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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Monday, May 31Escapades!Read about my Saturday escapades here. I went shopping today. Three pairs of earings, red converse Chuck Taylors and a lime green tanktop. I also got Avril's new CD (whimsy!). It's not half bad...it's actually way better than her old one. I also went to Julius Kahn and they totally reinvented the playground. It's really hightech and I met these two adorable girls named - get this - Emma and Sofia! Wierd. I was waiting for a kid to come up with my last name. Then I got nauseous and died and then we left. uberderanged: lol *shudders at the word* alligator122: they can wave pitchforks and carry torches uberderanged: *or rather, flinches* uberderanged: ya alligator122: *twitch* uberderanged: mini ones uberderanged: micorscopic ones alligator122: and the thatcher people will be all, "sperm are attacking! sperm are attacking!" alligator122: and it will be great alligator122: and that sounds so bad [listening to: Avril Lavigne] L@T3R ^|^V(H 10:13 PM
Sunday, May 30Roses really smell like...Omg. May is almost over. Jebus. This year went by really fast. Some of that is good, some bad. And Rachel? We're not going anywhere. You and Nicole can still come and harrass me at the Zoo. But only after 1:00, or I'll lose my job. Si? I'm going to a ball game in like, a bit. Okay. Apparently we have uber good seats. [listening to: Teamocil - Tobias, GOB's wife, and George Michael] L@T3R ^|^V(H 10:59 AM
Friday, May 28I'm sorry, Momma, I'm cleanin' out my closet.The last three days have been INSANE. Let's recap. WEDNESDAY Well, the only thing I can remember off the top of my head is that the talent show was today! Yay! Actually, the 8th Grade Showcase. Lizzy, Emilie, Chelsea, Taylor, and Justine did a cover of "Seven Nation Army". Kelsey, Casey, Sarah, and Piper did "Roses". I'm not really sure what Susie, Aaryn and Kate were doing...but whatever. (Kate was wearing her Paris Hilton Skirt...say it with me, folks - OH GOOD GOD THE SHORTNESS!) Then the Hip Hop Class did a dance routine to "Smells like Funk" (I believe it was.) THURSDAY Ms. D greeted us by telling us she had good news and bad news. Okay. The bad news? Well, I'm going to be Katherine-esque and say Teacher T and Teacher H. So Teacher T & H were pissed OFF that the Hip Hop Class let Taylor into the performance when they had accidentally left her off the list. Apparently, the YV committe had made up all these rules that no one had even heard of...whatever. The point being that they're poos, which is all you need to know. Anyway. So they all get notices and this whole damn thing needs too many specifics, but I could get in trouble for saying something SLANDEROUS about the school. Oh, you know how they get! But we had a tech runthru of our play. I really don't know what I'm wearing for the Soldier scene. I think we all need plaid pants, but the costume people are already working so hard, they just deserve a lot of candy. Then after school, Bay had it's groundbreaking. Oookay. It was pretty boring. Saw Pearl again, and Emma and Henry and Skipper. Emma was wearing black and gold legwarmers. Hoo boy. Next year is gonna be killer. Milli and I had a bit of a scare. She tried to figure out what brand the chocolate fondue was, and got "Semisweet". So I figured, "What the hell." It probably didn't have eggs, but I had some anyway. Then we figured, "Uh, we should ask." So we did, and the guy was all, "Definately!" Milli and I were like, "Ohhh shit." But then Kelly, Kelsey, Milli, Torrie, Pearl and I went up behind Monsieur Malcom and provided moral support. After that, Dad and I went to a Giants game, and they won because the DBacks walked Bonds. (IN. YOUR. FACE!) There were these DBack fans behind us, but they left early. The most annoying man sat next to me, and on "accident" I spilled soda on him. Ha. TODAY...FRIDAY I wore the cutest top today, my Madre made it. Nicole covets it. My mom makes like, everything that's knitted in my house. Anyway. During art, we worked on Oz. Yes, that's right, OZ. Nicole, Eli and I worked on the arms, and they are superfrickincool. Then we had our last MATH class! we went to visit the CHF. Rachel's greatgrandpa looks like Adam. Its a bit eerie. Connie gave me candy, and Rosie gave me raisinettes. Jimmy gave me a pickle. YAY PICKLES! Then we had our 10 minute English final. Okay. Mia and I drew our souls on the back of them, along with a fox and a platypus. Then we talked to the 7th graders, and I told them that they might not get into their first choice HS. Ooh, I'm evil. Then I went to the allergist and got tested. My arm was itching for a HUNDRED YEARS and it's still kinda swollen. Whatever, I'm still allergic. Buuuut, we're DONE with academic classes for ever at [school name censored because of potential slander]! Yes! Woo! Aw.... [listening to: nothing] L@T3R ^|^V(H 3:56 PM
