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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Tuesday, March 30Somewhere over the rainbow...there's another rainbow...Two very odd and completely unrelated things I have to tell "ya'll". One: My very bizarre dream. Last night I dreamt that I had to tell my parents about my (currently nonexistent, although when Katherine's done with Will Arnett...) boyfriend. Of course, my parents thought I meant my pet giraffe when I said, "I want you to meet someone." So, they went about saying that they already knew I had a pet giraffe and it irritated me so much that I said, "Fine, fine, I will get my bf!" (not 'best friend') and then I opened the door and, lo and behold, it was my pet giraffe. Two: Hella. The word, "Hella" and it's proper usage. One, it is an ADJECTIVE. AD. JEC. TIVE. Please, people, adjective. Not, "we were hella gonna m.o." or "I ate hella that today." (Even Sam and his stupidity don't have an excuse.) 'Hella' should be used ONLY as an ADJECTIVE. As in, "You're hella fine" or...well, you know. Fill in the blank. ![]() which art movement are you? this quiz was made by Caitlin "Well, what did you think they were doing? Playing solitare? Or some other two person card game..." [listening to: nada] L@T3R ^|^V(H 6:06 PM
PancreasMucho mas mejor. You know what I do in my spare time? Pretend to speak German. I mean, it's just like a bunch of farm animals muck muck mucking around, right? *burns hand* OW! EVERY DAMN TIME! [listening to: "My Last Name" by Dierks Bently (look what you've done to me, Nicole)] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:14 PM
Sunday, March 28Omg! You look like...well, I had this african toad...Thanks, Nicole. I love you too. Oh, btw, make sure you return that tape tomorrow! I need it! Omj, its gonna be hilarious tonight. Yeah, I think RACHEL knows what show I'm talking about! No...Not Degrassi. I don't get the N. Tragically. [listening to: Hit That by the Offspring] L@T3R ^|^V(H 8:23 PM
Friday, March 26ANNYONGBwahaha! I haven't posted in an AGE. I'm sorry, babes who care. HateTheCreepySub (9:51:08 PM): hey HateTheCreepySub (9:51:10 PM): whats up? alligator122 (9:51:17 PM): guess what email i just got! HateTheCreepySub (9:51:22 PM): ? alligator122 (9:51:30 PM): magicalmysterytorah@hotmail.com HateTheCreepySub (9:51:43 PM): OMJ HateTheCreepySub (9:51:47 PM): LOL!! alligator122 (9:51:54 PM): feel free to bother me HateTheCreepySub (9:51:56 PM): i am getting roborobocopo right now HateTheCreepySub (9:51:59 PM): brb alligator122 (9:52:02 PM): but I'm not neglecting esmallonee alligator122 (9:52:02 PM): k HateTheCreepySub (9:52:24 PM): nvm HateTheCreepySub (9:52:26 PM): dsl is out alligator122 (9:52:30 PM): oh HateTheCreepySub (9:52:34 PM): DSL SUCKS alligator122 (9:52:35 PM): *sighs* HateTheCreepySub (9:52:38 PM): I MISS DIAL UP HateTheCreepySub (9:52:50 PM): DIAL UP ES EL MEJOR QUE TODOS LOS CRAPS HateTheCreepySub (9:52:55 PM): I H8 DSL alligator122 (9:53:00 PM): Well, then you can't talk to people on the phone and IM at the same time! HateTheCreepySub (9:53:05 PM): I MISS MY MODEM! HateTheCreepySub (9:53:09 PM): ? alligator122 (9:53:11 PM): I miss your mom's modem HateTheCreepySub (9:53:18 PM): i can b on 3 at once and talk on the fone alligator122 (9:53:24 PM): see? HateTheCreepySub (9:53:27 PM): y wouldn't i b able 2 talk on the fone? HateTheCreepySub (9:53:34 PM): i could do that with dial up 2! alligator122 (9:53:39 PM): I couldn't HateTheCreepySub (9:53:42 PM): we have more than 1 fone tho alligator122 (9:53:52 