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AIM: hotpinkavocado or alligator 122 |
Friday, May 12hotpinkavocado: MICHAELMichael Bluth: i'm in love with youhotpinkavocado: i love u tooMichael Bluth: and i might be the tiniest bit late to your partyMichael Bluth: but ill be therehotpinkavocado: thats goodMichael Bluth: (cue mr. been theme song)hotpinkavocado: beanhotpinkavocado: mr beanhotpinkavocado: GOLLYMichael Bluth: noMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: bea Michael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: nhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again. Michael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: direct connect ushotpinkavocado wants to directly connect. Michael Bluth: i keep going over the im limitMichael Bluth is now directly connected. Michael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: beanMichael Bluth: been!Michael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: bean, dammit!Michael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: BEANhotpinkavocado: BEAN BEAN BEANMichael Bluth: BEENMichael Bluth: BEEN BEEN BEENMichael Bluth: beeeeeeeeenMichael Bluth: admit you're wrong, woolittle!hotpinkavocado: http://www.mrbean.co.uk/Michael Bluth: this proves nothinghotpinkavocado: its MR BEANMichael Bluth: beenhotpinkavocado: sore loserMichael Bluth: thats propeganda, i sayMichael Bluth: been!hotpinkavocado: propAgandaMichael Bluth: propegandaMichael Bluth: propegandaMichael Bluth: propeganda!Michael Bluth: this website is messed uphotpinkavocado: what is with u and this lack of A'shotpinkavocado: omj!!!Michael Bluth: i sent you an ecardMichael Bluth: from mr beenhotpinkavocado: hoay!hotpinkavocado: horrayhotpinkavocado: whooopsMichael Bluth: hoay!Michael Bluth: hoayMichael Bluth: hoayMichael Bluth: admit it, you're always the wrong oneMichael Bluth: its your placeMichael Bluth: in the circle of lifehotpinkavocado: SHUT UPMichael Bluth: im hurtMichael Bluth: like a wounded emu, i fallhotpinkavocado: oMjhotpinkavocado: i didnt meant othotpinkavocado: toMichael Bluth: to what?Michael Bluth: harrass me beyond believe?hotpinkavocado: wound uMichael Bluth: wound me up and let me goMichael Bluth: i spin!hotpinkavocado: OMJMichael Bluth: ya?hotpinkavocado: noMichael Bluth: this is what i do to andrew for hOURshotpinkavocado: i was laughingMichael Bluth: no what?Michael Bluth: lagging?Michael Bluth: i did that oncehotpinkavocado: LAUGHINGhotpinkavocado: i dont laggMichael Bluth: never make that mistake againMichael Bluth: lagg on what? obscene.Michael Bluth: guess what???Michael Bluth: guess who i met today????hotpinkavocado: WHOhotpinkavocado: ???hotpinkavocado: hurry hotpinkavocado: tell meMichael Bluth: omj, get REALLY EXCITEDhotpinkavocado: quickhotpinkavocado: quickMichael Bluth: are you dying to know?hotpinkavocado: YESMichael Bluth: well, brbggp......hotpinkavocado: quick tell mehotpinkavocado: WAT?hotpinkavocado: u punkhotpinkavocado: me: hey is it "mr bean" or "mr been"????francisco: "Mr. Bean" i thinkme: u think righthotpinkavocado: u are WRONGMichael Bluth: i am herehotpinkavocado: here and WRONGMichael Bluth: you arnt talking to franciscoMichael Bluth: i know it for a factMichael Bluth: i am talking to franciscohotpinkavocado: lol yes i amMichael Bluth: ghettoflab223?Michael Bluth: its a play on words, "FLAB"Michael Bluth: isnt that cooooool???hotpinkavocado: waithotpinkavocado: huhotpinkavocado: uhMichael Bluth: what?Michael Bluth: is that happiness, anger, or indigestion?hotpinkavocado: ghettoflab223Michael Bluth: cha?Michael Bluth: dont repeat what i said at meMichael Bluth: 2shay!Michael Bluth: u thurr?hotpinkavocado: tochehotpinkavocado: yesMichael Bluth: 2SHAYhotpinkavocado: i was laughinghotpinkavocado: nohotpinkavocado: wrongMichael Bluth: touche, actually, that time you are wrongMichael Bluth: touche!!! 