Wednesday, May 26This could come in useful!The title of today's entry comes from math class. Me: Oh. my. God. Rachel: This could come in useful! I mean, supposed we get kidnapped - Me: What?! Rachel: And then they force us to do their math homework! We had three periods of play practice today. We went over the whole thing. Everybody was pretty durn grouchy during the end... Taylor also gave us all two free tampons. Called "Ditties". The back is hilarious, but I can't find the box so I'll tell ya'll later. [listening to: Megalomaniac by Incubus] L@T3R ^|^V(H 9:07 PM
Tuesday, May 25Cindy, I got stuck in the vacuum cleaner again!Yesterday I spent studying for my science final. Yay! Fun. Only not. I really don't have much to say, but since I'm on the computer... NO LIES! Why would anyone want to go to Catalina? [listening to: my sister's piano practice.] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:22 AM
Sunday, May 23300? In May?According to the new and improved Blogger, this is my 300th post. Woo! Impressive, considering I started this thing mid-October. Of course, I was like, obsessed back then. (You should see everything I wrote in November - then compare that to March!) Whatever. Thanks to all the wierdo's who inspired me to blab here. (Hint - they're on the sidebar labeled, "Friends". If you can't find that, you can't read.) [listening to: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Cyndi Lauper] L@T3R ^|^V(H 3:25 PM
Saturday, May 22ZTAI had my ZTA meeting (Zoo Teacher's Assistent). I felt like a leper because I didn't know anybody. (Also, the girl next to me, Corine, is a smoker, and the nicotine smell was making me nauseous.) Thank God it turned out I already knew Samantha, she's a friend of Amy. (From Convent). And I also re-met Marissa Chin, from '02. Anyway, we talked about missing children and uniform policy (yes! sweatshirt and shirt!), then we walked around the zoo. I'm still exhausted. [listening to: Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:53 PM
Friday, May 21Look, ma, no vowels!uberderanged: mm........... uberderanged: that was yumalicious alligator122: dinner? uberderanged: hello? uberderanged: u there? uberderanged: eemz? alligator122: yeah. uberderanged: ah uberderanged: thurr u r alligator122: this is where we talk without vowels right? uberderanged: 0h y@ uberderanged: ! rmmbr uberderanged: nly lsrs tlk wth vwls........... alligator122: yh, srry. alligator122: rfrshng 0r mmrs. alligator122: mmrs.... alligator122: h h h uberderanged: mmrs? uberderanged: wzzt? alligator122: m3m0r!3s uberderanged: ??? alligator122: (memories) uberderanged: wht? uberderanged: 0 uberderanged: !c uberderanged: l0l alligator122: thr @r 0nly 4 cnsnnts! uberderanged: !n wt? uberderanged: 0 uberderanged: y@ alligator122: n (memories) uberderanged: ! n0 alligator122: t's crzy uberderanged: h0w's t cr@zy? alligator122: mmrs? alligator122: tht's crzy uberderanged: @nyw@y........wh0 r y0 v0t1ng f0r f0r th3 @w@rd th1ngy alligator122: ! hv n0 !d3@. alligator122: n0b0dy x3mpl!f!3s wht !t !s alligator122: (exemplifies) uberderanged: ! g0t th@t alligator122: jst chckng uberderanged: w0w........1 c@n't b3l13v3 1 g0t th@t alligator122: W0W! tht's !mprss!v ! uberderanged: l0l uberderanged: (spell aaryn's name) uberderanged: @@ryn uberderanged: l0l alligator122: ryn! ryn! uberderanged: l0l w3 sh0ld c@ll h3r th@t alligator122: ryn! ryn! !'m t0tly c@llng hr tht uberderanged: y@ alligator122: 0n mnd@y w3 h@@@@@@@@@@v 2 cll hr tht! uberderanged: ty@ alligator122: ? uberderanged: (that's "tya") uberderanged: (pronounced "tee-ya") alligator122: dh...srry uberderanged: s00000...........wtch@ d01n? alligator122: @hhh, ! g2g!!! alligator122: n0000000000000! [listening to: a random] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:03 PM