PM): Well, we only have one line HateTheCreepySub (9:53:56 PM): i couldn't talk on the 1 connected 2 the comp... but that was bad HateTheCreepySub (9:53:58 PM): ne way HateTheCreepySub (9:53:59 PM): c?? HateTheCreepySub (9:54:03 PM): lol i miss dial up alligator122 (9:54:07 PM): I can tell HateTheCreepySub (9:54:11 PM): gtg b4 my mom c's im not studying... HateTheCreepySub (9:54:14 PM): *** This user has signed off and is no longer online *** alligator122 (9:54:15 PM): um... HateTheCreepySub (9:54:16 PM): is not available. Message not delivered. [listening to: Toxic by our favorite slut!] L@T3R ^|^V(H 5:10 PM
Monday, March 1The Menace Of Chinese BrasIt's march! And I think u know what this means! NEW LAYOUT!!! Only not yet. FOol. Here's it for Betsy and Alessandra and ANYONE ELSE WHO CARES!!! paleosharky (9:14:31 PM): ..emma??? alligator122 (9:14:36 PM): hey homey paleosharky (9:14:44 PM): whens the spanish test????? alligator122 (9:14:47 PM): u c the oscars? alligator122 (9:14:49 PM): wed alligator122 (9:14:53 PM): nesday paleosharky (9:15:18 PM): pirats SOOOOOOO souldve gotten the makeup, costume, and viual effects ones!!!! alligator122 (9:15:28 PM): it was good, but it wasn't oscar material paleosharky (9:15:29 PM): yes, i watched it all alligator122 (9:15:31 PM): it cracked me up paleosharky (9:15:41 PM): the visual effects, then alligator122 (9:15:59 PM): the "triplets of belview" song shoulda won for best song, tho. "Into the West" is UBER boring paleosharky (9:16:08 PM): i mean, people to skeletons and back again? come on!!! alligator122 (9:16:14 PM): cool alligator122 (9:16:16 PM): nifters paleosharky (9:16:23 PM): i know, the into the west lady scares me... alligator122 (9:16:24 PM): full of niftosity alligator122 (9:16:28 PM): not her paleosharky (9:16:40 PM): the triples of bellview scared me... *shudders* alligator122 (9:16:50 PM): I loved that song! alligator122 (9:16:55 PM): *does a dance* alligator122 (9:16:59 PM): DOODOOODOOO.... paleosharky (9:17:01 PM): i still cant believe the song from a might wind was even nominated! i like, died of laughten alligator122 (9:17:08 PM): I KNOW! alligator122 (9:17:11 PM): That shoulda one alligator122 (9:17:14 PM): *wone alligator122 (9:17:16 PM): *WON alligator122 (9:17:18 PM): good lord paleosharky (9:17:22 PM): no, the triplet song was good, just the cartoonies scared me alligator122 (9:17:32 PM): Yeah, alligator122 (9:17:34 PM): I know paleosharky (9:17:39 PM): oh, and dont talk to smarterchild... ever!!!! alligator122 (9:17:46 PM): why? alligator122 (9:17:48 PM): whad he say> paleosharky (9:18:06 PM): nicole and i have been having some issues with it... ist driving us bonzo alligator122 (9:18:17 PM): did u do the "crush" thing? paleosharky (9:18:18 PM): we'll explain tomorrow... too annoying alligator122 (9:18:31 PM): k paleosharky (9:18:34 PM): did u tell it anythiing? paleosharky (9:18:40 PM): alligator122 (9:18:41 PM): nope paleosharky (9:19:07 PM): gah! then who did! we spent like an hour tryping in all the sns we could think of, but it still sed "sum1has a crush on you!" alligator122 (9:19:23 PM): eeee... alligator122 (9:19:25 PM): kreepy paleosharky (9:19:34 PM): ya think?!?!?! paleosharky (9:19:38 PM): gah! alligator122 (9:19:42 PM): ew alligator122 (9:19:43 PM): ew alligator122 (9:19:43 PM): ew alligator122 (9:19:46 PM): ew alligator122 (9:19:52 PM): oh, and...ew. paleosharky (9:20:09 PM): except now i've told it all that, so when peole start talkign to it, theyre gonna, like, explode and come kill me paleosharky (9:20:17 PM): eew? eew