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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Thursday, April 29I've noticed that all my titles have been monoslyabic. Yay!I had the worst dream last night. I dreampt that we had to defend a castle at Joshua Tree from evil restauranteers. (Seriously.) Anyway, it turned out really bloody and scary and I remember Milli dying (!!!) and then when the whole thing was over it was only Maddy, Izzy, Amelia, Cara, Betsy, me and Kelly. I cried a lot and then a bunch of ghosts dressed up as badgers came down and the one who sounded like Rachel told me this was just a dream. (After that it just got random - we met Rachel's hot man Chris, and then it turned out it was just some horny perv who looked like Chris. Whatever.) [listening to: Gigolo by Nick Cannon] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:39 AM
Wednesday, April 28He's on drugs.The Romeo in the Romeo and Juliet we're watching in English may be hot, but he kisses like a very hungry dog. Wrong in so many ways...he was eating her hair/neck/face! Come on! Wife: I'm in love with your brother-in-law. Gob: You're in love with your own brother? The one in the army? Wife: No. Your sister's husband. Gob: Michael? Michael! Wife: No. That your sister's brother. Gob: You're in love with me? Me. Wife: I'm in love with Tobias. Gob: My brother-in-law? Wife: I know it can never be, so I'm leaving. I'm enlisting in the army. Gob: To be with your brother? Wife: NO! [listening to: Yeah by Usher] L@T3R ^|^V(H 9:05 PM
Sunday, April 25I'm hungy.Yay! I feel accomplished! Why? Guess who just finished her whole proyecto today? That's right! Me! But I never want to see the words "Mixtec", "Zapotec", "Olmec", "Toltec", "Aztec" or "Maya" again. Ever. My legs are still disgusting. I couldn't get all the plant juices off, so, that's one ick. And then I ripped off some scabs while shaving, so there's two icks right there. And that's three icks total, which equals to a disgusting. I don't know why you had to know that. Mmm...not a monkey...but this is! [listening to: World Comes Tumblin' by the Distillers] L@T3R ^|^V(H 8:06 PM
Saturday, April 24Lucy, I'm home!Yay! Back from the most fun place on Earth (asides from Great America)! JOSHUA TREE! We did death backpacking (where I 'passioned' my legs, they're terrible, I'm sooo wearing pants to the Bay thing...), rock climbing (up the birth canal!) and caving (where a certain person was heard saying "Oh my lordage!"). (Here's more about Badgers) My Pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard They're like, "Ya wanna trade cards?" Darn right, I wanna trade cards! My Pikachu, for your Charizard. La la, La la, La... The nerds are waiting. La la, La la, La... Let's get trading. [listening to: Milkshake by Kellis] L@T3R ^|^V(H 9:05 AM
Saturday, April 17Ack ack ack ack ack, it's Saturday!Eesh, Boojum tomorrow. Wierd. (I love Ms. Flemming (aka Camp Counciller Dayna)'s Seal jacket. Yay!) And the three of us (in our bizzarness) have made another blog. [listening to: Black Shuck by the Darkness] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:44 PM
Thursday, April 15I don't know, I'm a Capulet!This article made me wonder - hey, world, I don't pay attention to Current Events, but did Suddam Hussien die already, or is he still in custody? Europe Rejects Purported Bin Laden Truce By JILL LAWLESS LONDON (AP) - Key European nations, including Iraq war opponents Germany and France, vigorously rejected a truce offer purportedly from Osama bin Laden on Thursday, saying there could be no negotiating with his al-Qaida terrorist network. Many saw the audiotaped offer as a blatant attempt to drive a wedge between the United States and its European allies, exploiting their differences over Iraq. The offer suggested a subtle shift in strategy by the al-Qaida chief, who in the past has directed his bloody campaign against the West in general. One analyst said the shift was unsurprising, however, given bin Laden's "opportunism." Another observer said the three-month truce offer might contain a message to militants to hold back on attacks against Europe. The tape, which the CIA said is likely an authentic recording of bin Laden, was broadcast on Arab TV stations offering "a truce ... to any country which does not carry out an onslaught against Muslims or interfere in their affairs." In Italy, a nation shocked by the killing of an Italian civilian captured by militants in Iraq, Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said it was "unthinkable that we may open a negotiation with bin Laden, everybody understands this." French President Jacques Chirac, one of the firmest opponents of the war that ousted Saddam Hussein, was equally clear: "No dealings are possible with terrorists." Germany, which is now helping train Iraqi police, also strongly rejected the truce offer. "Any attempt to split Europe will fail," said