NO LIESTHank God it's friday. (Are you down with G-O-D? Jod?) And it was Generation Day! I think it's the most fun during the 80's. It's kinda boring any other year. (Unless you're the 50's!) (Math) FINAL! Grr, it was killer. That's all I have to say. I also think that I spent wayyyy too much time on quadratics. there was like, NOTHING on it on the test. (Advisory) We had graduation speeches! I refuse to say who I voted for. I'm friends with everybody who gave speeches, and I'll feel bad that I didn't vote for two of them. (History) I gave my presentation today. But because a certain PERSON spent a hundred and 18 years fixing up her projector, my project was pretty much ruined. (A-!) I could've gotten better than that. Sorry, but I could've. My project was worth more than that. (Spanish) 5 words - "Yo es voy a Gucchi!" (Lunch) Icky! My lunch exploded and my kerns leaked and my sandwich was drenched. I owe Eli $2.25. And Anjali $1. Yay! (Art) I. Hate. Nicole!!! SHE MADE ME LAUGH!!! GAHH! (I don't really hate her...) I made a pretty pink flower thing for Rachel, cuz she was looking pretty down. (Not down with God) (English) R&J again. Apparently we're having our study hall that Ms.P took up during Wednesday on Monday. yay, helpful. [listening to: We Will Kill you, Courtney Love] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:26 PM
Thursday, May 20MONSIEUR ALLERGISTLike I know what I'm talking about. I just got back from mon allergist...he's not the Ahbrahahm Gioninni (tee! hee!) one, but he does creep me out. I didn't get tested, because of the Claritin that I took the day before yesterday. Apparently, the chemicals or hormones (not those kinds of hormones, nicole, not the horny ones) or whatever could inbalance the skin test. So I'm not going to have it until next Wednesday. So, there are two good things about this visit, 1) most people get over it, so HA! (como Maylin), and 2) there's a chance I could be subjected to a ton of different tests, including maybe an experimental one. (Cool.) But that last one's a 'maebe'. [listening to: Genio Atrapado por Christina Aguilera] L@T3R ^|^V(H 4:18 PM
Wednesday, May 19Mithin...I'd like to pause and give a Happy Birthday to the lucky who had theirs in the past few days... May 17 - Vicky! May 18 - Audrey! May 18 - Chelsea! May 19 - Chehala! May 19 - Cara! Woo! And, 8C? Proof your web pages. None of you (except maybe Julia, Vicky and Mia) saw her laugh as hard as I did when she saw Julia's webpage. Check for actual words, kids. [listening to: "Meglomaniac" by Incubus] L@T3R ^|^V(H 4:40 PM
Tuesday, May 18Don't talk technical with me, mister!![]() What kind of writer are you? brought to you by Quizilla Science was the highlight of my day. (No, big lie - the lip synch was! WOOOT! CABBAGE PATCH YEAH!) We had a bunch of preformers come in and give a little play about AIDs. Rachel cried when Sarah's friends didn't show up at the water tower. (And I totally thought that Mark and Sarah were going to hook up...and what did Sarah and "AffairManDan" do at the party??? I NEED TO KNOW! Oh, and Kat ruled.) [listening to: Die on a Rope, the Distillers] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:34 PM
Monday, May 17Control...V!Life is a mockery of self-awareness. (Ala Alejandra.) So...(Science) Dying to be thin! Woohoo! (History) Jonestown Massacre and Woodstock! We rioted! (PE) Woo! BROKEN KNEE AND AN CRAMPY RACHEL! (Spanish) Woo! ... What'd we do? (Math) Wooo! Review! and random graphs! (Lunch) Practice for tomorrow's lip sync! Woo! (Photo) Multi tasking and realizing the trash can isn't comfy and sphinxes in St. Petersberg! (English) Dreamworker wooo! [listening to: Drain the blood by the Distillers] L@T3R ^|^V(H 4:47 PM
Sunday, May 16LINDT TRUFFLES...shmitt...NOW THAT WAS HELLA FUN! "Skirt power." "We don't want truffles!" "I like Mia because she chose me to help her with snack today." "Your head is HUGE." "Are they the Men in Black?" "Na na na na na!" "He's alive! He's alive!" "We're trying to find Grant St. At this rate it will take the whole hour." "That's not a real map!" "Yeah! Nerds rule! Nerds against us! Whoo hoo!" "Do they have it in a 10?!" "Well, screw them. I'm leading." "We can find where we are! On this map of Italy." "THANKS MIA! I NO LONGER FEEL ORIGINAL!" "They're like Cinderella slippers!" "Ahh! You're malfunctioning!" "PLEASE let go of my hair!" "Insulted here!" "Hey, wow, thanks!" "And she's...dead, and she's...in love, obviously, and he's...indifferent." "I'm false. Sorry kids!" "It's dark in here!" "But I like eating it this way!" "Rum isn't tasty." "Well, now you're gonna have trouble getting these off!" "I'm waiting for my Chlamydia to come back." "There are stars in here!" "You're turning one, congrats!" "Conegeting. Congregating. Conjugating." "Just...run across to the other side!" "CAR! CAR!" "WE'RE WINNING!" There was more, but I honestly don't remember. [listening to: Avril Lavinge, "Don't tell me"] L@T3R ^|^V(H 8:17 PM