what? alligator122 (9:20:36 PM): ew alligator122 (9:20:37 PM): hehehee paleosharky (9:20:41 PM): what?" alligator122 (9:20:46 PM): I don't know alligator122 (9:20:47 PM): sugar paleosharky (9:20:51 PM): fun paleosharky (9:21:12 PM): but that still doesnt answer the question of WHO TOLD IT THAT!!! alligator122 (9:21:12 PM): er. alligator122 (9:21:15 PM): not me. alligator122 (9:21:19 PM): i don't talk to smarter child paleosharky (9:21:29 PM): i;m not. i'm gonna destroy it paleosharky (9:21:35 PM): die die dieeeee! alligator122 (9:21:43 PM): what if it was gw? alligator122 (9:21:50 PM): *taps chin thoughtfully* alligator122 (9:21:55 PM): (only not) paleosharky (9:22:06 PM): it wasnt, thats the bad part, cuz now i've told it to smarterchild and if he ever talks to it... alligator122 (9:22:14 PM): oh alligator122 (9:22:17 PM): psh. alligator122 (9:22:23 PM): u ruined my thoughtful moment alligator122 (9:22:32 PM): i may never have another one again paleosharky (9:22:48 PM): i'm trying to dig myself out of a hole by diggen further. dig up!!!! alligator122 (9:22:55 PM): erm/ paleosharky (9:23:12 PM): its a metaphor... and a bad one at that... nevermind... alligator122 (9:23:36 PM): suuuuure paleosharky (9:23:43 PM): oh, and Grant didnt fall of the side of the earth, he just went to france and didnt tell anyone alligator122 (9:23:58 PM): "I'm making a new song about metaphor and analo-" *gets hit* alligator122 (9:24:00 PM): oh paleosharky (9:24:22 PM): yah....................... paleosharky (9:24:24 PM): ..................... paleosharky (9:24:28 PM): ........................ paleosharky (9:24:33 PM): so alligator122 (9:24:33 PM): sorry. paleosharky (9:24:38 PM): sorry what? alligator122 (9:24:40 PM): i watched a lot of tv over break paleosharky (9:24:46 PM): what break? paleosharky (9:24:58 PM): tomorrows March!!!! paleosharky (9:25:01 PM): yaaaaaay! alligator122 (9:25:05 PM): YAY alligator122 (9:25:08 PM): i lurv march paleosharky (9:25:15 PM): ...wow, i actually sed that while typing it..... oops... paleosharky (9:25:55 PM): march, oh march! how i do love thee! and how thine splendor doth be as heaven on mine eye! alligator122 (9:26:09 PM): bloody hell... paleosharky (9:26:27 PM): ............ omg, i'm turning into michael shanks................. alligator122 (9:26:42 PM): who> alligator122 (9:26:43 PM): ? paleosharky (9:26:49 PM): .......nvm..... alligator122 (9:26:54 PM): no, who is it? alligator122 (9:26:58 PM): is he hot? alligator122 (9:27:07 PM): hahaha alligator122 (9:27:09 PM): kidding alligator122 (9:27:32 PM): really alligator122 (9:27:33 PM): who? paleosharky (9:27:34 PM): an actor person who before he was on the big screen was in a shakespear troupe and did plays, he still does alligator122 (9:27:41 PM): well, that helps alligator122 (9:27:47 PM): wait... paleosharky (9:27:50 PM): ...of course, he's also the archaeologist on stargate..... dont kill me! alligator122 (9:27:50 PM): is he on stargate? alligator122 (9:27:54 PM): AH! alligator122 (9:27:59 PM): HES THE ONE WITH THE GLASSES???? alligator122 (9:28:02 PM): HES UGLY! paleosharky (9:28:04 PM): .....ya alligator122 (9:28:09 PM): STUPID GLASSES! alligator122 (9:28:15 PM): he's like harry potter paleosharky (9:28:18 PM): that depends what season u r watching alligator122 (9:28:18 PM): only not as hot alligator122 (9:28:19 PM): hahahahaha alligator122 (9:28:21 PM): kidding alligator122 (9:28:23 PM): sugar, sorry paleosharky (9:28:40 PM): in the early seaosns, yes, he's a geeky nerd paleosharky (9:28:50 PM): now, he got a haircut and is not