2shay!!!Michael Bluth: stop lagging and type!hotpinkavocado: I AM NOT LAGGINGMichael Bluth: ya i can c uMichael Bluth: me n francisco are taping your every moveMichael Bluth: we saw you doing dirrrrty thingshotpinkavocado: umhotpinkavocado: im watching the newsMichael Bluth: like cleaning lint out of the nooks and crannies of your roomMichael Bluth: i seen it happenMichael Bluth: u thurr?Michael Bluth: quit all yo games, yohotpinkavocado: i am NOT playin gameshotpinkavocado: i am not a playahotpinkavocado: omjhotpinkavocado: did i tell u the story about the "little asian playa"Michael Bluth: im a lil asian playa, yoMichael Bluth: brb i need 2 tape smthnghotpinkavocado: NOhotpinkavocado: i didnd think of PLAYA as in like, 'playerhotpinkavocado: but i was all, "beach? little asian beach?"hotpinkavocado: u knohotpinkavocado: playa = beach in spanishhotpinkavocado: HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO TAPE SOMETHINGhotpinkavocado: AHHHhotpinkavocado: OMJhotpinkavocado: hurrrrrrrrrry uphotpinkavocado: ghettoflab223 is telling me all about his trophyshotpinkavocado: hurrrrry upMichael Bluth direct connection is closed. Michael Bluth signed off at 11:12:51 PM. sorry that's gross i'll fix it later I'M ON A MISSION [listening to: ] 9:38 PM
Sunday, April 23"Brian, I'll be honest with you - that smells like pure gasoline."I haven't used this thing in ages. That makes me sad. Another thing that makes me sad is a certain person who I might like (maybe not, I'm still on the fence) has been avoiding me and when this person avoids people its when they like them and I don't want them to like me but then again I do, but for completely different reasons and I hope I'm being paranoid and its not actually a truth but then again I want it to be one hundred percent true and I'm completely torn. On the plus side, Grey's Anatomy tonight! 8:29 PM
Sunday, February 5"It's like we're trapped in the closet."Days w/o Myspace: 06:15:48Bwahahaha it's been almost a week, only nine more hours until I can go on. So last night I went to Vicky's party and we hung around and Meg went crazy and then we went down town to H&M and Urban Outfitters and Wallgreens (omg Monster) and then to Lori's Diner for dinner and they had a phone booth that Meg&I got stuck in and after dinner Emma, Pearl, Vicky, Meg, and I stayed there for a little while and while everyone else played arcade games Meg and I went to Wallgreens and bought them fantastic cards like, "Happy Bat Mitzvah!" and "It's a Girl!" and "God had this in his plans for you!" (which we didn't understand) and we handed them out without explaination and then Meg shoved two Reeses in her mouth and it took her a minute and a half to eat it and then we tagged some iPod ads and then we ate cake and sang old songs about cannibalism and shit and then we had a mini dance party but I was crashing from my caffiene rush and then I went to sleep. I have to go to Haight St. today omg. [listening to: "Nights of the Living Dead" Tilly and the Wall] 10:44 AM
Monday, January 30"Are you telling me that entire revelation was because I didn't mix right? Go to Hell!"Days w/o Myspace: 0:20:46Today was pretty good, I guess. I don't really have anything to say, except I get frustrated with people who glom on to me. Haha, glom. Anyway I definately get frustrated with Katie who, while she has intentions of being nice, just gets up in my face literally two inches away from me and starts practically breathing down my neck. I MISS THE OLD BLOGGER FROM 8th GRADE. I MISS 8th GRADE. Oh we're having a drug lady come in and talk to us this week. Me: We're having the Drug Lady during English. Katherine: We're missing English? I love drugs!! AHH I miss her. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELI!!! [listening to: "Meet The Dealer" Celo] 4:47 PM
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