"I'm out torturing the cat."I went over to my Aunt and Uncle's last night to see their new cat. (Who is adorable!) Oh, and these aren't the parents of the pot head, in case anyone was wondering. (*coughcough*nicole*cough*) It was hella boring, until I chased the cat up the roof. That was fun. And then the neighbors were like, "what the hell are you doing?" Well, one of them anyway. They were pretty ghettogangsta for Oakland...I always think of Oakland as whiteland. Hm...guess I'm just UNWELL. I'm going to BeachBlanketBabylon today...I know Vicky, Mia, and Carie are going, but since BBB is pretty expensive I don't know who else is. Last night I had a wierd dream. It had to do with the white skirt I bought for Vicky's party. I went to Gap to get a different size and Rachel was there. She had the same skirt, only in black, and she saw me and got UBER pissed that I had gotten the last. white. skirt. EVER. Then she pulled out a gun and began shooting down the dressing rooms. I think the wierdest part was when I walked out really calmly and went to Nordstroms. Hmm... [listening to: Nada] L@T3R ^|^V(H 11:12 AM
Saturday, May 15What's the opposite of large? MUY LARGO!I just had my placement tests. Grr. The math test was pretty killer, I lost my head completely during the last four questions - I didn't remember like, anything. I suppose this is what happens when you think the test is going to be Algebra and then, Whoops! It's pre-algebra! Sorry kids! But the Spanish was easy. Thank God. (Que es el opuesto de largo? MUY LARGO!) I have to drive over to Oakland today. Grr. I do NOT wanna go. I was looking for my book reviews and on the last paragraph of one I found this...(Lord knows what drugs I was on...) I also like the fact that this book didn’t have too many characters, so it was easy to keep track of who was who. The book was written with complicated language, but it was easy to tell what the words meant. The plot was also pretty interesting, as I had never really thought of the core of the earth to be anything but molten rock, and this was a really interesting way to look at it. I enjoyed this book a lot more than "20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea". I found out that Alessandra and Macbeth were in a torrid love affair at Cayenne Resort, where Kelly spent her childhood eating acorn mush. Of course, then she found out that the whole thing was a big fake and that wasn’t very sexy. [listening to: Just a Girl by No Doubt] L@T3R ^|^V(H 12:49 PM
Thursday, May 13Obla di obla da, hey Annyong!My God, today was too long. I hurt my knee in PE, I swear I forgot at least 10 accents during Spanish, I didn't get anything done in PE, I was sooo hungry during Science (although it was fun otherwise), the Spring Sing was WIERD, English I forgot my homework, and in Math Vicky and I didn't get it. So that was my day. Oh, and Nicole lent me "Big Trouble"! Yay! Apparently it's better than "Tricky Buisness" which is good, because 1) it's not "Risky Buisness" and 2) I accidentally read the blowjob chapter and couldn't finish the first paragraph. I'm really clean. "You don't shoot him soon," Leonard said. "I'm dead, from these fucking mosquitoes." HE slapped one on his wrist, leaving a quarter-sized blot of blood and bug parts. "Look at this thing," he said. "He's the size of that fucking dog." "She," Said Henry, continuing to watch the Herk family through the window. "She?" Asked Leonard. "She what?" "The mosquito," said Henry. "It’s a she." Leonard looked cloesly at the blot on his wrist, then back at Henry. "How the fuck can you tell that?" He asked. "This show on the Discovery Channel," explained Henry. "They said only the female mosquito sucks your blood." Leonard looked at the blot again. He said, "Bitch." "What they didn’t explain," said Henry, "is what do the male mosquitoes eat?" "What, are you worried about them?" "No, I’m not worried about them, I’m just..." "You want I should go get a fucking pizza for them, set it out here in the jungle so they don’t starve?" [listening to: Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:37 PM
