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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Friday, October 31Hi! I'm at Katherine's house. No, seriously.4:22 PM
Thursday, October 30AGH! For the ENTIRE Wednsday and Tuesday night and the early Thursday, THERE HAS BEEN NO INTERNET! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo *pant pant* OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Anyhoo...No school! (Sorta...) Went to the Bay School. Since all the groups were called "The [insert rest of name here] Milli was all, "You know what? Let's call ourselves "Too Cool For 'The'". So...that was our name. Then worked on 'Dead Angel' costume. V. cool. WATCHED MY NEW FAVORITE SHOW, TRU CALLING! I loveded it! There were dead people...and...and...more dead people! But Tru really needs a car. All she does is run around...again...and again...forever. I swear, mebbe her Crack-snortin' sister can buy her a nice, Red Jetta. Those are cool. Like...whenever. 9:31 PM
Tuesday, October 28Mmm. TUESDAY! The week is... *counts on fingers* Whatever. Close to being done, sorta, kinda, not really.So...Today. NO PE! YAY! *claps* But ART! My project is only halfway done, and my teacher's like, "HURRY UP AND FINISH THE GOD DAMN PROJECT!" Whatev. Then...Spanish. Running all over the place because only one printer workeded. Agh. (DEATH!!) Then...BALLOON CARS! I didn't get very far, *chuckles* But mine was the coolest built one. It had my asthma inhaler! But thank God that's done. Few. I coulda used that! *points to the empty inhaler* Lunch...and a green hilighter. Laudinator and Kath were @ Bay Skool. Mills and I go on Thurs. I'll write about that then. MATH: Um...I have a HUGE test on the 4th. Yay. ENGLISH: GRAMMAR! HISTORY: Lewis and Clark. Not Lois and Clark. I thought it was, and I said really loudly, "LOIS and Clark? What does that have to do with anything?" And then I realized..."Oh. Lewis and Clark. Gotcha." Later...um...later! 4:38 PM
Monday, October 27ARG! It was so freaking hot today! And it's October! *wails* I HATE this weather with the power of a thousand burning suns! (NOT nuns...where's Katherine? She wouldn't go see Pirates with me. She sucks.) Geddit? Suns? Heat? HEE HEE, GET IT! *cakles insanely* Whoo, boy this weather is getting to me. (Damn...sorta.) We did football in PE today, and that was insane. It was only 10 oclock and everyone was dying. We Looked up methods of death on the internet, and I found this creepy visual of a guillotineand everyone was like, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEw! IT so totally was. LATER 4:33 PM
Sunday, October 26My internet has been freaking out for the past few hours! Jesus F-ing Christ! I haven't been able to do ANYTHING! Now that's not fair. And I've been thinking....(The pain! IT BURNS!!! Ken Burns?) I hate physics with the power of a thousand burning suns.Later. 8:30 PM
My computer died and my dad is yelling for me to come down to dinner. Dad: GET DOWN HERE FOR DINNER! Me: OKAY! JUST A SEC! Dad: WHAT?! Me: OKAY! JUST A SEC! Dad: WHAT? Me:OKAY! JUST A SEC! Dad: YOU DON'T HAVE TO YELL! GRR! Later. 6:31 PM
So then we drove for 10 HOURS *ahem* 45 minutes to 'Bob's Pumpkin Patch, HOME GROWN'. Mmm, pumpkins. Except...not There was this hot guy there, and I mean REALLY hot in normal people's language, and he coulda been, oh, two years older than me? I dunno. But he was hot. *drools* (Eli - At least it's better than your "kartoon krush (k)on Kurt." *snerk* I totally just made that up, BTW.) We got pumpkins. YAY! Then we drove about...and about...and about...and I had no DISCMAN! And I go to LICK WILMERDING open house in a few hours. By til then! 11:49 AM
Saturday, October 256:38 PM
I've been working on my balloon car for science class...And I feel so dizzy and lightheaded. It's so not funny. I'm using my asthma inahler (sign of a dork, but WHATEV!) as the body and my balloon on one end and a straw on the other and there's a leakage and I huff and puff but NOTHING happens, and then it does, and it all goes back into my lung cavity (?) and then I die. Thanks, Deems. My English essay is killing me. In fact, it's been killing me so much I'm dead. All this explains why I'm posting for the fourth time today. 6:12 PM
Ow. I've seen Pirates of the Carribean 3 times, but my friend wants to see it again. (AgaiN! The loser!) I live less than a block away from a movie theature, and PotC leaves on Thursday. So it's like, such a dillemma. Oh, hell, I'll just call her. 4:11 PM
And I had a coffee. I just published my first entry, like, 5 minutes ago. I'm really supposed to be working now, so, um, like, so, bye. EXCEPT NOT! 9:55 AM
So. This is a random post, as all of these will be, and so I'll start out by telling the reader (who is like, "who is this freak?!") All about me. I like orange, The Simpsons, South Park, Your Mom, (heh heh) Pirates of the Caribbean, Xmen, (the Movies and the Cartoons, yes, I am lame, why do you ask?) the Sabriel Series, Redwall, Tamora Pierce, Televisionwithoutpity.com, Glarkware, Sugar, Coffee, Caffeine, etc, etc, Orlando Bloom, Alias, Electric Bass, the Distillers, the Donnas, Nirvana, cookies, punks, that really hot man I saw at Lowell, the Yankees, the Giants, (but not in order of preference), Money, those weird things that go “woooooonk, woooooonk” when you turn them upside down, Harry Potter, Stalking Katherine, and, um, that’s it. Wait, there's more, but I forgot it. Um...oops. *lame smile* MORE LATER WHEN I REMEMBER I HAVE A BLOG NOW!!! 9:53 AM
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