German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Secretary of State Colin Powell said he was pleased by the reaction, and that Europeans are saying they "will not be terrorized by these terrorists." "I think that the international community realizes that they cannot give in to these kinds of threats," he told reporters in Washington. "I hope this will strengthen our determination to deal with terrorism and especially to do everything we can to bring Osama bin Laden to justice." The tape - broadcast on the pan-Arab television stations Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya - is the first since January attributed to bin Laden, believed to be hiding in mountains along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. The CIA said the seven-minute recording was probably made recently because of its reference to Israel's killing March 22 of Hamas founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin. "I am offering a truce to European countries," the speaker on the tape said. "Its core is our commitment to cease operations against any country which does not carry out an onslaught against Muslims or interfere in their affairs." The message said "the door to a truce is open for three months," but the period could be extended. "The truce will begin when the last soldier leaves our countries," the speaker said without elaborating. Charles Heyman, an analyst at Jane's Defense Weekly, said the tape was "a not very subtle attempt to break whatever coalition there is and to destabilize the situation in Iraq." A counterterrorism official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the truce offer marked a different approach by al-Qaida, because it distinguishes between Western nations. "For the most part he has tended to lump all of the West in the same category, saying in effect, 'You're all evil,'" the official said. "This is a departure in that it's more of an attempt to cause division." Analyst Bruce Hoffman of the Rand Corporation, said the new tactic was "not entirely surprising given his record of opportunism." He noted that last year bin Laden threatened a number of European nations cooperating with the United States in the fight against terrorism, to no effect. "Like any good psychological warfare officer he's changing his message subtly and altering his tactics slightly but trying to achieve the same effect" of widening the gap between the United States and its European allies. The speaker on the tape appealed to European public opinion, saying the truce offer was "a reconciliation initiative in response to the recent positive developments that have appeared" - an apparent reference to the defeat of Spain's pro-Iraq war government after March 11 bombings that killed 191 people in Madrid. Yet Spain's incoming Socialist government - which promised to pull all 1,300 Spanish troops out of Iraq - also denounced the message. "What we want is peace, democracy and freedom," said incoming Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos. Analysts said the tape was an attempt to encourage Europeans to press their governments to stop supporting U.S. military operations in Muslim nations. It also could be a message to al-Qaida sympathizers to stop European operations that might have the result of galvanizing support for President Bush's war on terror, said Montasser el-Zayat, an Egyptian lawyer who defends Islamic radicals. "Bin Laden is seeing how those bombings (in Madrid) were used by the Americans to pressure Europe into more action," he said. "This tape is a message to those groups to cease these actions." The tape moderated bin Laden's usual rhetoric, avoiding references to Europeans as "the Crusader-Jewish alliance" and referring instead to "our neighbors north of the Mediterranean." The speaker described the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States and the Madrid bombings as revenge strikes, although he did not directly claim al-Qaida was responsible. The voice on the tape said that "what happened on Sept. 11 and March 11 was your goods delivered back to you." A truce, the message said, would deny "the warmongers" further opportunities. Polls have shown that "most of the European peoples want reconciliation" with the Islamic world, it said. Britain, which supported the war and has 8,700 troops in Iraq, rejected the notion it would remove its soldiers in return for immunity from attack. "One has to treat such claims, such proposals, by al-Qaida with the contempt they deserve," said Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, adding: "I'm afraid that it is yet another barefaced attempt to divide the international community." [listening to: My Bubbi Made a Kishka] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:20 PM