Gugh...schoolI have to go to school in about half an hour...I really don't want to. Oh well. Hokay. So basically we have the ice caps melting, hit by a meteor, the ozone layer leaving us, the sun exploding, and we are definately going to blow ourselves up. Okay. So basically we have China France India Israel Pakistan Russia the UK and us. We got about 26,000 more nukes than them...whatever. So one day we decide that those Chinese suns of a bitches are going down. So we launch a missle, on its way over, "shit shit who the fuck is shooting us?" "I dont know, fire missles!" And then france is like, "Guys, le missles are coming! Fire our shit!" "But I am le tired." "Well, have a nap...THEN FIRE LE MISSLES!" Meanwhile, Australia's down there like, "WTF mates?" Russia's like, "AHH MOTHERLAND!" Englands all, "Right then chaps?" "Whatever." and then India Israel and Pakistan fire their shit so we have missles flying past eachother. "Hi." "Sup?" The US is like, "Fuck we're dumbasses." Canada's like, "What's going on, eh?" Mars is laughing at us, and some big meteor's like, "Well fuck that." So now we have nuclear winter ("Yes! Wait...") and everybody's dead except Australia, and their still like, "Wtf?" But they'll be dead soon. Fucking kangaroos...But in the event that we don't blow ourselves up, us Californians will have to break off from the nation. We go hang with Hawaii. And Alaska. THE END! [listening to: the SHOWER] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:20 AM
Wednesday, May 12Rachel and I are crazyIf you can decipher this...you get a cookie! uberderanged: yo alligator122: yo, sup? alligator122: helloooo? uberderanged: why, if i take like two seconds logn to answer, do u freak out and think i'm not there? alligator122: because i got up and got candy...and that takes a while uberderanged: umm......... alligator122: im HUNGRY alligator122: humph uberderanged: i said yo and two seconds later ur like "where are u omg!" alligator122: i have to know where you are every minute of every day, rachel...dh alligator122: *duh uberderanged: dh uberderanged: lol alligator122: shhhh! vowels are for loooooooooosers uberderanged: nice......... alligator122 (10:05:23 PM): r, vwls r fr lsrs uberderanged: knw uberderanged: ll uberderanged: ? alligator122: ? wht? uberderanged: ths s dffclt alligator122: nt rlly uberderanged: tryng hrd nt t b lsr alligator122: vcky n m trd t spk n bbrvtns ll dy bt t ddnt wrk uberderanged: ll alligator122: y gt tht? uberderanged: thnk hrd bt tht uberderanged: ys dd alligator122: y n lssndr sy tht lt. uberderanged: lt? uberderanged: wzz tht? alligator122: (a lot) alligator122: dmn t sd vwl! uberderanged: s'k f ts n prnthss alligator122: ky gd. uberderanged: ths s slly uberderanged: lv t alligator122: ? alligator122: h, m2 alligator122: w cn s #s! uberderanged: 0h y3h! uberderanged: sbsttte f ts t hrd alligator122: thnk g0d alligator122: c? !t cld b 'g00d' r 'g0d' uberderanged: l0l uberderanged: LL! uberderanged: t lks lk 101 alligator122: ! knw alligator122: ths !s vry wrd... alligator122: @y @y @y g2g uberderanged: 0 n0! alligator122: by3! [listening to: nada] L@T3R ^|^V(H 10:16 PM
My knee!Whatever. I hurt my knee a lot at the playoff game yesterday. Ow. We lost. Damn. I didn't make the Tremors. Double damn. I had 'hella' homework last night. TRIPLE damn. On the bright side, Madre's finally allowing me to get the "Annyong Hermano" t-shirt. ITS THE BEST. [listening to: Tainted Love by Soft Sell] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:44 AM
Monday, May 10NICOLE! PUT THAT OFFENDING OBJECT AWAY!Woah. This is...well, I was going to say "kinky" but then I stopped myself. Hm. You guys should appreciate that. Anyway. Let's start with the Tryouts. So Tremors had their tryouts yesterday. Needless to say, I can FEEl that I didn't get on. Humph. I think that Cara, Amanda, me, and the girl from the Cardinals are the ones in line to get booted. Grreeeeeat. (although even Sati had trouble with the pitching machine...see? IT'S NOT JUST ME!) Today - BOOOORING. During Photo Mia and I were starting our Sepia Toned Wonders - the Rice Picker and the Duchess. They're really quite kickass. Yup. And we had a math class today. (No shit...) math TEST. Grr. And in English we watched West Side Story because Ms. P is away on JURY DUTY! I think its funny when Maria is like, "MY hands are cold", totally interupting Tony's little speech. She's lame; I mean, she might as well have said, "My lips are a bit chilly, Tony, and you're warm so...you can run on that." [listening to: Just a Girl by No Doubt] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:47 PM
Sunday, May 9Roger Rabit?Well, Katherine's a wierdo. I mean, look at this! (She's also on probation...ha ha!) Slanderous! [listening to: Holy Bajeezus, did a bird just slam into our window??!] L@T3R ^|^V(H 10:29 AM
I could've been watching Arrested Development!My sister had her party last night. Ugh. Her friends do NOT know how to have a sleepover. At 9:15 they decide, Hey! Let's watch a movie because Rachel-the-meek-everybody-pushes-me-around is tired. Guess what movie they watch - A Christmas Story! IN MAY. They're crazy and stupid. I hate them. Grr. So her party was basically this - them in front of the television. My God. IN OTHER NEWS - The Tremors have tryouts today. I have a feeling that I'm not going to get on the team. (Because the Marin Girls are really, really, really good. Damn them.) But I'm still going! [listening to: Just a Girl by No Doubt] L@T3R ^|^V(H 10:15 AM
