queen of the robots

Saturday, February 28

I STILL don't get why he calls himself "N@Rds".

Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004
From: "Rachel"
Subject: shoes and my vacation
To: norweigianbloo9@yahoo.com


ok, well i said i would email you about my weekend....but it would take like a century to type up everything i wanna say (u no i luv to say random stuff...a LOT of random stuff) (by the way, i've been practicing typing the word "random" cuz i was having a bit of trouble....nvm, i'll explain later) so i'm just gonna tell you that i'm gonna explain everything when u see my shoes...

i no ur probly laughing ur head off cuz that sounds really odd (the shoe thing), but it'll make sense later (when i show u my shoes...haha)


[listening to: ]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
9:06 AM

Thursday, February 26

Garth Vicious and Ozfinger

Tee hee. I haven't blogged in AGES. And A half. Just letting y'all know that Stonewall groupie Nicole has gone and gotten herself a blog. Visit it here. OR not. Whatever.

[listening to: The Chicago Soundtrack.]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
9:43 PM

Wednesday, February 18

Remember the words of the poet:

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn."

[listening to: Nothing]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
9:25 AM

Monday, February 16


Hee. I saw Arrested Development last night and I found it sooo freakin' hilarious.

Michael: Mom doesn't care whether you live or die, but if you don't die she wants you to be at the court house at four and wear the blue sweater.
Buster: Damn it, I hate the blue sweater!
Michael: She says it would look good with the gray pants.
Buster: Damn it, she's right!

Lucille: Oh, he's on his own for two days and already he joins a gang.
Buster: Mom, these people are the only things I have left to live for!

Ewww...the sock...

[listening to: Nada]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
9:51 AM

Saturday, February 14

I've joined a new fanlisting!

MoOgIrL527: i gg u sexy fuzz
alligator122: bye
alligator122: !
MoOgIrL527: SEXY FUZZ is ur new name


[listening to: Nothing]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
8:32 PM

Thursday, February 12

Mm, kettle corn.

HateTheCreepySub (5:48:19 PM): hey hey
HateTheCreepySub (5:48:24 PM): how long have u been on?
alligator122 (5:48:25 PM): yo
HateTheCreepySub (5:48:31 PM): me be so hungy
HateTheCreepySub (5:48:34 PM): yes hungy
alligator122 (5:48:34 PM): about half an hour
HateTheCreepySub (5:48:38 PM): !!!
alligator122 (5:48:42 PM): what?
HateTheCreepySub (5:48:44 PM): i didnt c u there.
alligator122 (5:48:46 PM): Oh
HateTheCreepySub (5:48:48 PM): lol im hyped up
alligator122 (5:48:52 PM): No. way.
HateTheCreepySub (5:48:55 PM): Oh. Right.
alligator122 (5:49:00 PM): what???
HateTheCreepySub (5:49:00 PM): I. Forgotted.
alligator122 (5:49:03 PM): Oh
HateTheCreepySub (5:49:08 PM): To speak properly.
alligator122 (5:49:09 PM): I just had two cupcakes
HateTheCreepySub (5:49:16 PM): ack i cant i cant i cant type right
HateTheCreepySub (5:49:21 PM): mmmmm kettle corn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HateTheCreepySub (5:49:38 PM): brbggp (actually gonna make kettle corn.)
alligator122 (5:49:41 PM): k
alligator122 (5:49:43 PM): save me sum!
HateTheCreepySub (5:49:47 PM): it might take me about 10 mins.
alligator122 (5:49:58 PM): oh
HateTheCreepySub (5:50:00 PM): dont leave while im gone ill get bored
alligator122 (5:50:03 PM): well, I still might be on
HateTheCreepySub (5:50:05 PM): dont dont dont leave fool.
alligator122 (5:50:29 PM): My parental unit might kick me off
HateTheCreepySub (5:51:19 PM): i be chillin till da microonas be dun, fool.
alligator122 (5:51:28 PM): K, cya, TFunke!
HateTheCreepySub (5:52:02 PM): what? i be here, yo
alligator122 (5:52:09 PM): oh.
HateTheCreepySub (5:52:13 PM): i not be leavin till da microondas is dund
alligator122 (5:52:19 PM): i thought u were going to the microondas
HateTheCreepySub (5:52:21 PM): and degrassi be on 2x 2nite fool
alligator122 (5:52:26 PM): are u going to skool 2moro
HateTheCreepySub (5:52:38 PM): i thot i would have to stand by it but nobody sed i had 2 when i walked away
HateTheCreepySub (5:52:39 PM): yeah
HateTheCreepySub (5:52:42 PM): u?
alligator122 (5:52:59 PM): Nope
alligator122 (5:53:03 PM): I decided not to
HateTheCreepySub (5:53:03 PM): !!!
HateTheCreepySub (5:53:05 PM): lucky
HateTheCreepySub (5:53:11 PM): i cant just "decide" not 2
HateTheCreepySub (5:53:20 PM): my grandma lives 4 this day u no
HateTheCreepySub (5:53:24 PM): brb fool
alligator122 (5:53:26 PM): Why can't u just ask ur parental unit if you dont wanna go?
alligator122 (5:53:27 PM): oh
alligator122 (5:53:39 PM): well, I don't have a grandparent or "special friend" coming, so...
HateTheCreepySub (5:53:51 PM): take anna!
HateTheCreepySub (5:54:01 PM): lol brbggp (gotta go popcornish)
alligator122 (5:54:04 PM): k
alligator122 (5:54:18 PM): she already goes to skool there, fool!
HateTheCreepySub (6:05:42 PM): yo
alligator122 (6:05:49 PM): yo
alligator122 (6:05:54 PM): Hows the popcornish>
HateTheCreepySub (6:05:57 PM): i no she goes 2 skool there
HateTheCreepySub (6:05:59 PM): goodsy
HateTheCreepySub (6:06:03 PM): luvin it
HateTheCreepySub (6:06:07 PM): dun actually
HateTheCreepySub (6:06:13 PM): mmmmmmmm kettletastick!
alligator122 (6:06:17 PM): Thanks.
alligator122 (6:06:20 PM): I don't have any!
HateTheCreepySub (6:07:23 PM): thats yo misfo-chun... hes bonafide!
alligator122 (6:07:29 PM): and don't make mcdonalds refrences
alligator122 (6:07:33 PM): Misfochun
alligator122 (6:07:38 PM): quien es?
HateTheCreepySub (6:07:49 PM): that wasnt a micdonalds referance
HateTheCreepySub (6:07:58 PM): it was oh brother where art thou
alligator122 (6:08:04 PM): "luvin it"
HateTheCreepySub (6:08:30 PM): GTG
HateTheCreepySub (6:08:32 PM): AHHAHAHHA
alligator122 (6:08:37 PM): fine
HateTheCreepySub (6:09:14 PM): DEGRASSI ALL NIGHT LONG GTG LUV YA KOBESTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
alligator122 (6:09:21 PM): Kobesters?