Wednesday, April 14Let's do the fishing scene, Guys!Sigh. This time next week? I'll be eating dinner in the desert. With the cactis. Yay. ANYHOO. Today was slow. Math (test that I missed the last answer on), Spanish (which I am sooo far behind in my project), Confrence (where Nicole and I played the "How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days" + "Black Stallion" + "Whale Rider" game instead of doing work because of puberty), Set (where Steph, Rachie and I worked on the HOUSE), Lunch (with Mrs. Abbot! ack! Lame!), History (where no one talked), Study Hall, (in which Vicky had a fit of hysterics over a picture in my spanish book) and English, where we did skits to the prolouge of ActII. We have fishing in ours. [listening to: I Believe in a thing called Love, the Darkness] L@T3R ^|^V(H 6:50 PM
Tuesday, April 13It was Yosemite that was all about bondage.Anyway. I'm going to die at Boojum. Die. We did a practice hike down to Baker Beach this afternoon with all of our gear (minus food and water) and I was SOO dead by the time we collapsed at school. That was like, a 15 minute walk. Do you have ANY idea how much I will die at Joshua Tree? A hella lot. (Tee hee.) Anyway, the beach was fun, we played elbow tag with "Camp Counciller Dayna". Only...after there were about 2 'its' and 6 people randomly running about, it turned into a random, screaming mess of 40-something girls running towards the ocean. I pity the teachers. Haha, not really. Not at all, actually... [listening to: Keep your hands off of my Woman by the Darkness] L@T3R ^|^V(H 8:06 PM
Monday, April 12I'm gonna bite my pillow, that's what I'm gonna do!God, I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Burkes! Or school. Man, I cannot wait for summer. I'm writing my book report now, But you know what? I will do a bunch tomorrow and do most of my spanish project on the weekends. [listening to: Nothing] L@T3R ^|^V(H 8:54 PM
Sunday, April 11Tee hee...completely pointless...![]() ![]() find your inner PIE @ stvlive.com ![]() Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz! ![]() discover what candy you are @ quiz me ![]() ![]() ![]() The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz ![]() And now, the one I believe the least...
[listening to: Nada] L@T3R ^|^V(H 4:15 PM
'Ello, 'ow ar' oo? 'Ould oo 'ike oo go oo 'artford?I love "Waiting for Guffman". It's the best. Just letting y'all know, VACAY IS ALMOST OVER!!! *sob* [listening to: The Donnas, "Its on the Rocks"] L@T3R ^|^V(H 3:10 PM
Saturday, April 10I just crashed my van into Jesus!I need to see that movie! It has Mandy Moore in it (gag) but still...it looks hella freakin funny. It's about a bunch of UBER catholic school kids. It looks incredibly funny. Phew. Just got back from "The Prince and Me" which was soooo good. (One of the twin brothers (not Luke and Leia, Nicole) was really a new shmexer. Yum.) It was really cute. Although Nicole thought the palace in Denmark was a cruise ship/yacht. Oh well. Special thanks to Eli for keeping my sanity relitivly intact. SHMEXY GLASSES [listening to: CHicago, "razzle dazzle"] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:47 PM
I can't believe the legs would screw him like that!I need to see that eppisode. Anyway. Nicole, Eli and I are going to see the Prince and Me, supposedly. I dunno what the times are or anything...hm....well, whatev, I'll bring dinero and...If I had a cellphone (Hint hint, padre), I'd bring that. Great. I need to stop saying 'whatev'. I called up Eli's house and was asking her dad where she was and I said, "Yeah, I was just checking to make sure and whatev." I was mentally kicking myself at that point, but he didn't notice. [listening to: Chicago, one of those instrumentals] L@T3R ^|^V(H 10:46 AM
Friday, April 9HypothermiaOne of my legs is cold, and the other isn't. I'd ask for an explination as to why I'm sitting here in my softball uniform when I don't have a game for weeks, but it's brand new so ha! Brr, it's cold. I'm getting a blanket. I love these kids. HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. --Alan, age 10 No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with. --Kirsten, age 10 WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO GET MARRIED? Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then. --Camille, age 10 No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married. --Freddie, age 6 HOW CAN A STRANGER TELL IF TWO PEOPLE ARE MARRIED? You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. --Derrick, age 8 WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR MOM AND DAD HAVE IN COMMON? Both don't want any more kids. --Lori, age 8 WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE? Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough. --Lynnette, age 8 On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date. --Martin, age 10 WHAT WOULD YOU DO ON A FIRST DATE THAT WAS TURNING SOUR? I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns. --Craig, age 9 WHEN IS IT OKAY TO KISS SOMEONE? When they're rich. --Pam, age 7 The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that. --Curt, age 7 The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do. --Howard, age 8 IS IT BETTER TO BE SINGLE OR MARRIED? I don't know which is better, but I'll tell you one thing. I'm never going to have sex with my wife. I don't want to be all grossed out. --Theodore, age 8 It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. --Anita, age 9 HOW WOULD THE WORLD BE DIFFERENT IF PEOPLE DIDN'T GET MARRIED? There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there? --Kelvin, age 8 HOW WOULD YOU MAKE A MARRIAGE WORK? Tell your wife that she looks pretty even if she looks like a truck. --Ricky, age 10 [listening to: The Jitterbug] L@T3R ^|^V(H 4:16 PM