Saturday, May 8Lower standards, eh?alligator122: i heard that nicole and rachel went to club 18 lalst night ravenblack777: ok HateTheCreepySub: YES ravenblack777: yeah HateTheCreepySub: it was sooo good alligator122: with the freaking HateTheCreepySub: omj HateTheCreepySub: rachel freaked w/ some guy HateTheCreepySub: isaac from presidio HateTheCreepySub: i was like AAAH! when i saw all of it ravenblack777: like really freaked ravenblack777: ? HateTheCreepySub: yup ravenblack777: holy - alligator122: wait... alligator122: woah ravenblack777: !!! HateTheCreepySub: i thot freaking was just dancing w/ ur but in a crotch HateTheCreepySub: nope, the guy HOLDS ur butt and like, moves it back and forth ravenblack777: i know ravenblack777: ewwwww ravenblack777: rach...... alligator122: icky ravenblack777: *sigh* alligator122: yucky HateTheCreepySub: noono alligator122: 1st grade language to describe that? ew. HateTheCreepySub: rachel didnt do it like that on purpose ravenblack777: hey i said it first alligator122: or like, "ew gross mommy what are they doing?" HateTheCreepySub: and then this guy grabbed her from behind and walked away alligator122: oookay ravenblack777: how do you do that not on purpose? HateTheCreepySub: and aaryn told jeremy i luv him ravenblack777: oooooooh HateTheCreepySub: he just grabbed her and went ravenblack777: what'd he say HateTheCreepySub: and jeremy is SOOOOOO GODDAMN HOT ravenblack777: nm HateTheCreepySub: he hugged me alligator122: i heard HateTheCreepySub: and he had no gf ravenblack777: REALLY!!!!!!!!!!! alligator122: cuz he broke up with his gf ravenblack777: YAY!!!!!!!!! ravenblack777: for u? ravenblack777: GO NICH!!!!!!!!! HateTheCreepySub: im really happy HateTheCreepySub: and he borrowed my girly fone ravenblack777: did u mo him? HateTheCreepySub: i wish HateTheCreepySub: lol, nope ravenblack777: lol alligator122: what aboot armboy? ravenblack777: anything else happen? HateTheCreepySub: i gave him 2 rachel alligator122: nice ravenblack777: for jeremy HateTheCreepySub: i thot it would be like 6 people there HateTheCreepySub: but there were like, 150 ravenblack777: at c18 HateTheCreepySub: yeah ravenblack777: right HateTheCreepySub: i was happy HateTheCreepySub: and i actually danced HateTheCreepySub: and i wore a tube top ravenblack777: with jeremy? HateTheCreepySub: it was a very good night ravenblack777: ooooooh ravenblack777: lol alligator122: u wore a tube top? HateTheCreepySub: no dancing w/ jeremy HateTheCreepySub: nono freaking alligator122: i feel...naive. alligator122: hehe HateTheCreepySub: yes i wore a tube top ravenblack777: oh no......... HateTheCreepySub: oh no for a tube top? ravenblack777: what with rach again? HateTheCreepySub: what? alligator122: wait...what? ravenblack777: no for no mo-ing jeremy or anything HateTheCreepySub: rachel only freaked w/ isaac HateTheCreepySub: no moing jeremy ravenblack777: ACK nm HateTheCreepySub: lol ravenblack777: I KNOW HateTheCreepySub: what? ravenblack777: sorry alligator122(5:24:56 PM): wait...what did isaac look like? HateTheCreepySub: ugly alligator122: was he hot or ugly? ravenblack777: hot? HateTheCreepySub: ghetolicious alligator122: oh ravenblack777: oh alligator122: that about sums it up HateTheCreepySub: he was all bling bling w/ an oversised celtic jersey ravenblack777: i wish there was a barfing smiley HateTheCreepySub: and shaved head alligator122: he's a wierdo ravenblack777: ewwwwww HateTheCreepySub: w/ a sweatband ravenblack777: EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! HateTheCreepySub: and LOTS of baggy clothesishness alligator122: that's going to amuse me a lot tomorrow HateTheCreepySub: tomorrow? alligator122: nope ravenblack777: monday?? HateTheCreepySub: tomorrow? HateTheCreepySub: what? alligator122: i'm watching the 8 year olds ravenblack777: nah alligator122: its killer HateTheCreepySub: what?? ravenblack777: i thoughyt it was saterday HateTheCreepySub: explain this HateTheCreepySub: saturday? alligator122: today is saturday HateTheCreepySub: ur saturday HateTheCreepySub: what? ravenblack777: she's chaperoning her sister's bday party HateTheCreepySub: nvm HateTheCreepySub: OH HateTheCreepySub: i c HateTheCreepySub: u should invite jeremy alligator122: my parents have decided to run away leaving me to deal with the kiddies alligator122: oh, he'll have a blast HateTheCreepySub: he can bring me alogn HateTheCreepySub: *along HateTheCreepySub: gtg getting readiste [listening to: Just a Girl] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:40 PM