so much alligator122 (9:28:53 PM): what u think hes hot? alligator122 (9:28:57 PM): hahahahhaha alligator122 (9:29:05 PM): I'm really hysterical right now paleosharky (9:29:13 PM): ...not erally/ paleosharky (9:29:19 PM): *eraly paleosharky (9:29:21 PM): **really alligator122 (9:29:24 PM): WHAT DO U MEAN NOT REALLLY?????? paleosharky (9:29:26 PM): alligator122 (9:29:28 PM): whoa... alligator122 (9:29:32 PM): three "l"s there paleosharky (9:29:44 PM): whacha talkin bout? alligator122 (9:29:53 PM): I don't know alligator122 (9:30:08 PM): I said, "what u think hes hot" and u said (after much difficulty) "not really" alligator122 (9:30:15 PM): what be uppin wid dat homey> alligator122 (9:30:19 PM): hahahhahaha alligator122 (9:30:21 PM): bbrb paleosharky (9:30:37 PM): with what? i'm talking to buch o people at once while plotting revenge on a robot alligator122 (9:31:50 PM): sorry... alligator122 (9:31:53 PM): i just got a drink alligator122 (9:31:58 PM): i was really hysterical there paleosharky (9:31:59 PM): ...rum??? alligator122 (9:32:02 PM): noooo whater alligator122 (9:32:05 PM): *water alligator122 (9:32:13 PM): DONT MAKE ME START ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!! paleosharky (9:32:13 PM): ...whoa, pirate moment.... freaky... alligator122 (9:32:24 PM): *starts to giggle drunkenly* paleosharky (9:32:27 PM): rum rum rummmy! alligator122 (9:32:40 PM): oh no...fool. paleosharky (9:32:44 PM): i've been to harlem i've been to dover! alligator122 (9:32:46 PM): i just fell of my seat alligator122 (9:32:51 PM): what? paleosharky (9:32:53 PM): i've traveled this wide world all over! paleosharky (9:32:57 PM): over over 3 times over alligator122 (9:33:04 PM): langston huges alligator122 (9:33:06 PM): i geddit paleosharky (9:33:08 PM): drink whacha hafta drink and turn the glasses over paleosharky (9:33:15 PM): sailing east, sailing west paleosharky (9:33:21 PM): sailing over the ocean alligator122 (9:33:29 PM): dude... paleosharky (9:33:31 PM): better watch out when the boat begins to rock alligator122 (9:33:36 PM): i'm cracking up and I'm not sure why paleosharky (9:33:39 PM): or you'll love ur gal in the oooocean! alligator122 (9:33:41 PM): THE DRUGS! RITALIN! alligator122 (9:33:50 PM): WOOOOOOOOOOo alligator122 (9:34:14 PM): sorry alligator122 (9:34:19 PM): I'll try to be normal, paleosharky (9:34:23 PM): wheee! drinking songs! alligator122 (9:34:26 PM): even tho u r freaked out of ur mind alligator122 (9:34:28 PM): probably paleosharky (9:34:32 PM): not really alligator122 (9:34:43 PM): so u know this is normal? paleosharky (9:34:49 PM): i just...holy guacamole! sill hafta do the history!!! alligator122 (9:34:59 PM): ohj alligator122 (9:35:00 PM): its easy alligator122 (9:35:04 PM): he probably wont check it paleosharky (9:35:11 PM): it better be, mallonee! paleosharky (9:35:19 PM): woooo, tipsy... alligator122 (9:35:32 PM): meh alligator122 (9:35:38 PM): I fell of my chair again paleosharky (9:35:46 PM): ...i like my ankh... alligator122 (9:35:47 PM): i think my padres wondering what all the noise is alligator122 (9:35:52 PM): ur what? alligator122 (9:35:56 PM): ankle? paleosharky (9:35:58 PM): my icon paleosharky (9:36:03 PM): its an ankh alligator122 (9:36:07 PM): it is? alligator122 (9:36:12 PM): its a thing...with the star paleosharky (9:36:23 PM): if ya cant see it, i can switch into AIm paleosharky (9:36:35 PM): no its not, i changed it yesterday paleosharky (9:36:47 PM): should i switch into AIM? alligator122 (9:36:49 PM): oh i cant see it alligator122 (9:36:51 PM): sure go ahead