FridayIt's only friday. How depressing is that? It should be like, Tuesday. Or at least Thursday. Cuz you know what that means? That means that I only have two more days left of break! And that means that I have a week of school and then Boojum! And that means that the next vacay I will have will be in SUMMER! Which isn't too depressing, cuz, hey, there's no school then! Here's the SGX thing for Nicole, cuz I don't know if Alessanrda sent it to her nor not... [listening to: Nada] L@T3R ^|^V(H 1:03 PM
Thursday, April 8Testing, testing, 148, testing...I'm a genius! Just testing out my geniosty. hey, wa happen? Oh, and Chelsea is going to IHS. Sorry bout that. [listening to: "Razzle Dazzle" from Chicago] 7:51 PM
He is SUCH a drama queen...Apparently my cousin just collapsed of dehydration. I am now going to be the supportive cousin, except for the fact that I hate his guts. I wonder if he has a website? Probably. He got 913 sites when I googled him. Mayhap I shall ask his sister. [listening to: "All that Jazz" from Chicago] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:50 PM
Candygram!Well, that was a long vacation. Monday thru Thursday. Good lord. Hearst Castle: Toooo huge. It's only a mansion, but it's like, 40 square miles. Or maybe it's only that in one direction. Geez. It's huge, but I LUUUUUUUUUUUURVED the indoor and outdoor pools. The outdoor one is HUGENORMUS and it feels like you're in the middle of Greece or Ancient Italy or something. It's fabulous. And the indoor pool, you might find yourself asking? (or not, you know, whatev) IT WAS COVERED IN REAL GOLD!! How fantabulouso is that?? If that's not wacky and zany enough for you, you should go the next time you're in San Simeon. Go. Now. Monterey Bay Aquarium: SHARKS! need I say more? and Oh yes, candy. Mmm, candy. Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk: I rode on two roller coasters, the Log Fume, the Ferris Wheel, and...the HAUNTED HOUSE. I pretty much fell asleep on that last one. Oh, and the Everwood was sad. I hate Madison. She needs to die. [listening to: Hit That by the Offspring] L@T3R ^|^V(H 6:35 PM
Sunday, April 4ADDING TO MY LISTCecilia is going to UHS Stephanie is going to UHS Kate is going to Convent Hannah is going to MA [listening to: 5/4 by Gorillaz] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:02 PM
Watch out, it's a moose...Prepare to be...well, if not amused, at least wierded out. [listening to: Hey Mama] L@T3R ^|^V(H 10:17 AM
Saturday, April 3This is gonna keep happening, isn't it?This is like the third time I've blogged today. Well, whatev. For those who a) don't watch AD, or b) didn't see Friday's datebook, here's the article on Arrested Development that was in it. 'Arrested' is the next 'Seinfeld' If the television gods have anything to do with it, "Arrested Development" will be the new "Seinfeld." Now, that's not a title to blithely toss around. But rarely has there been a comedy so fully developed, so presently overlooked, as to be exactly the kind of gem where, in two years and a billion magazine covers and countless paeans to its inherent brilliance, we'll all look back in amazement at the series' first tragically ignored season and think, wow, how did we miss that? Although there are differences -- "Seinfeld" had a few sputtering starts before catching fire and becoming the best and funniest American sitcom of the modern era (modern being when formula was scorned and irony became king) -- the similarity is that if Fox exercises patience, people will come around to "Arrested Development" as they did "Seinfeld." And, in turn, "Arrested Development" will deliver the genius. There are four episodes of "Arrested Development" left, starting at 9:30 p.m. Sunday. From there, it's likely the fate of the series -- which has received off-the-charts critical acclaim but relatively meager Nielsen numbers -- won't be decided until May, when the networks announce their fall schedules to advertisers and the media at the "upfronts" in New York. At this moment in time, like "Seinfeld" before it, "Arrested Development" is an underappreciated slice of comedic perfection, its writing so good as to be staggering and the acting both subtle and wildly physical, a meshing