Whoops.Apparently there was a dance last night...huh? Although I did hear Erin and Lana talking about it today...or was that a different dance? Whatever. Anyway. It seems Rachel and Nicole had fun. (Apparently, everyone would've liked the dance. Excepto Katherine and Stephanie. Good point.) But, on something I did participate in - the softball playoff game. We won, 11 -7. Finally. But they weren't that good. only their pitcher was good, the others didn't know what a tag up was...*sigh*. Okay. I'm done now. [listening to: Walk like an Egyptian] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:04 PM
Friday, May 7Pobrecito.Poor Rachel! I just read her blog and I feel bad for her. Aw....would this CERTAIN Friend be Jimmy? Or am I being evil at the thought of that? Rachel? Rachel? Come back, Rachel! [listening to: Like a Virgin - Madonna] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:00 PM
My day was tooo long for a friday.And while we're on that topic, we should cut Fridays down to 1:30 in the afternoon. I mean, what the hell, they might give us more homework, but whatev. So. PE: What the hell are we supposed to be DOING in this class?! We are throwing SOFTBALLS (fake ones, mind you) around. That's it, really. English: English is fun. We get to act out Romeo and Juliet. (The juliet on the tape was uberold...) And I got another 44/50 on my act 2 test. Hehehe. But 2 bonus points for me! Hello 16 line! Advisory: Oh good God. This wasn't as horrible at first, we talked about our Class gift (Light system, I wanted a swing set. :( Oh well! This is cool too) and sorta chose our graduation song. (WONDERWALL) Then came the death - INTERNET POLICY USE or whatever. I don't think a CERTAIN PERSON realizes that a lot of us are like, "wtf? I think I'm gonna go start a blog to protest this unfairness and craziness and shit. (Ala Armboy) Math: Rachel made herself bleed...with the red and blue pens. I'm really going to fail the final. Oh, psh. I don't care. I just better not fail the placement tests. Oops. Spanish: Spanish wasn't too bad today! We just talked about accents and I felt smart cuz I got a lot of it. LUnCh: Omg, we had our lipsync preview today. Mia said it was JUST like Waiting for Guffman! Omg, it was. Omg, I need to stop with the OMG's. Slap me if I use it again, okay? So we did our preview. It was funny, because Rachel/Cara/Aaryn/Taylor couldn't dance cuz the desks would've fallen over. Hee. Art: NICOLE AND I ARE ALMOST DONE WITH OUR WALL! YAY! History: I like vacuums. Enough said. So finally, it's Friday. THANK FREAKING GOD! (Plus, I'm gonna go find a new layout. Ciao!) [listening to: I'm Just a Girl, No Doubt] L@T3R ^|^V(H 6:06 PM
Thursday, May 61, 2, 3, Memorize!Okay, last night my parents made me go out to dinner at 7:30 at night, regardless of how much FRICKIN math I had. I really don't understand why Flemmers didn't tell us we could cancel out the denominators in the equation if they were all the same. (i.e. 3/z + 4/z = 7/z) And this layout is brand new. Uh, let me rephrase that. I need a new layout. Desperately. Although I'm not as choosy as Katherine, I'd like a nice, spring one. With flowers. And yellow and green and maybe PINK. Yum. Tainted Love Sometimes I feel I've got to Run away I've got to Get away From the pain that you drive into the heart of me The love we share Seems to go nowhere And I've lost my light For I toss and turn I can't sleep at night (chorus) Once I ran to you (I ran) Now I'll run from you This tainted love you've given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that's not nearly all Oh...tainted love Tainted love Now I know I've got to Run away I've got to Get away You don't really want IT any more from me To make things right You need someone to hold you tight And you'LL think love is to pray But I'm sorry I don't pray that way (chorus...) Don't touch me please I cannot stand the way you tease I love you though you hurt me so Now I'm going to pack my things and go Tainted love, tainted love Touch me baby, tainted love Tainted love [listening to: What do you think?] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:43 AM