[listening to: the Distillers - Hall of Mirrors]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
6:10 PM

Wednesday, February 11

There's a monkey here...and it has pointy teeth!

And that's a lie. I just had to post something.

[listening to: Yer mum.]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
6:58 PM

Tuesday, February 10

You can't really see some of them...


[listening to: Nothing]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
8:07 PM

"Tell me about this mysterious...hermano..."

Insane. I haven't even seen the episode and I quote it. Ah, well, we ran out of tape.

Not Scotch tape or anything, video tape.

So. Just for the sake of TFunke I'm gonna Post something. Oh yeah. KDogg and TFunke, next time Arrested Development is on, could one of you tape it? Cuz I might not be able to watch it.

Oh, yeah, one more thing. *waggles tongue* HOOP! "On has the same first letter as off..."

[listening to: My stomach growling. I am hungy!]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
5:44 PM

Saturday, February 7


Don't you love how I never blog anymore? Hah, hah, I'm sure you do.


[listening to: ]

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0 can bleed like me
1:27 PM

Which brings me to my next point - Security.

*sigh* I wanna see "Best in Show" again. I saw it once, but I didn't really get it. (I was one confused 11 year old...)

[listening to: Bad Buisness by Phantom Planet]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
11:06 AM

Tuesday, February 3

"You - my wife!" "Whu?"

Priceless quotes.

[listening to: Nothing]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
7:24 PM

Monday, February 2

You and ur mom

Lion!!!!!! WOW!!! You are sexy, strong, and
seductive!!! YOU'RE SO HOT that you're ON
FIRE(Not literally)!!! However, you haven't had
much luck in love recently!!!!! So, remember to
be extra loving, show that you care, and
DEFINATELY share with the ones you adore!!!!
*Do this and you will glow radiantly!!!*

Which Animagus Form Would YOU Be???
brought to you by Quizilla

[listening to: Drug lady Rap ]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
7:33 PM


Which [Smallville] Characters are you?

Are You Naughty or Nice?

[listening to: Coma]

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0 can bleed like me
4:22 PM

"Why can't you talk just like a normal person?!"

So, It turns out that Mia "Aah its a hand grenade" A. has seen "Waiting for Guffman". Hee. Best. Movie. Ever.

DRUG LADY CAME TODAY! "It's better to be in a coma."

(And more randomly - Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban)

[listening to: Nothing]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
4:06 PM

Sunday, February 1


UFO Expert: I've been coming to this circle for about five years, and measuring it. The diameter and the circumference are constantly changing, but the radius stays the same. Which brings me to the number 5. There are five letters in the word Blaine. Now, if you mix up the letters in the word Blaine, mix 'em around, eventually, you'll come up with Nebali. Nebali. The name of a planet in a galaxy way, way, way... way far away. And another thing. Once you go into that circle, the weather never changes. It is always 67 degrees with a 40% chance of rain.

[listening to: Nada]

L@T3R ^|^V(H

0 can bleed like me
4:47 PM