paleosharky (9:36:58 PM): ok then, brb paleosharky (9:37:03 PM): *** This user has signed off and is no longer online *** paleosharky (9:37:35 PM): *** This user has signed on and is now online *** alligator122 (9:37:40 PM): hehehee alligator122 (9:37:46 PM): back to the drunkard, eh? alligator122 (9:37:49 PM): i still cant see it paleosharky (9:38:18 PM): wait a tic, i have the wrong settings... alligator122 (9:38:25 PM): uh huh alligator122 (9:38:27 PM): thats what they all say alligator122 (9:38:30 PM): OOOH PIRATE! alligator122 (9:39:17 PM): hahahahaa alligator122 (9:39:19 PM): okay, high alligator122 (9:39:21 PM): just a bit paleosharky (9:39:38 PM): can u see it? alligator122 (9:39:45 PM): the pirate? alligator122 (9:39:52 PM): the pirate smiley? paleosharky (9:40:03 PM): no, the ankh! alligator122 (9:40:13 PM): nope alligator122 (9:40:31 PM): whats an ankh again? is that the egyptian symbol for life/death/pick one? paleosharky (9:42:27 PM): *** This user has signed off and is no longer online *** alligator122 (9:42:34 PM): what? paleosharky (9:42:36 PM): is not available. Message not delivered. paleosharky (9:42:37 PM): *** This user has signed on and is now online *** alligator122 (9:42:43 PM): what are u doing? paleosharky (9:42:46 PM): whadya see? alligator122 (9:42:47 PM): i'm talking to myself here alligator122 (9:42:50 PM): the pirate smiley paleosharky (9:42:54 PM): gah! paleosharky (9:42:59 PM): grr... alligator122 (9:43:02 PM): its hot alligator122 (9:43:03 PM): shut up paleosharky (9:43:04 PM): wait a tic alligator122 (9:43:17 PM): k paleosharky (9:43:45 PM): what now? paleosharky (9:43:57 PM): now? paleosharky (9:44:04 PM): now nownow onw noewwn oooo!?? alligator122 (9:44:05 PM): wait, what were we talking aboot b4? paleosharky (9:44:15 PM): ............ rum? alligator122 (9:44:42 PM): yes, yes, besides that? paleosharky (9:44:48 PM): ... water? paleosharky (9:44:54 PM): ...songs? paleosharky (9:45:06 PM): ........... plotting against smarterchild? alligator122 (9:45:15 PM): oh, wait wait, michael shanks and shakespere alligator122 (9:45:20 PM): *shakespeare* paleosharky (9:45:20 PM): oh yah... paleosharky (9:45:28 PM): hehe.... paleosharky (9:45:43 PM): i'm quite glad he got a haircut paleosharky (9:46:03 PM): but that was like 3 years ago... alligator122 (9:46:04 PM): what? alligator122 (9:46:09 PM): when did this happen? paleosharky (9:46:10 PM): what what? alligator122 (9:46:12 PM): what is going on? paleosharky (9:46:13 PM): what happen? paleosharky (9:46:17 PM): where? alligator122 (9:46:32 PM): shakespeare got a haircut 3 years ago? alligator122 (9:46:33 PM): HES A BLOODY CORPSE! paleosharky (9:46:56 PM): *** This user has signed off and is no longer online *** paleosharky (9:47:00 PM): *** This user has signed on and is now online *** alligator122 (9:47:04 PM): good lord woman! paleosharky (9:47:08 PM): sorry, the cponnectionis loco alligator122 (9:47:10 PM): HES STILL A BLOODY CORPSE! paleosharky (9:47:16 PM): no, shanks did alligator122 (9:47:17 PM): WILL S. THE BLOODY CORPSE alligator122 (9:47:19 PM): who? paleosharky (9:47:26 PM): shanks! alligator122 (9:47:32 PM): who? paleosharky (9:47:39 PM): shanks!!! alligator122 (9:47:44 PM): who? alligator122 (9:47:46 PM): what is going on? alligator122 (9:47:51 PM): i thought we were talking about shakespeare! alligator122 (9:47:54 PM): hhahahahahhah alligator122 (9:47:57 PM): kidding alligator122 (9:48:00 PM): i know who ur talking about alligator122 (9:48:03 PM): and I'm hysterical again alligator122 (9:48:10 PM): brb paleosharky (9:48:34 PM): michael shanks!!!! who is a shakespearean performer whoalso happens to play an arcaheologist on Stargate and got a haircut that i'm happy about!!! alligator122 (9:48:41 PM): oh paleosharky (9:48:47 PM): thats who i sounded like!!! alligator122 (9:48:56 PM): well, duh, who else were we talking about, shakespeare??? alligator122 (9:48:58 PM): crazy. alligator122 (9:49:00 PM): *shakes head* paleosharky (9:49:02 PM): alligator122 (9:49:14 PM): hehehehe alligator122 (9:49:22 PM): am I making ur life a living hell yet? paleosharky (9:49:25 PM): ........ excuse me, i need to go find shakespeares tomb and set sumthin straight alligator122 (9:49:29 PM): cuz I'm dying over here alligator122 (9:49:33 PM): hahahhaha alligator122 (9:49:33 PM): brvb alligator122 (9:49:35 PM): *brb paleosharky (9:49:38 PM): not as hellish as smarterchild alligator122 (9:49:39 PM): u know what i mean paleosharky (9:49:43 PM): ya paleosharky (9:49:54 PM): ok then paleosharky (9:50:26 PM): ...la dee da alligator122 (9:50:42 PM): okay, I'm back, madre wanted to punish me for laughing too hard alligator122 (9:50:53 PM): "STOP FALLING OFF OF THE GOD DAMN CHAIR!" alligator122 (9:51:04 PM): "But mommmmmm...." paleosharky (9:51:05 PM): *** This user has signed off and is no longer online *** paleosharky (9:51:14 PM): *** This user has signed on and is now online *** alligator122 (9:51:17 PM): "YOUR SISTER IS TRYING TO SLEEP! SIT UP STRAIGHT!" alligator122 (9:51:22 PM): okay, y do u do that? paleosharky (9:51:28 PM): whatever paleosharky (9:51:37 PM): bcuz i moved to the printer alligator122 (9:51:39 PM): ohhhh alligator122 (9:51:40 PM): duh paleosharky (9:51:47 PM): wifi, dude alligator122 (9:51:56 PM): what? alligator122 (9:52:00 PM): wifi! WIFI! paleosharky (9:52:06 PM): wireless internet connections alligator122 (9:52:20 PM): sorry, it took me a few years paleosharky (9:52:31 PM): not wifey, as in knifey wifey alligator122 (9:52:38 PM): hehehehhehehehehe paleosharky (9:52:40 PM): like in the simpsons! alligator122 (9:52:44 PM): so do u think hes hot? paleosharky (9:52:48 PM): who? paleosharky (9:53:05 PM): corpses? alligator122 (9:53:07 PM): shakespeare. hes a hunk alligator122 (9:53:08 PM): hehahahhahaha alligator122 (9:53:10 PM): kidding alligator122 (9:53:12 PM): michael shanks paleosharky (9:53:18 PM): what? alligator122 (9:53:18 PM): or michael bluth, whoever alligator122 (9:53:25 PM): pick one paleosharky (9:53:28 PM): shanks, the spacemonkey alligator122 (9:53:37 PM): yeah, him paleosharky (9:53:49 PM): what about spacemonkey?> alligator122 (9:53:49 PM): well? paleosharky (9:53:55 PM): what? alligator122 (9:54:03 PM): do u think hes hot? paleosharky (9:54:10 PM): well--- well water? alligator122 (9:54:12 PM): his wife has shiney teeth paleosharky (9:54:16 PM): get well soon? paleosharky (9:54:21 PM): wishing well? alligator122 (9:54:23 PM): hehehehhe paleosharky (9:54:25 PM): well paleosharky (9:54:26 PM): ? alligator122 (9:54:27 PM): dont make me die paleosharky (9:54:31 PM): what? alligator122 (9:54:36 PM): do I have to repeat myself AGAIN alligator122 (9:54:38 PM): ??? paleosharky (9:54:41 PM): ding dong, the ozmas dead! paleosharky (9:54:54 PM): quick! call ozzy! paleosharky (9:54:59 PM): ozzy ozzy ozzy! alligator122 (9:55:00 PM): what??? paleosharky (9:55:02 PM): oy oy oy! alligator122 (9:55:03 PM): WHAT!!! WRONG OZZY! paleosharky (9:55:04 PM): ozzy! paleosharky (9:55:05 PM): oy! paleosharky (9:55:07 PM): ozzy! paleosharky (9:55:10 PM): oy! paleosharky (9:55:16 PM): ozzy ozzy ozzy! paleosharky (9:55:18 PM): oy oy