Alex? Carson: Sure. One second. (I'm sure she was eyerolling right here.) Alex: Hello? Me: Hey, it's me. Listen, were you at Great America today? Alex: Wait - who is this? Me: Oh, Emma. Your cousin. Alex: Well, duh. How many Emmas do I know? Me: I have no idea. Uh, were you at Great America today? Alex: Yeah, I was on a class trip. Me: [thinking - Ha ha! Good job Nicole!] Ooh, me too. Um, did anyone come up to you and ask if your last name was Mallonee? Alex: Oh, yeah, some wierd girl. Me: Ha! Oh, that was one of my friends. Alex: Really? I thought it was one of Carson's. Wait - how did she know me? Me: Uh...[pause] well, heh heh...that's a very, long, boring story. Alex: Reaaally... Me: Well, that cleared up some confusion great I have to go bye. Alex: Okay, b - [phone hangs up] (By the by, that was a 'bye', not a 'bitch', which it kinda looks like.) [listening to: Papa Roach, M-80: Explosive Energy Movement] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:55 PM
Thursday, June 3That's my head, but it's not attached to my NECK!Since my internet decided to go on a vacation at such a convienient time, I didn't blog yesterday. So I will, as it was so affectionately called, pull an Emma and recap the last two days. WEDNESDAY We had our first performance, and we did REALLY badly. We had all these screw-ups and it made everyone cringe. Especially when we forgot to move the Oz house, and there was a huuuge silent space where Emilie's line was, until I was finally like, "Okay! We'll take you there!" only really akwardly. We screwed up on dancing, singing, you name it, overlapping lines, missing cues, even tripping. It was really cringeworthy if you know what's supposed to happen. Afterwards, one of the little kids said it was the best play she had ever seen. Aww. Then we had this pizza party for saftey or something. I was onclear on the reason. But - lo and behold! - I couldn't eat it. Humph. Whatever, losers. We had ENDLESS preparation for graduation/pansy day, but when it was over Katherine, Katherine and Rachel played Go Fish. Just as we had started a game of BS, the bell rang. Oops. Then I went to my sister's softball game. It was boring and the ammount of errors was KILLING me (no rainbowing, get in front of the ball, swing if it's hittable), so I went to try and break into an abandoned house in the Presidio. I was halfway in when I saw the alarms all around the place, and I was like, "Okay! Getting out now!" Then I climbed - not a gas chamber, but a wierd cement building type thing, and I got stuck halfway up. (Vicky thinks I'm suicidal and criminal, now. Not that she didn't before.) Either I climbed down and fell about 4 feet onto rock, or I climbed up a straight wall for 2 feet. I climbed up, and it took me twice as long to get the guts to jump down. THURSDAY PLAY PLAY PLAY PLAY PLAYPLAYPLAYYYYY! We had two performances of our play today, and we were FAAAAAAAB! First we ran down into the gym to get ready, and I realized I didn't have shorts, which wouldn't have been fun at all. (Do you know how SHOOOORT the skirts are?! No, you don't!!) I quickly traded with Mia to hide in one of the boxes for the first act. I had my leg and arm up over my head and my head was squished inbetween my thigh and my calf. It was hella uncomfortable. (L O FREAKING L) I got to see the first scene - the only scene I see that's without me. The Lowerschool version was GREAT - and Milli said "look in your pocket!" YES YES YES! (Although Hannah said, "Get her, girls!" and Milli switched Brain and Heart. But they have the toughest jobs.) Then we went to families and mine gave me an ADORABLE poster. It had my name in big, green, glittery letters. However, Mia's was priceless too. It had a picture of her with her head down by her feet because she was killed by the Wicked Witch. (Ya gotta love that.) Then we had MORE practice, and we watched Mona Lisa Smile. Alessandra and I walked over to her house, and then we walked to Albertsons where nicole bought chicken and Rachel liked bread. (Oookay.) BUT THE PLAY WAS FABBBBBBB! I wasn't as uncomfortable and Hannah said BOYS! YESSSSSS! I couldn't eat the pizza afterwards, and hte slide show was neat, and I have to go. That was six months of work paying off right there. RIGHT THERE. [listening to: ] L@T3R ^|^V(H 9:07 PM
Wednesday, June 2MO(E) THE MOOSEI totally forgot to mention that Nicole brought a moose yesterday and gave it to Katherine. Rachel named it "Moe" and Anjali confused it with "MO", but he doesn't want germies. Not to be confused with spermies. I also dropkicked the democratic donkey onto Rachel's head. Heh. Billy got mad at us, and Carmel (our Toto 2) wouldn't come. [listening to: nada] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:43 AM
Tuesday, June 1Fr...fr...fr...FRICTIONWell, it's June. Officially. 5 periods STRAIGHT of Play Practice. What really bothers me is that people backstage (and you know who I'm talking about if you're on my side - wait, that's everybody...) will not shut up. Julia has told us a HUNDRED THOUSAND TIMES to please be quiet. And the people who are quiet, I respect them. (Ha ha. I respect myself.) But some people (Persons C, T, J, and sometimes E) just say "Yeah sure whatever" and then go right on talking. Grr. But all in all it was good. My munchkin skirt is REALLY short. I finally decided to take off the ribbon in the back, which gave me about, oh, another inch or two. Thank you. We had graduation practice later. That was boring, because C, T, J wouldn't stop talking. Jeez. And Rachel and I decided that we LIVE for Short Round. Short Round: Wow. Holy Smoke, crash landing. Indiana Jones: Short Round step on it. Short Round: Okey dokey Dr. Jones. Hold on to your potatoes. And, on another note, today was totally all about friction. Me: [after sliding down a wall] Frrrrriction! Vicky: Isn't that a company? Cara: Fuh fuh fuh fr fr fr FRICTION! Well, I have no homework. This is bizare. We still have school... [listening to: nada] L@T3R ^|^V(H 3:57 PM
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