Monday, May 3What's new in the world of FrogOn Sunday, mom made me clean out all of my dresser looking for socks, because "[I] don't have a lot." Oh, good God, I looked out the window and the moon was there, slapping me in the face. But we love the moon... I'm doing Kent State University as my "75% of your grade" history project. Oh joy. and now for something completely different... Have you ever seen those people that are just so funny and cute (not HOT cute, idiots...I'd call them hot, then.) that you just want to hug them? Well, on Sunday, Dad and Anna dragged me out of my nutshell ("This is me in a nutshell...help! Get me out of this nutshell!") for a nice walk in the Park. Well, it was excrutiatingly hot. This is why I didn't go to the dash. That's why we have Katherine go. Anyway, we stopped by a little lakey(poo) and it was shady. Thank God. There was this funny man walking around the lake, though. He had a 70's haircut and an untucked blue shirt and he was reading Othello. Hee. I really love him. He was soo funny. And he fed the ducks. Those people kick ass. [listening to: Frozen by Madonna] L@T3R ^|^V(H 8:06 PM
Sunday, May 2The dance was on Friday, and I think I'd like everyone to shut up now...Well, Dance was on Friday, but since I was in Tiburon playing softball (we won, 17-8!) and sleeping all of Saturday, I got not a chance to blog. And I'm sure some people (*hackcoughrachelhackcough*) would love to hear my opinions of it. Well, firstest we went to Alessandra's house and we (um, I) played with her brother the plumer's trucker hats. I ended up wearing one. Hmm, I wish Katherine the chaste were there! HUH! DON'T YOU KATHERINE?! No? wtf, mates! Anyway. I stole a bunch of things from Alessandra (like her brother's trucker hat and her glowy bracelet and her ring) and she wouldn't let Rachel wear her pink italian sunglasses. Humph. Grumpy. Then we went to Bills and the waitress thought Alessandra was Hawaiian and Cara and I were like, "wtf?" But then Rachel discovered that the best drug is "shmot" or "shmarjuana". Whatever. So ladeeda we drove to FAIS and ladeeda we got accosted by Nicole once we got there. Apparently she was the only Burkie there. Aw...whatev. We went inside, threw our stuff on the bleachers and went and 'mulled' around the hanky skos, until we saw Kelly and Mia and Vicky and Anju and Eli and everybody else. And we finally (formally) met Taylor's BF, Allen. Hmm...they were MOing the entire time. Yuck. Get a room, people. So. Then Nicole steals my hat. I chase her about 2 times around the gym When I get it back, she steals it again. Another 2 times. Then she steals my bracelet and runs off with it. Another 1.5. She then gives it to some GhettoGangstas and tells them to run off with it. The guy on the bleachers threw it back to me. I love him. We go outside and she asks to see my shoe. I tell her not to run off with it...5 minutes later, I'm still running around the courtyard in my sock. I think Max may have been outside...but then he probably left after seeing Nicole. I get a glimps of Nicole's hot man...who is pretty hot. AND HE HAS THE BEST ARMS. He took off his shirt (rrow for Nicole!) and WOW HIS ARMS ARE HOT! Nicole does NOT have an arm fetish! Vicky and I sang the Pokemon song and this guy gave us a look like we were crazy. Not that he was wrong or anything...Kelly wanted to see how hot Max was, but it was too dark. I don't think she believed me. Whatever. I asked Betsy to bring in her brother's yearbook (from 2000 yahahah) so I can show her. Tee hee. Hilarious results to follow. ANyway. Then Nicole wanted a piggy back. So I gave her one. I vaguely remember crashing into the Kittredge boys and Nicole yelling, "Go through the crowd! GO THROUGH THE CROWD!" Sometimes she's a bit much. I danced pretty much the rest of the night. At around 9:15ish I finally said to Mia, "I'm gonna go be brave now, okay?" and I went to go say "waddup" to Max...but I never got around to the "waddup" part. Whatever. I'm a loser. And so Is Nicole...Rachel and Eli were giving respectfull I will respect your space looks and Nicole goes up to my face and says, "I reached in the bucket and this was covered in shit, yo!" all while waving a red vine in my face. I give props to Eli who dragged her away. (And probably sedated her, thank you Eli) and then he said he had to leave (although I saw him later...he was probably caught by the feds) THEN THERE WAS THE STINK BOMB! It was stinky. After we got evacuated, we got shoved back into the gym for a "talk"...crap. Boring to the extreme! We had to pick up 5 pieces of trash and throw it away. Then the FAIS principle said she hoped whoever did this would own up to it. BS. Noone will. [listening to: that random Chingy song Rachel put on my cd] L@T3R ^|^V(H 6:01 PM
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