oy! alligator122 (9:55:18 PM): AND U RN'T ANSWERING THE QUESTION THAT COULD HARRASS U TO DEATH!!! paleosharky (9:55:26 PM): what question? paleosharky (9:55:36 PM): ...no the world isnt flat alligator122 (9:55:39 PM): LOOK UP IN THE BOX paleosharky (9:55:41 PM): and no, elvis isnt dead... paleosharky (9:55:44 PM): he just went home paleosharky (9:55:50 PM): alligator122 (9:55:54 PM): AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! paleosharky (9:55:59 PM): do you get it? alligator122 (9:56:14 PM): NOOOOOO alligator122 (9:56:16 PM): wait yes alligator122 (9:56:19 PM): I get it alligator122 (9:56:26 PM): u r just harrassing me and thats MY job paleosharky (9:56:39 PM): elvis went home... on a mothership.... in men in black... he's an alien.... um... yah... paleosharky (9:56:46 PM): i know it is paleosharky (9:56:50 PM): :D alligator122 (9:56:59 PM): ANSWER MY BLOODY QUESTION!!! WOMAN! paleosharky (9:57:00 PM): touché! paleosharky (9:57:13 PM): ...there we go again, talking like shanks... alligator122 (9:57:22 PM): bloodY? paleosharky (9:57:28 PM): no, touche alligator122 (9:57:34 PM): oh alligator122 (9:57:36 PM): thats french alligator122 (9:57:43 PM): A FRANcE! paleosharky (9:57:45 PM): he was um.. whats the dudes name? alligator122 (9:57:58 PM): shakespeare? paleosharky (9:58:15 PM): no, in one of the plays.. alligator122 (9:58:24 PM): hamlet? alligator122 (9:58:27 PM): hehehehehheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee alligator122 (9:58:29 PM): dying... paleosharky (9:58:38 PM): no, the other one... if mighta been hamlet.... alligator122 (9:58:47 PM): macbeth? paleosharky (9:58:54 PM): yes! thats it! paleosharky (9:58:58 PM): he was macbeth! paleosharky (9:59:06 PM): it was funny alligator122 (9:59:10 PM): well, thats a play im never c-ing alligator122 (9:59:17 PM): do u thing michael shanks is hot? alligator122 (9:59:22 PM): that was blunt paleosharky (9:59:44 PM): ....he's a cool dude, but i wouldnt say that alligator122 (10:00:09 PM): thats the question i've been TRYING to get u to answer for like the last twenty minutes paleosharky (10:00:11 PM): actually, a lot of the actors and actresses on stargate are fairly normal people alligator122 (10:00:17 PM): what, they aren't hot? alligator122 (10:00:21 PM): whats wrong with that show!! paleosharky (10:00:36 PM): amanda tapping when she was little wanted to be a marine biologist alligator122 (10:00:37 PM): the only reason I watch "Arrested Development" is because of Tobais alligator122 (10:00:41 PM): whoa... alligator122 (10:00:43 PM): thats od alligator122 (10:00:45 PM): *odd paleosharky (10:00:49 PM): why? alligator122 (10:01:03 PM): that tobias is a total hunk? paleosharky (10:01:27 PM): and Chris judge got into college on a football scholarship and played int he aloha bowl (football thing) b4 he started acting alligator122 (10:01:35 PM): hehehehhehehhe alligator122 (10:01:36 PM): who? alligator122 (10:01:46 PM): okay, id love to find out, but I g2g paleosharky (10:01:46 PM): the guy who plays Teal'c alligator122 (10:01:48 PM): oh alligator122 (10:01:49 PM): who> paleosharky (10:01:49 PM): ok then bye alligator122 (10:01:50 PM): ? paleosharky (10:01:53 PM): bye bye! alligator122 (10:01:59 PM): email me who all these peeps ar! alligator122 (10:02:06 PM): ar...swashswashbucklebuckle! paleosharky (10:02:07 PM): ... check the web or ask ur mom alligator122 (10:02:10 PM): okay alligator122 (10:02:14 PM): what... my mom? [listening to: White Flag by Dido] L@T3R ^|^V(H 8:47 PM
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