of words and deeds we haven't seen since, well, since "Seinfeld." "Arrested Development" is far and away the best sitcom on broadcast television and arguably in a bar-brawl with HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" as the best comedy on all of television. So why is no one watching -- no one being relative to the American masses and those with Nielsen boxes? Who knows -- this isn't a thesis paper or an attempt to find the source of the Nile. But nobody much watched "Seinfeld" in the early days, either, but they were eventually led there somehow, some way. Fox just needs to show the patience necessary to wait for the world to catch up. The last network to show any real patience with a sitcom was CBS -- and that sitcom was "Everybody Loves Raymond," which worked out just fine in that it helped revitalize a moribund network. A cynic might ask why Fox should hope and pray people find this show if, in relative terms, they haven't after 18 episodes. Wasn't a 22-episode, full- season order faith enough? Well, it was faith, but not enough. That may only come with 22 more episodes and, here's the painful part, maybe more after that. But unlike other really great sitcoms that never went anywhere -- many of them birthed, then killed, by Fox -- "Arrested Development" is not just a sitcom with potential, not just 22 roughly funny minutes that deserve a break. On the contrary, it came into the world, into Fox's Sunday fall lineup, fully formed, as clearly smart and stunningly well crafted as any sitcom ever has. Shot in faux documentary style and narrated by Ron Howard, the show's executive producer, it focuses on the Bluth family -- one of the most inherently dysfunctional clans ever -- and its fall from grace and fortune due to, among many things, embezzlement and stupidity. At the core of the series is the one "sane" son, Michael, played by Jason Bateman in a career-defining role that is not just Emmy-worthy, but ought to be Emmy-winning. Where it looked, in the pilot episode, as if he were going to abandon his family of lazy losers, he has instead stuck around -- living with them in one of the model homes on an unfinished Bluth development tract - - to save them. This, naturally, takes some doing. His father, George Bluth Sr. (Jeffrey Tambor of "Larry Sanders" fame, which makes him a central participant in two of the best comedies of the last 25 years), is in prison for his misdeeds, regretting that he never used the office shredder. Michael's mother, Lucille, is a dour, sharp-tongued, manipulative monster prone to spending freely the money the family doesn't have. It's a performance by Jessica Walter that is so hysterically superior to any other on a sitcom that she shouldn't just win an Emmy, she should win it going away. (That's two Emmys, if you're counting.) Michael's efforts at propping up the sagging Bluth fortunes are hindered by the fact he is trying to do right by his 13-year-old son, George Michael (Michael Cera), while it might just be easier to cheat and manipulate and get ahead by any means necessary -- like everybody else in the world. Bateman serves as the straight man to a gallery of buffoons, including older brother George Oscar Bluth II (Will Arnett), a loser magician who prefers to be called "an illusionist" and goes by the name GOB; sister Lindsay (Portia de Rossi), a self-centered spend-a-holic who married the sexually ambiguous Tobias Funke (David Cross), who lost his medical license after giving CPR to a sunbathing man who didn't need it. The two have an over-indulged 14-year-old daughter, Maebe (Alia Shawkat), whose lack of smarts and penchant for trouble-making is a deadly combination. Rounding out the cast is youngest brother, Buster (Tony Hale), who spent 11 months in the womb and is, because of this, a mama's boy of the highest order. His naive way and history of pampered, useless education, are of no use in the wilds of the real world and, in combination with the rest of his siblings, he's just another weight dragging down big-hearted Michael. Now, injected into this perfectly created, deftly written series is a string of wonderful cameos -- from Liza Minnelli to Henry Winkler and Julia Louis-Dreyfus. But what makes the series levitate is the writing, which cleverly and subtly puts the Bluth family in a series of ever-worsening situations that allow jokes to be both ludicrously visual and verbally adroit, with punch lines that never pause for a laugh. One of the real surprises in this series -- precisely the reason it deserves at this moment to be favorably compared to "Seinfeld" -- is that "Arrested Development" has improved with each episode and hasn't, in a full 18 episodes, had one creative misstep. This is a dazzling creative achievement. Now, it's been suggested that "Arrested Development" is somehow too subtle or ironic or something for the "rest" of America to get. That's nonsense. This is a series that's merely waiting to be discovered and, like "Seinfeld" before it, enough patience, adoring word of mouth and critical acclaim will make that happen. This is a show for all people. Once they find it, they will get it. But obviously not this season. Like fans of all underappreciated, wonderful TV shows, those people who have already found "Arrested Development" can't believe it's not a hit. Their worry about the future -- justified, by the way -- makes them certain that Fox is unaware of how truly special the series is. That, too, is nonsense. Fox executives know what they've got -- but the nature of the business trumps the nurture part. Not always, of course. "The Seinfeld Chronicles" ran in July of 1989, got pulled, came back in May of 1990 as "Seinfeld," got shelved again, then aired in January of 1991. But it took two seasons after that and a shift from Wednesdays to Thursdays, before "Seinfeld" went from cult to national hit. Patience like that is rare, but CBS showed something similar with "Everybody Loves Raymond." In both cases, the shows were more than just very good. They couldn't be ignored. (Sometimes that doesn't translate into fulfilled potential -- just look at "Scrubs" on NBC, a series given chances, but possibly not the right ones executed the right way.) Fox has aired many very good sitcoms, from "Action" to "Andy Richter Controls the Universe" (among many possible examples). But "Arrested Development" is not only stronger and funnier but it has a striking likability and wide audience appeal that the others may have lacked. Fox knows this. Now it needs to prove it has a strategy to get viewers to the show. Part of a critic's duty is to rally around brilliance. Very often this fails -- whether it be "Sports Night" or "Cupid" or "EZ Streets" or "My So- Called Life" -- the examples are too many and too painful to recall in detail. But right at this moment Fox has in its possession a series that equates with HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and BBC America's "The Office," the finest examples of comedy on television in recent memory. Both those shows are beyond merely great -- they are instant classics. "Arrested Development" has four more episodes. It won't be enough and Fox knows it. But bringing it back for 22 more next fall shouldn't even be a question. Fox has in its hand what TV Land dubbed a "future classic." Now it needs to wait for that future, to wait for the people. ![]() [listening to: Vow by Garbage] L@T3R ^|^V(H 6:49 PM
HIGH SCHOOL...is bad.Mia - UHS Megan - SHC Anjali - UHS Emilie - Webb Carie - Urban Piper - Convent Julia - Lick Katherine D. - Lick Sarah - Lowell Milli - Bay Rachel - JCHS Casey - Lick Maylin - Lowell Eli - Urban Emma - Bay Katherine M. - Branson Aaryn - Lowell Maddy - SI Taylor - Stevenson Audrey - SI Kelsey - Bay Chelsea - Webb Vicky - UHS Nicole S. - Convent Jessica - Convent Cara - Bay Alessanrda - Thatcher Betsy - Mercy Nicole W. - Lick Kelly - Bay That's not everyburdy. I amn't sure where Cecilia, Lizzy, Susie, Amelia, Annie, Hannah, Izzy, Flannery, Stephanie, Chiarra, or Kate are going. [listening to: Yeah by Usher] L@T3R ^|^V(H 1:48 PM
It was all fine until Katherine started busting out the Matchbox 20!Poor Nicole, she went a whole day without quoting. Ah, b.s. She didn't make it through the first 10 minutes. Me: Okay, no quoting. Nicole: I'm done! Done. *three seconds later* This is gonna keep happening, isn't it? AHGHGHG! [listening to: Gravedigger by Dave Matthews] L@T3R ^|^V(H 9:12 AM
Friday, April 2What, no, I don't want a sassmuffin!I think that this link would make anyone laugh hysterically. Oh, you have to have the sound on though. Otherwise, it's pretty random. Well, I mean, duh... [listening to: STILL nothing...no, not Dierks Bently] L@T3R ^|^V(H 7:42 PM
Thursday, April 1Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.We watched Shindler's List today. Rachel, Eli and I were practically sobbing the entire time. It made me feel insignificant. I felt terrible afterwards. I still do. Oskar Schindler: I could have got more out. I could have got more. I don't know. If I'd just... I could have got more. Itzhak Stern: Oskar, there are eleven hundred people who are alive because of you. Look at them. Oskar Schindler: If I'd made more money... I threw away so much money. You have no idea. If I'd just... Itzhak Stern: There will be generations because of what you did. Oskar Schindler: I didn't do enough! Itzhak Stern: You did so much. Oskar Schindler: This car. Goeth would have bought this car. Why did I keep the car? Ten people right there. Ten people. Ten more people. This pin. Two people. This is gold. Two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. One more person. A person, Stern. For this. I could have gotten one more person... and I didn't! And I... I didn't! [listening to: Nothing] L@T3R ^|^V(H 9:01 PM
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